Indicas make dreams happen
No matter what type of clock/watch it is, stoners from any generation will always be able to find 4:20 on it.
I think I’m old, I’m 63...
Yes I know what a loop is.
I ported X-Windows to Xenix, look it up.
I can make change in my head.
I know how to use Calculus, and imitate it.
I’ll fix your printer if you need help.
Worked on ARPNET and Yellow pages for NASA before you were born. (That’s before WWW)
You should really look inward at yourself.
What great things are you going to do in your life?
The black kid was funny. Now they did cheat when they used the roman numeral clock.
When I grew up, the most important thing in the world was knowing how to shoe a horse. Without my horse, I could not plow my fields to eat. Without my horse, I had no means of transportation to get to town to buy supplies.
Truth is, you can't stay alive without knowing how to shoe a horse. It's one of the most important things in life.
Fast forward to today.
My great-grandchildren can't shoe a fucking horse. I ask them all the time.....How are they going to survive? They just laugh and say, "Oh Grandpa".
Maybe what was important at one time, is no longer important today.
Shoeing horses, reading analog clocks...... or using a bottle opener (that's a whole nother story LOL)
I'd hate to see what happens if people go without electricity for any length of time. Shit, I see how bad people flip out when their WIFI doesn't work for two hours. Two weeks without electricity would make some people go insane. I can't charge my iPhone! What will I doooo!
Me, I'd go fishing, read a book, cook over fire, burn a candle. People have grown stupid and lazy.
and if you gave any of them a '3 on the tree tranny' they'd poop their Calvins & text their bff for a ride.......