Thank you for this information, very kind of you.Nice! Enjoy the Educational Journey, when working with plants and biology it will be never ending!
I’m personally not a fan of cal/mag due to the “calcium Nitrate” Imo nitrates are to be avoided. Excess nitrates are very hard for the plants to covert. Nitrates grow plants with lush green weak growth that under a microscope the cells are so weak the ooze. Nitrogen in the form of Nitrates increases the plants need to uptake water and the plant now has to spend 60% of its energy to try to convert it. Plants with high nitrates are a calling card for sucking insects like caterpillars, aphids and white flies. The plant has to convert its nitrogen to the “amino acid sugar fraction”, ammonium nitrogen would be the better option ie less converting in the plant, next best is urea, next best is amino acid nitrogen that requires very little plant energy to convert, fish is already in the form of amino acid also lots of new nitrogen products coming out in that form now. But also Nitrogen is constantly changing in cool wet soil will drive nitrate conversion , warm soil will drive ammonium conversion. Nitrate has a vegative effect and ammonium has a reproductive effect.
I’m a regen farmer by trade, so I live in soil and plant health thoughts, I’ve learned how to grow crops with zero pesticides and fungicides, this is one of the keys,in my other crops most pest and disease can be stopped completely by doing everything to avoid nitrate and focus on calcium instead. For calcium we use lime only if ph is low, otherwise gypsum (calcium sulfate) for magnesium epsom salt ( magnesium sulfate)
With that said I do notice that cannabis can tolerate some nitrates fine, more than my vegetable crops that I figure is because it’s a pioneering plant nature uses for bio remediation prior to the next succession of species
I’m just rambling, TMI, wrong place for this, Good luck! I’m sure that A5 is going to smoke great!
I will put a little more effort into it have to work more precisely with the nutrients
I'll wait a bit if there is no change I will repot or flush the plant