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Keto/Low-carb Recipes Collection


Hi folks what do you cook on a keto/low-carb diet?

My favourite dish for breakfast is steamed egg pudding.

I whisk equal volume of egg with warm chicken broth in a bowl, cover with clear film and steam that mixture in a waterbath. The container should be ~2/3 submerged in the water and the waterbath should not be fully closed so some steam can escape.

I can't give u a time for that but when u shake the container and everything is one wobbly mass its ready. F.e. egg out of fridge and cold salmon took ~20min but only roomtemp egg took ~11min. Add some soy sauce and sesame oil and enjoy hot.

Plain egg+broth is good tasting for me but i like to add some extra protein like chicken breast, ham, salmone, sardines or shrimp. All add a different taste to the eggs my favourite so far are chickenbreast with splash of chipottle or gravlax.
today i had it first time with canned sardines in water. I used the can water instead of broth and it turned out deliciouse. But the consitency was more soft and some juices seperated.

Warning: i use this meal to break my ~36h fast and the first times i got diarrhea eating 2 eggs as pudding right after waking up.
Now its 1 egg with added protein 1-3h after waking up and i got less gi problems.

I will add some photos the next time i make the pudding.


Eggs with veggies, tempeh and chanterelle.

1 teaspoon butterlard and 3 tsp of pepper lardo are render down in a pan.

Click image for larger version  Name:	20210816_131124~2.jpg Views:	4 Size:	86.2 KB ID:	17919759

1 small onion is chopped medium fine and roasted till they start to get color.

Click image for larger version  Name:	20210816_131613~2.jpg Views:	4 Size:	171.0 KB ID:	17919760

100g tempeh cut in stripes is roasted till it browns and then ~ 1 handfull cut zucchini is added.

Click image for larger version  Name:	20210816_132055~2.jpg Views:	4 Size:	178.1 KB ID:	17919761

When the zucchini start to shrink i add some premaid roast chantarelle with onion and parsley.

Click image for larger version  Name:	20210816_132641~2.jpg Views:	4 Size:	240.5 KB ID:	17919762

1 small tomato and 3 eggs are added and mixed in and then the pan is covered. I remove the lid 2-3 to shake of the moisture that condense on it.

Click image for larger version  Name:	20210816_132840~2.jpg Views:	4 Size:	187.1 KB ID:	17919763

For serving i drizzel 1 tsp. tangerine flavoured olive oil on the plate and add salt and pepper how i like.

Click image for larger version  Name:	20210816_133604~2.jpg Views:	4 Size:	178.1 KB ID:	17919764
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I sometimes have baked aubergine with herbs and mozzarella on top. Is that real keto?

I think it is keto because both main ingredient are quiet low in carbs. The mozzarella is also a good protein and fat source. If u can get real buffalo mozzarella it would be best, more calcium, vitamines and better digestible.

U start ketosis when u cut your total carbs to less then 30-50g per day and keep that for min 3 days.


Well-known member
I tried keto a few years ago and and I went low carb many years ago but discovered that if I don´t have enough carbs I just feel really ill.
I started eating by my blood type again at the beginning of ths year and it´s really great :) and I do recommend it to others to try out. You can combine it with keto and low carb no problem too if you want.


I react sensitive to carbs. My last change in diet before alternate day fasting and keto/ low carbs was adding some diy birchermuesli to my breakfast routine and i gained 5kg in 10 days. Diabetes is also common in my family what is also a motivation to try keto for some time.


Well-known member
diabetes is not funny. But all carb food is different. I´ve switched to potatoes mostly now and I rarely eat pasta or rice these days. For the most part I´ve been on salads and protein and when I felt I needed carbs I just have some potatoes.
Sometime this spring I got out of the shower one morning, looked in the mirror and thought: `hey, it looks like I´ve lost weight`. But I´ve been under that impression before and it tuned out I hadn´t really. Anyway sometime later I weighed myself and voila - I was down 3-4 kg. that was in april/may. So far I´ve lost 10kg altogether and I´m ever so pleased :) Even my dad noticed it and he´s totally ingorant about everything! I mean he NEVE>R notices anything, like when my mum comes back fromt he hairdresser etc... :biggrin:

I´ve you´re worried about diabetes, I do recommend reading the book about the 4 blood groups by Dr.Peter J.D´Adamo and Catherine Whitney. It´s really interesting and a fairly quick read, since you end up focusing on your own blood type really.
Like I said, you can incorporate low carb into it easily :)


Well-known member
I don't do keto but one of the things I make probably qualifies, brussel sprouts, carrots, zucchini, garlic dipped in avocado oil and balsamic vinegar and roasted, it then gets mixed with gravy made from vegetable stock, mushrooms, green pepper, and onion with a couple tbsp flour


I don't do keto but one of the things I make probably qualifies, brussel sprouts, carrots, zucchini, garlic dipped in avocado oil and balsamic vinegar and roasted, it then gets mixed with gravy made from vegetable stock, mushrooms, green pepper, and onion with a couple tbsp flour

I would skip the flour but the rest sounds good.
You could try to cream the gravy with butter. Whisk some cold butter in the gravy before serving. That will thicken it up a little bit and add nice butter flavour. But thats not a lasting effect and you have to do it right before serving.


Well-known member
How about a nice Moussaka - it´s just aubergine and a minced meat ( beef or lamb) sauce. I tried it with potatoes the other wekk but didn´t really like it at all for some reason. And I didn´t use tommatoes either. It´s both keto and low carb though, if you leave out the potaoes :)


How about a nice Moussaka - it´s just aubergine and a minced meat ( beef or lamb) sauce. I tried it with potatoes the other wekk but didn´t really like it at all for some reason. And I didn´t use tommatoes either. It´s both keto and low carb though, if you leave out the potaoes :)

I hate "egg plant" (aubergine) It goes soggy when cooked, especially in a "moussaka"

I like then as baba ganoush. Moussaka has some childhood memorys of beeing forced to eat it.

Without the potatoes it could pass as lowcarb or keto depending on what else is used.


Well-known member
I hate "egg plant" (aubergine) It goes soggy when cooked, especially in a "moussaka"

never been my facourite either if I´m honest but I´ve been kinda getting used to them. I still don´t like the skin however, so I always peel it. I only eat it because it´s healthy and because I´m eating by my blood type again.


Comfortably numb!
I hear ya good buddy. I think they call it Aubergine (French) to make it sound more glamorous/exotic/appealing :)


Well-known member
I hear ya good buddy. I think they call it Aubergine (French) to make it sound more glamorous/exotic/appealing :)

lol, i´ve only ever heard americans call it egg plant hehe. Dunno why. Germans also call it aubergine... who knows why we call fruits and verggies the way we do right?


Comfortably numb!
lol, i´ve only ever heard americans call it egg plant hehe. Dunno why. Germans also call it aubergine... who knows why we call fruits and verggies the way we do right?

My grand father (Canadian) called it aubergine and showed me what it looked like (egg plant). He was a farmer. Mind you he didn't speak English.


Well-known member
My grand father (Canadian) called it aubergine and showed me what it looked like (egg plant). He was a farmer. Mind you he didn't speak English.

How about these ones. although they´re hardly healthy so maybe not a good idea on this thread lol :biglaugh:


Steamed egg pudding with salmon

One large egg is opened at the top(volume measure)


The same amount of warm bone broth is whisked with the egg in the container used for steaming.

150g of cold smoked wild caught sockeye salmon is cut into small slices and mixed with the egg/broth.


The container is sealed with clear film.


And steamed in a waterbath with the lip slightly open.


When ready everything is one mass and nothing liquid. After 13min this mix was not ready. I didn't want to wait the extra 5min so i microwaved it for 1min


I always season with some soysauce and roast sesame oil and enjoy hot.




moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
I would skip the flour but the rest sounds good.
You could try to cream the gravy with butter. Whisk some cold butter in the gravy before serving. That will thicken it up a little bit and add nice butter flavour. But thats not a lasting effect and you have to do it right before serving.

There's alternative thickeners that I'm fairly sure qualify as keto, such as ground psyllium, which will even thicken in cold water, let alone heated. There's also what we refer to as a vegan egg, made with grain and water. Can't recall which grain; my wife does that part of the cooking./

Like yourself, I try to keep carbs to a minimum, and as cuddles stated (I think) each person's metabolism, is different re. what carbs are processed without problems, and which carb sources cause escalated glucose levels.

I use 100% pure organic maple syrup rather than honey, etc., as, especially when used in moderation, it adds very little 'bounce' to glucose numbers.

I used to be able to eat watermelon like a fiend and sometimes still do, but my metabo9lism has shifted a bit in that regard. And even then, not all melons/varieties of melons are equal, let alone who grew them, which also affects carb/sugar content.

As we age, our metabolism changes and so does the effect of what we eat, how much, and how often. at this point, other than for the immune system boost rom honey (*especially local honey), it affects my glucose about the same as refined sugar, which I don't eat AT ALL.

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