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Kayak Fishing anyone?

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Stan G.

If you are using a sea kayak, all should be fine. I took mine to the islands off the Ms. Gulf coast, not offshore but sure fun!:tiphat:


Well-known member
You guys got more balls than I do. My buddy use to give tour rides in Myrtle Beach to tourists and told me all kinds of stories. Sharks and all that. I can't imagine having that kind of energy left if SHTF but I guess im just getting old

Green Squall

Well-known member
The Tarpon 140 is a very stable fishing platform and the rudder will help track in the wind and waves. Mostly I'll be fishing along the coast and there are tons of little coves to chill in.

Here's me fishing from the rocks. Cannot tell you how thrilled I am to be done with that...



if it smells like fish
I sold that yak...I had to...I on looking for a yak I. Can take a pee out of and also get out and in easier...Maybe a fully loaded Malibu... About 2k$


Well-known member
I don't own any but would like to have two or three. I'd like one rigged for inland lake fishing, one to float medium streams, and a sea kayak. Could see hitting a lot of places on a good stream easier than floating a canoe. One item on my bucket list is to paddle from mainland Minnesota to Isle Royale. Apostle Islands would be neat too, little easier.


if it smells like fish
Didn't really like the cobras I have seen...Malibu yaks are designed for fishing and diving..More my style now that my whitewater days are over...Hobie are nice but a bit too heavy and a bit overpriced I think...Yeehaw...I am on a mailing list and can get color blemish models at reduced rates too...A rudder is a must for me ..without it tracking in the ocean is a bitch especially on windy wavy days


if it smells like fish
Looking at a Malibu x13 package deal....yeehaw...kayak fishing supplies.com has it ready to go all I need is battery and and a rudder. Everything else included even bait tank...better than a bait tube for small baits...for mackerel I will still use a tube


if it smells like fish
Is it safe to deep sea fish in a kayak?
I have had batteries die and fog roll in

I go a few miles off shore and go fishing all the time...Even for sharks...Safe is a relative term...Yeehaw..Its fun tho..I reccomend a marine radio a good life jacket and a compass...Along with electronics...Yeehaw


Well-known member
Hey trout what do you think of the malibu 2XL....I want to fish off it solo and then just hit sand bars with the wife for fun....Could I make it work.
watch ya think

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Kayak fishing looks so fun... I love just getting the chance to fish off shore at the beach.. kayaking is how you score real fish instead of the Surf Perch i get lol

Green Squall

Well-known member
We're having a heat wave so it would be a great time to go kayaking, but the rack I got on Ebay was defective. That's the bad news.

The good news is that I got a refund, contacted the actual company and they are sending a replacement since it's under warranty :dance013:


if it smells like fish
Malibu 2x great kayak for the price...Surfperch are bait as far as I am concerned but still can be fun on light tackle....Yeehaw...Malibu kayaks were. Designed for fishing and diving unlike most kayaks who just. Adjust their kayaks to do the job..Underrated in my book