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Karma Genetics Strain Info, Listings, And all........


Well-known member
Description from organicearth.eu:

Viking x Reversed Melon

Viking is an old dutch cultivar, originally only available in selected cut. One of these cuts was pollinated with a Northern Light back in the nineties, The seeds that we retrieved tended to the site of the Viking.

Karma got some of these old Viking seeds out of the Organic Earth vault and succeeded in reviving them. He crossed it with a reversed Melon and now the marriage between old school and new school is a fact!

This one is great for outdoors. Harvest halfway oktober.

Only limited drop of 10 packs

I've gathered myself a pack and popped 3 beans around the last half of may, all three are doing quite well so far.
Yeah. I remember the old Viking from Dam in the 90s. Interesting smoke. Weird spicy taste to it. I bet crossing to the Melon terps offered up something interesting.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Sour leaning Mochiesel.

Hey guys, been trying to get some real
Sour since 2019 and finally found some sowahh seeds online from seed city. (Tough to find a site with them in stock that will ship to Canada ) Just wondering how people feel about the sowahh compared to the sour d bx2. Should I keep an eye out for those too or you think they are so similar it won’t matter ? Also seeing the newer New York Amsterdam sour. Anyone have experience with these that can explain why I would want to go for one over the others. Cheers


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Hey guys, been trying to get some real
Sour since 2019 and finally found some sowahh seeds online from seed city. (Tough to find a site with them in stock that will ship to Canada ) Just wondering how people feel about the sowahh compared to the sour d bx2. Should I keep an eye out for those too or you think they are so similar it won’t matter ? Also seeing the newer New York Amsterdam sour. Anyone have experience with these that can explain why I would want to go for one over the others. Cheers
Sowahh has less variation than SDbx2 from what ive read. If you want less variation Sowahh is the one.

Sowahh=Sour D 2007 x Karma Sour D Bx3
SDbx2=Sour D x Sour D BX1
NYAS uses JJ sdbx4

Randomuser 838462

Well-known member
Hey Leute, ich habe versucht, ein paar echte
Sauer seit 2019 und habe endlich ein paar Sowahh-Samen online von Seed City gefunden. (Es ist schwierig, eine Website zu finden, auf der sie auf Lager sind und nach Kanada geliefert werden) Ich frage mich nur, wie die Leute über den Sowahh im Vergleich zum sauren d bx2 denken. Soll ich auch nach denen Ausschau halten oder denkst du, dass sie sich so ähnlich sind, dass es keine Rolle spielt? Auch das neuere New York Amsterdam sauer zu sehen. Hat jemand Erfahrung damit, die erklären kann, warum ich mich für eines gegenüber den anderen entscheiden möchte. Prost
I have all 3 varieties and will germinate them in the fall together with G-Unit.
Will then show here from time to time a few pictures and maybe write what differences can be found.
Let it grow. :)


New member
Hey guys, been trying to get some real
Sour since 2019 and finally found some sowahh seeds online from seed city. (Tough to find a site with them in stock that will ship to Canada ) Just wondering how people feel about the sowahh compared to the sour d bx2. Should I keep an eye out for those too or you think they are so similar it won’t matter ? Also seeing the newer New York Amsterdam sour. Anyone have experience with these that can explain why I would want to go for one over the others. Cheers
I was in the exact same boat and unfortunately got just about the same replies, I was hoping for like a smoke report about the three but never could get that type of reply to use to compare them, just the differences in how they grow (sowahh more consistent, bx better for breeding, ny amsterdam is new so I guess no one has grown it out yet(?)).. I went with bx and ny amsterdam at the time and plan to grab sowahh in the future after I run these assuming I feel a need. I think you're gonna have to pick one and 'grow for it', prob can't go wrong with any of them lol..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That the sowahh? It’s looking so nice. How’s she smell? Probably my next run will be sowahh. But I also just got Sherbanger so we’ll see
Yes, that is her. I was more interested in the males, to be honest. Certain projects require specific genetics to move them forward. Sour D carries the Sativa genetics I needed. Sowahh has less variation so IMO better suited for projects. Making seeds is a passion of mine. Karmas work is unquestionably solid.


Well-known member
Day 38 sour biker , four different ones, the strech was scary with these , they tripple in size, I'm happy how there flowering and looking forward to trying . I'll post an update around week10 or 11
I got a pack of sour biker , still waiting to pop ,as grow out some Sowahh.

Not surprised about the stretch on these. I'm definitely interested how they turn out