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Kalyx - CCG - Summer 14 Grow Log (Bodhi, Hazeman, G-13 Labs, TH Seed)


Well-known member

Plants look great Kalyx! I can smell the fuzz and I cant wait to try the goji. WIsh I had a few more bucks to grab a pack of goji more but I have some bodhi at least. Couple SSDD going about 4-5 days old.


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Plants look great Kalyx! I can smell the fuzz and I cant wait to try the goji. WIsh I had a few more bucks to grab a pack of goji more but I have some bodhi at least. Couple SSDD going about 4-5 days old.

Hey Bmac1,

Thanks a lot man always appreciate your kind words. The Fuzz is such a stinker my sister actually referred to them as smelling like baby vomit. Not sure if I get that smell but they are pungent and are putting the carbon filter to some serious work. Im with ya on wishing I had some more money I really want another pack of the Goji and Fuzz now. Still have seeds of each but I want to stock up on those not to mention the long list of other Bodhi gear I want. Can't wait to hear how your SSDD come out I have one that is luckily a girl that just started flowering.


Active member
very nice Kalyx! Keep up the great work!

Hey Relentless, thank you for the kind words I really appreciate it! It won't be long now before I get a log started with the Fire Cookies and Elmer's Glue, I will start that log in your section.:tiphat:


Active member
Ohh man, gota pay attention to this thread!! Your Fire Cookies and Elmer Glue will be FIYA!! Keep it up bro


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@Relentless - Thanks man I appreciate it a lot... So excited to get the Fire Cookies and or Elmer's Glue started. Been wanting and thinking about those since the first drop back on June 20th. So happy to have scored them, suffice it to say the anticipation has been building.

@Gardening Angel - Hey thanks as always GA, that glue excites me too but your Karma pheno hunt really has my attention.

Update 9/22 - Drying and Curing

Getting near the end of this log, there is only one plant still standing the Goji Og #3. The Fuzz #1, The Fuzz #3, The Fuzz #4, Pineapple Express and The Elephant Stomper #1 have all finished and come down. The Goji will be coming down with in the next couple of days, she is pretty much finished just letting her soil dry out some. I will be doing final updates and pictures on all the plants that were grown shortly. Once they have all been manicured and placed from brown paper bags and into jars for curing is when I will do the final pictures and updates with smoke reports.

Was on a bit of a time crunch this weekend so the pictures of the dried flowers didn't come out very well at all. Probably next weekend is when I will manicure all the flowers and move their curing from brown paper bags into mason jars. I will make sure to get some really good photos of the finished manicured flowers. All the plants look really beautiful dried and are just frosted with crystals. Sadly none of the pictures were able to accurately capture the right colors or frost covered of the buds.

We will get the show started with The Fuzz #4, she has been dried and curing in the past 9 days in a brown paper bag.

Fuzz #4 - Dried 6 days - Cured 9 days

This is the one plant I have sampled and this little runt girl really impressed me on all ends. Very stinky and has a nice strong chemmy flavor, surprised how well she tasted with a cure this short. Potency wise she impressed me yet again very potent and after closer inspection with a 60x scope could see that she was picked a tad early. The high with her has a strong body buzz but is very much an energetic sativa high. Was a little racey in the high I would guess that is influenced by the Green Crack in the equation. Not my favorite type of high, not a big fan of the really racey sativa highs but a quality potent high none the less, just not the powerful Chem high I prefer. I will be really interested to see how her flavors and high develop after more time curing.



Fuzz #3 - Dried 6 Days - Cured 1 Day

Love this girl and the big pile of chunky buds she provided me. I wish I had better pictures of her, I will get them once I manicure her. She just looks downright potent and delicious, extremely dense nugs that are crusted with sticky resin. She has great calyx to leaf ratio and she be a breeze to manicure unlike both of her sisters. She is very stinky and just smells strongly of burnt rubber, grease and skunk.




Update continues on the next post.


Active member
Update Continued 9/22 - Drying and Curing

The Fuzz #1 - Dried 6 Days - Cured 1 Days

This girl is just gorgeous and obnoxiously stinky, really impressed the density her buds put on the last week she was alive. By no means is she anywhere as dense as The Fuzz #3 but more so than I figured. I love the pointy swollen calyxes on her, and no doubt she has the most frost of any of the plants I harvested.





Update continues on the next post.


Active member
Update Continued 9/22 - Drying and Curing

Elephant Stomper #1 - Dried 6 days - Cured 1 days

This girl is very pretty, great colors, nice frost, and a great funky grape smell. She is very fluffy and has some interesting shaped buds, I think she will be delicious though. The pictures came out better for her than any of the Fuzz plants. I really wish I could had gotten better pictures of them as they look a little more impressive. None the less here is the Elephant Stomper. Will get more pictures of hers and the others when I manicure them.






Update for the Goji Og #3 coming soon.


Well-known member
Yup great job Kalyx. I want some fuzz in my life for sure, lol. That racey feeling is likely due to being a bit early. That may mellow out on the clone run if you run them the same amount of time. Generally I find the raciness a sign of an early chop, unless you are dealing with some hazes etc that are known for that effect. The clones will likely finish a week sooner than the seed plants so running them the same length of time next round should be spot on.


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@RandomMan - Thanks as always for the kind words buddy will get better pics of the dried flowers this weekend.

@Bmac1 - Thanks for the kind words Bmac, Im really happy with the fuzz and how they came out, can't wait to sample after a bit of a cure. I have noticed to that clones tend to run a week or so faster than seed runs in the past also. It could be from her being picked too early, she went 9 weeks so I don't think she was picked that early but a week could do it. The early picking could be the cause for sure, might settle down as the cure progress will have to see. I have never personally smoked green crack but have heard it has a very racey high, thats why I was thinking it might be that influence in the cross. I do love sativas but as I have gotten older I have noticed myself having a higher sensitivity to some sativas giving me that racey feeling. It kind of sucks honestly I can't enjoy a lot of strains that I used love.


Well-known member
Ya, its a bit of a love hate relationship. If you are out and about you can usually settle into it but it sucks when you sit down to relax and blaze a J and end up wanting to go hide in the closet for an hour, lol.


Active member
Ya, its a bit of a love hate relationship. If you are out and about you can usually settle into it but it sucks when you sit down to relax and blaze a J and end up wanting to go hide in the closet for an hour, lol.

Couldn't have said it better myself lol! Will always love the flavors but some sativas too much for me sometimes, others are fine and have plenty of pep without the racey aspect to the high. :tiphat:


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Update 9/28 - Dried Bud Shots

So all of the plants from this grow have finally come down. The last one standing was the Goji Og #3, she came down on 9/28 after 79 days of 12/12. It feels great to be at this point its been a lot of work and time invested in the past few months. I am very happy with the way the grow has gone and it feels great to be growing again after a long hiatus. I can always improve on the grows and have gained a lot of knowledge great advice and support throughout. I do want to thank all my friends and fellow ICer's that have tagged along, supported and helped it is always appreciated. I will be updating more detailed smoke reports and providing pictures of the dried nug shots of the Goji when they are ready to close out this log.

All of these plants have been dried and spent the past 8 days curing in brown paper bags, except the Fuzz #4 that has spent 15 days curing. On 9/27 after being manicured all the dried flowers were placed in glass mason jars to finish their cure. I have sampled all 4 of the following strains, I plan to get better evaluations of their true quality and flavors after they have had a longer cure. The smoke was very enjoyable with all 4 and will get much better with time.

Elephant Stomper #1

I knew she was going to be some fluffy bud but by far turned out to be more fluffy than I had anticipated. She has some really interesting shape to her buds not much structure or density to them. She does have a really nice sweet grape aroma, not pungent by any means but very pleasant. Her buds do look very pretty they have a really nice color green to them and are covered with tiny crystals. The flavor with her is not very sweet its a faint grape taste with a bit of an acrid skunk to it. Honestly not my favorite and a tad disappointing for what I had expected from her smells during flower. She does have a very pleasant grape after taste that sits on the tongue. Flavor wise I really hope that with a cure the flavor gets a little stronger and leans more on the grape side of things and loses the acrid flavor. Im guessing the acrid skunky side of the flavor spectrum is coming from the Aloha White Widow influence in the cross. High wise she has a pleasant Sativa dom high, good for the days activities and very mellow not racey or uppity. The Indica influence can be felt in the high but by no means dominates or overpowers the smoke. Flavor and potency wise its not quite what I was hoping for and I won't be running her again. I really did love the way she grows and the yield potential she has just not a keeper with the flavor or high. She was a fun and beautiful plant to grow that smelled amazing during flower. I may not be keeping her but I look forward to digging through some F2's gifted to me by a friend to explore this line deeper. I love the one pheno representation I had it excites me to think of the potential that this line holds. I just need to do a little more digging to find the plant Im looking for.





The Fuzz #1

I love this one out of the 4 she is the jar I keep going back to. She does get the award for most improved plant. She had a wild and wooly structure that I wasn't a huge fan of. She also took awhile to develop anything but a faint stinky aroma. Half way through flowering she really started to take off and impress. She became the most pungent smelling of the Fuzz plants and by far the frostiest. Her aroma developed into a loud greasy, burnt rubber, rotten meat chemmy skunk funk. Her buds while fluffy put on some nice size and density in the last 2 weeks. She developed more bud sites than any of the other plants and has some really nice yield potential. Im also a big fan of the vigor and strong branching this girl has she will easily turn into a nice bush. During this grow the 3 Fuzz plants were the most finicky and picky, well luckily she was the least fussy of the 3. It took me one fat hit out of the pipe to know this girl was a keeper and worthy of another run. Flavor with this one is superb especially with as short of a cure as she has had. A great mix of the Chem and Appy influences in flavor, leaning more heavily on the chem side of the equation. She taste great through the entire bowl and has that excellent chem flavor blanket that wraps around your tongue and hangs around long after your last hit. Flavor on this one is great and she has a potent high to follow it up, can near instantly be felt in the forehead on the exhale. Flavor is that great mix of chemical, skunk, garlic, pine and light hints of rotten meat in a good way that a chem head like me craves. Absolutely a stunning plant at the end of her cycle completely encrusted in sticky resin. She is extremely loud and out of control with her smell and will put a carbon filter to work. She has an amazingly strong flavor paired with a potent high to match. She has the bag appeal to put a smile on anyones face with an aroma to make a pot head drool. She is a fairly easy plant to grow not overly fussy, great strong branching that doesn't require staking and has some great yield potential. She is the best of the 4 and what I was hoping to find in the strain she is a keeper. I will reveg her and run her again interested to see how I can improve her and start to get her dialed in on a second attempt.


Update continues on the next post.


Active member
Update Continued 9/28 - Dried Bud Shots

The Fuzz #1 Continued




The Fuzz #3

I had the highest hopes for this girl and she impressed me the most throughout the grow. She set the bar high for my expectations with her great build and structure, strongest chem odors from the beginning. Has some great structure to her nugs, dense golf balls nugs of chemmy love with a good yield potential. While I gave The Fuzz #1 the award for most improved by the end I give her the award of most disappointing in the end. She is the least frosty of the fuzz plants but has the most dense structure of any. She has a good chemmy aroma with a sweetness to it after drying, the smell hits high on the rotten meat notes of the chem spectrum which isn't my favorite. By no means does she have a bad flavor its actually nice and strong it just hits higher on the sweet and rotten meat notes and less of the chem, garlic, skunk and piney notes I prefer. She has a nice potent high to her just not as nice as The Fuzz #1, in fairness top her I need to sample more that she has to offer before making a final decision. In terms of the Fuzz plants being fussy she sat right in the middle wasn't the least but wasn't the most either. She does have good yield potential, love her structure and bud development as well. She was surpassed by the Fuzz #1 for my personal taste, in terms of flavor and high. This girl was a fun plant and by no means anything Im unhappy with, her sister #1 knocked it out of the park for what I wanted and is the keeper.



Update continues on the next post.


Active member
Update Continued 9/28 - Dried Bud Shots

The Fuzz #3 Continued



The Fuzz #4

This girl was the biggest pain the butt and the most fussy of any plants in this grow. She by far had the least amount of vigor, grew twice as slow as any other plant and seemed to have issues with everything. Extremely sensitive to temperature, transplanting, over/under watering, nutrients not a heavy feeder at all. Because of her slowness she was not topped and started flowering at the same time as the others, she turned out half the size of the other plants with about half the stretch her sisters exhibited. Her smells for the longest time were sweet much like the Fuzz #1, she picked up the chemmy funk later on than #1 and was never as strong or pungent. She had some fairly decent bud structure and density and did pack on a lot of frost. I was not a fan of the way she filled in and seems to have the lowest yield potential of the three taking her size into the equation. Smoke wise she was very impressive and took me by surprise, has a very potent uppity high that isn't quite to my liking. I have enjoyed smoking her much more recently as the more I smoke the less racey she is. I feel this is a little more attributed to her being picked a little early than her actual high. She doesn't have my favorite high of the 3 but is up there close to #1 in potency. She is second best tasting of the three tasting very similar to #1 being a great mix of the Chem and Appy heritage. This girl leans a little heavier to the Appy side of things with a sweetness to her taste. In terms of flavor and potency she is worthy of being run again. That being said with her slow vegging ways, her structure and they way she fills in I won't be running this girl again. I know I could do a much better job with her the second round and let her shine towards her true potential a bit better. With what I found in #1 and all the other great strains I have to run she just is not worth my time of another go.




I will post a brief update on the Goji Og #3 harvest soon with a few pics. Anyone interested I recommend going to my Goji Log that was updated last night for a more in depth update.



Active member
How long did you veg your fuzz #4 for?

Hey Ph-Patrol,

They were all vegged for 5 1/2 weeks or 39 days exactly before 12/12. The problem at the time, I was still setting up my veg room. I had 12 plants a full tent with no idea how many females I would have. I decided to start bloom while they were small so I would have room if I ended up with a higher number of females. At the time i didnt have the luxury of vegging the runt longer.


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Final Update 11/9 - Cured Flower Pictures

Just wanted to post one last update with some flower shots after they have had a good cure under them. Sadly was unable to get pictures off all the strains, the ones I did get though were the best plants out of the group.

Goji Og #3

She turned out spectacular after a bit of a good cure. I feel I let her dry one or two days too long before I should had started curing her. I think this had some effects on the final product and with the quality of the cure. Hands down though she is a fine smoke, her flavors have only developed and gotten stronger and more enhanced as she has cured. She has such a smooth yet thick smoke to her and is easy on the lungs on throat. Her flavors are a wonderful smooth minty, lemony, sour berry with floral tones and a subtle earthy and kushy bottom end. While it does have notes of the Og in the genetics, her flavor is very different and very unique, she really is a special plant. High wise she is very potent and exactly the type of potency a stoner like myself wants in his flowers. She takes a minute to sneak up on you then smacks you in the forehead and puts a grin on your face. She has an excellent sativa dominated high, great for smoking during the day and completing your errands, smoke too much and you might need a nap.




The Fuzz #4

She turned out really nice and impressed me being the runt of the group and all the issues and problems with her. After curing her flavors and smells did change and develop very nicely. They were also constantly changing weekly throughout the process. You could smoke a sample one week, then another the following week and could taste like 2 different strains. She finished off with a really nice sweet skunky, chemmy funk with hints of guava and mangos. I refer to her as chem candy for the way she taste, a fruity chem candy might be a better term. High wise she is very potent, and very sativa dom in her high, at first she is very electrifying and then she will start to mellow out. Makes for a perfect wake and bake and day time smoker in general. Really pleased and impressed with how she came out, great flavors and high. Still insanely sticky after a cure, makes it really hard to roll a joint without tearing the paper every time you touch it.

