Yeah. I remember the old Viking from Dam in the 90s. Interesting smoke. Weird spicy taste to it. I bet crossing to the Melon terps offered up something interesting.Description from
Viking x Reversed Melon
Viking is an old dutch cultivar, originally only available in selected cut. One of these cuts was pollinated with a Northern Light back in the nineties, The seeds that we retrieved tended to the site of the Viking.
Karma got some of these old Viking seeds out of the Organic Earth vault and succeeded in reviving them. He crossed it with a reversed Melon and now the marriage between old school and new school is a fact!
This one is great for outdoors. Harvest halfway oktober.
Only limited drop of 10 packs
I've gathered myself a pack and popped 3 beans around the last half of may, all three are doing quite well so far.