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Kelly's DIY Under Current inspired RDWC Tubs


I love my life
I have just moved to the trash cans, but I pulled this Sensi Skunk out of my UC and switched it into a 20gal tote and got 8.5oz. My plan is to average 16oz+ per Purple Kush (other strains don't yield as well).



My all time record is 22oz from one Aussie Blues in a 5 gal bucket. But I don't grow this strain anymore because it sucks in flavor and high.

Peace, :joint:


Active member
hydro r u doing bare bulbs or overhead lighting with those? seems like u leave all the bottoms on; that only for the PK cuz it doesn't produce popcorn? ever have issues with mold if the canopy is so dense on the bottom?

so you got ur clones going for round 2 kelly? minimize downtime :)



I love my life
The PK doesn't produce popcorn and works amazingly well with the light. All others do produce popcorn, but I am too lazy to prune correctly (so I have to pay later with more triming).

I am using Magnum XXXL-8 hoods with 1Kw Ushios on Super Lumen ;)

I am super pissed that we have had some humidity this winter normally 10% RH is my town ;)

Peace, :joint:


Active member
Thats the downside of having all the plants on the same rez. Keep liquid or pH strips as back up! I swear I have had every meter I have ever bought crap out....and always in flowering! Have been using an Oakton this round, so far so good. Hope everything turns out good.


yikes kelly what happened!!!!

unfortunate! look at the sensor on your hanna meter. there should be a little black rod inside the dome and it should be centered. a lot of times these break or get bent or whatever and need to be replaced. actually had that happen to me recently as well. fucked shit up good.


Hi Kelly ... very nice setup ... I think I will do something similar ( first timer :) )

I am new to all this but have a background in marine aquariums ... I see all these RWDC systems using multiple arstones and airpumps

In marine aquariums we use a filter system called a protein skimmer


as you can see they generate alot of bubbles and a byproduct of the skimmer is how well they oxygenate the water ... if you were to use a pinwheel pump inside the control bucket to circulate the water it could double as a source of oxygen for the water and eliminate the worry of clogged airstones and inefficient airpumps

a sedra pump like this is very inexpensive ( not sure how powerful a pump you would need but you could always choke it back with a ballvalve )



thanks for the heads up buccaneer.
because i grow in the control bucket, i would be afraid that the roots would get into the skimmer. is that something to worry about?

i think i will be building a recirculating drip setup next, so i may use a skimmer in that res.

again, thanks for the tips,
if you copy this design, make sure you have something that will prevent roots / root bits, from being sucked into the pump. i found my pump is pretty clogged when i was flushing...

I would use the skimmer pump for recirculating inside the control/grow bucket ... use the intake for the pump to draw the water back from the other grow buckets and put filters on each grow bucket so the roots do not recirculate with the water/nutes

how about a float valve connected to a RO unit ?

question : is the bubbling from the airstones absolutely necessary for this RWDC to work ? ... or is it more about getting oxygenated water to the roots ?


Active member
its all about obscenely high levels of dissolved oxygen when it comes to growing successfully in rdwc i've found


Active member
my res temps are ~60*, and from what i know about brewing/carbing beer, the lower the lower the temp, the more o2 (or co2 in the case of beer) the liquid will hold.
do you think my (2) 4 port airpumps are enough?
my recirculating drip, is gonna be loosely based on you bato buckets :)

they should be enough; fwiw i like to keep my res temps at 68f; i've heard that lower than 65f can stall a plant, higher than 72f and u start getting problems with root rot; if u can dial it to 68 try that :tiphat:


Beautiful green plants Kelly amazing looking!

I ran a bio bucket setup a couple runs ago...pretty much a UC except having a waterfall effect to help out with DO but I added an air pump anyways to be safe. The growth rate was redic and a combo of too much veg and not enough airflow and throwing a screen over it all...yielded nice but made hash of the entire 2# yield minus top colas due to powdery mildew ripping me a new asshole. I'm a paranoid schizo when it comes to running my sulfur burner now, lol!

I am going to be doing a 4 site DiY under current for my mothers in a month or so...excited to see how many cuts I can pull per mother once they get going...

This blue dream is starting to cure nicely....anyways keep it up bro things are sweet...have any updates for this grow?


just a quick update:
the original pump that i used wasnt strong enough.
so i upgraded to a new strong magnetic drive pump ($70 from a fish/aquatics store)
there is the pump i am using now:

i added a "T" to the outlet to make res changes easier:

i have some blue hash plant, and island sweet skunk on their first week of flowering:

everything seems to be going better with the new pump.
ill start a new thread after i am alittle further through flowering,

thanks for everyones feedback.

Looking really beautiful! I will be watching this grow for sure.

Also, Watch out for the PD these days. North Metro Task Force and DPD are being some real assholes apparantly even harassing and arresting fully compliant caregivers.