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Kerala Landrace info


Well-known member
@ Curbiechris, no mint smell I can make out, maybe that will develope later in the cure?
As for skunky, no but the strange thing is when I grew the seed plant ( on a windowsill, in a shed, lol ) when moving the plant around, once or twice I picked up a skunky scent and when I tried to investigate further by rubbing the stem, stroking leaves and even shaking the plant, I got nothing, weird.
Also, once during the grow I took her out of the tent and could smell it again but nothing since.
The smell when I open the jar is musky with a hint of over ripe fruit, pretty much the same when growing.


Well-known member
Hola RC, no these seeds are not from R.s.c but from bag seed collected in Varhkala, Kerala, herb was scored from a newsagents, lol.
Its very easy to score there, my friend who brought them back for me, sussed it out his first day there.
Beautiful pics of your Kerala, better bud structure outside in your part of the world.:biggrin:
Sacred seeds recommended a greenhouse when grown in California.


Well-known member
Phenomenal... Seriously.

Maybe next time run two clones - one in mix with more food than this run, one in a mix with less food than this one

Hi Thcv, I did not take anymore clones, something I now regret but do have a small amount of seed left.
I really want to do the same as RC Colas and make more.
@ Nico Farmer, thanks, I would love to make some Kerala crosses as well.:biggrin:


Well-known member
Very nice Thule, I also found Kerala to root easy and pretty fast too.
Will you continue to grow her in coco coir?
If so, what e.c do you give?


Dr. Narrowleaf
Very nice Thule, I also found Kerala to root easy and pretty fast too.
Will you continue to grow her in coco coir?
If so, what e.c do you give?

I have no concept of e.c levels tbh, I'm too lazy to actually grow plants so I just see to it that they've got everything they need in the soil. I was thinking of top dressing her with black soil at this point. I usually use a mix of coco and black soil, with some peat pellets enriched with PK high minerals mixed in. Magnesium is usually the first one to run out in my medium so that's when I've needed to use low doses of liquid fertilizers. Trying to keep it as simple as possible really.


Well-known member
Smoke Report

Smoke Report

Hola Kerala Fans,

After 5 month cure I decided it was time to test the RSC Kerala that I ran this summer. It should be mentioned that I had a battle with aphids outdoors this year and the one girls that actually was grown out was my last pick of the bunch, the runt really and only survived because the others did not handle the Neem oil spray...so this girl got ladybugs instead!

I had 4 halls from a medium sized J, 3/4 the size of a cigarette, the effect was immediate and warming. It started in the chest and then moved to through the whole body, like when you drink hot chocolate on a cold day. The effect built in constant waves for about 1/2 hour...was wondering if it would stop. It was alert in the mind and heightened every nerve in the body so that it felt like energy was surging through the veins. I could feel my heart beat in my ear lobes, and felt energy flowing into my chest and out through my extremities. Heart rate was elevated, producing a breathless effect, and my thoughts raced between the past and future. Overall an exciting powerful experience that lasted 3+ hours, spiritual and introspective....made me want to be outside in the sun!

Highly recommended strain if you can get your hands on them.




Hola RC_Colas.

Thanks for the nice description of your Kerala.
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Active member
mine with 3-4 weeks to go, sorry for the shake
Height has been a curse for this babe, as I'm using this as a mum for seeds, rather than bud for smoke!
her now at 40 inches or just over 1 meter


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
The Kerala is back up @ RSC.. It says low stock next to them and they're quite pricey.

Doc D

Active member
pure kerala from bodhi's 2013 collection trip… this cut was passed to me from a selection done last season in a light-dep greenhouse. I'll be trying her indoors :)



Wow Doc

Sure looks exotic.... Hope she is everything your looking for..... Your dedication to finding amazing sativa genetics is impressive..... It's refreshing to see...



Active member
hey the pic is broken for me. any way you can upload it again?

Having Cleaned up my photo album, I forgot about my lonely Kerala on this post, the plant was a freebie from Herbies, actually a Kerala x Skunk Cross, which I can live with ..lol
I crossed it with a Short Stuff Auto 1 males and intend to cross again, an auto of this strain would be ideal, as all my Autos, THC Bomb and SSauto1 are short piddly things, with this Kerala cross, I can then expand on it, take advantage of the stretchy-ness and that wonderful smell ..more pics later


Well-known member
The Kerala at RSC is older stock that they found, so they are selling it at a reduced price.
So limited stock.
I hope someone picks some up and makes more

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