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killed by dozer for 10 plants


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Naw man the guy died because he ran and hid the cops were "doing their job" it may seem unjust but it's the guys fault for running

Agreed. Fight the case in court. Push for jury nullification.

For small time growers/hobbyists, it's the only winning move in illegal states.


Well-known member
The cop that drove the dozer should have been tested for drugs and alcohol just like any other person would have been for having a job site accident.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The way I read this was the Game Commission employee( fish and game warden) was driving the dozer with a cop on board relaying directions by radio from the heli above. They must not have had FLIR. If they did that's Murder. He was hiding in the brush when the dozer drove onto him and stopped crushing him. His family should win there lawsuit. We all know the odds of that happening are low.


Active member
The way I read this was the Game Commission employee( fish and game warden) was driving the dozer with a cop on board relaying directions by radio from the heli above. They must not have had FLIR. If they did that's Murder. He was hiding in the brush when the dozer drove onto him and stopped crushing him. His family should win there lawsuit. We all know the odds of that happening are low.

Mr. Weaver got a few gubbament shekels for the murder of his wife. Would be interested if Lavoy Finicum’s family has brought a lawsuit against the government or not. Sadly this guy won’t get paid. Government is more upset they lost a wage slave than his death itself


Naw man the guy died because he ran and hid the cops were "doing their job" it may seem unjust but it's the guys fault for running


his fault for running?

thats the scummiest and wimpiest thing I have heard on here for awhile.

one more person to add to the ignore list.


mama tried
as kid growing up in 90s it was a warzone every fall heli's pigs rolling up with mp5's. some good people/families got screwed. rockefeller laws didnt help either. it was a shitshow


Active member
it’s fucking Incredible how pigs are trained to be stupid all over the world ,but in America it seems you can die because you farted in public place.To many fucked up storys in that country.


Well-known member
as another has posted, they rolled out a killdozer for 10 fucking plants?
has to be a statement mindset that cops have, probably 1st choice was napalm


Well-known member
I'm a little surprised of all people you would say that Rolando.i thought you were being sarcastic.

Lol at they were just doing their job.this is bullshit.i hope the family gets every penny when they Sue and win cause I'd bet they will.i just wish the guy wasn't so fucking stupid growing in a state park.fuckers


"It's just a flesh wound"
DAMN!! The man himself! Didn't even know you were still here KGB.you should stop by more often.
Wtf happened to Hashmasta?
I guess it's possible the guy really was tweaking and freaked out about his plants.maybe he didn't even know it was the cops.htf did they sneak up on these guys with a bulldozer? My ass would of been running through the woods the second I heard it.

What a long strange trip its been, life sometimes interrupts leisure time :)


Indicas make dreams happen
Something about the whole story seems really off. I understand the argument about not fucking up our parks and forests but than why would they use a bulldozer and damage the forest more than what a 10 plant grow would? If they already found their cars and knew where their plants were at couldn't they catch them with conventional, less costly and destructive means?

Also, a guy tweaked out on meth didn't hear a 1-2 MPH bulldozer coming and take the hell off? There's been way too many of these outlandish "accidental" deaths involving police lately. Didn't some girl somehow shoot herself in the head while handcuffed in a 5-0 cruiser or something like that? Shit's messed up.