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Kali China and Applenaught indoor soil


Active member
Another week gone by and I'm thinking the two Kali China plants will be ready to harvest within the next week. Both have more orange pistils and showing more cloudy trichomes, but not quite ready yet. Kali China #2 was showing signs of what I think is a potassium deficiency. I tested soil pH and it was high (8+). Not a whole lot to do at this stage, but I have been lowering the pH of the water for it and also gave it a small amount of 3-3-3 nutrients. In the future I will probably avoid using the Build-a-flower blend so much. It has bio-char in it and calcium that I probably don't need.

KC #1



KC #2:


All three:



Active member
Chop Day for all the plants! Both the Kali China seem to be at about the same ripeness. Some amber, some clear, mostly cloudy. The Applenaught could honestly use another week, but I'd rather do the processing all at once and have the lights off in the tent for the drying phase. The Kali China plants both have very sweet and floral aroma - kind of rose-like. The Applenaught has a very kush aroma that I associate with caryophyllene, dark and coffee-like.

Looking back it was May 18th that the seeds sprouted, making this grow 11 weeks total - about 3 weeks veg and 8 weeks flower. I'm sure some additional veg time would result in a larger harvest, but I'm happy with the quick turnaround and the chance to see how these smoke!

Final pics before chop:



Kali China 1:

Kali China 2:



Active member
It's been about a month of curing now, so here are my thoughts on how they vape:

Kali China 1 (shorter pheno) and Kali China 2 (taller pheno) have similar appearance and taste. The taste reminds me most of Super Silver Haze, a bit of incense and lemon candy. It is a very muted flavor, and I think I would enjoy it a lot if it were more present. Probably this has to do with me flowering during the heat of summer - average temp during flowering was 72 F with highs in the mid 80's. I'm hoping that the flavor improves with additional curing.

I find the two plants to differ a lot in the high. The shorter pheno is a nice hybrid-type high - a bit energetic at first and then mostly relaxing. I'm always looking for strains that are helpful with anxiety and this one is middle-of-the-road - doesn't cause paranoia but doesn't seem anti-anxiety to me either. The taller pheno is a very different experience to me. It is more energetic, with happy vibes and waves of euphoria. I get minor visual distortions and creative thoughts. It's a kind, fun feeling trip and some of the best effects I've ever had. Very sativa-like for such a short flowering time. Despite being quite strong for me, it is so positive that I don't mind the intensity at all.

Applenaught was a pleasant surprise to me and exceeded expectations. It yielded well despite having a strange structure. The aroma in the bag is very bready, like yeasted rolls or something, but the flavor is mostly pine. The high is hybrid-like but much more stony than either of the Kali China plants. Another one that doesn't affect anxiety one way or the other for me. It is a solid strain where everything is pretty nice but nothing is very remarkable. I'll grow my other seed of it sometime but it won't be near the top of my list.

I will definitely grow Kali China again, but will not flower in the Summer months and will be looking for a taller pheno!

Thanks for reading this grow diary and I will pop back in for an update in a couple of months!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thank you so much for your weekly updates and feedback on this cycle @gedLang :tiphat:

Yep, Kali China works best in flowering by lowering a bit the temps rather than under increasing temps.
Anyhow, you can be proud for such great looking flowers from your 3 plants :)

You are correct on the Kali China phenotypes. First girl, the compact one, had the classic hashplant indica look and influence, while Kali China girl 2 had a bit morre sativa influence with such flower structures, and taller, lankier growth.

Glad female 2 has potent up, funny effects with good sativa qualities to her :)
Female 1 guess hits more hashplant indica type of effect like her growth indicated.

Terpenes can quickly described as Haze hybrid type with lemon and incense. However, when Kali China is properly cultivated without excessive heat, its terpene profiles become extremely complex.
In more relatable terms, this strain leans more towards Haze A-type terpenes, which include aromas reminiscent of incense, leather, grilled meat, hash, decayed flowers and violets. Additionally, it also incorporates some ripe mango Haze C terpenes rather than lemon, which can be found, but the mango essence is much more prevalent. Both fruity mango side and dark side contributing to the unique aromatic profiles of this strain. Also considering these type of complex Haze aromas are rarely found in a plant that ripens in 8 weeks like Kali China does.

Harvest will need 2-3 months of curing to properly define and fix all these intricacies, enjoy ;)

PD: Applenaught, what a crazy looking plant in a good way, outstanding kush type of resins on sativa dom flowers of great flower/leaf ratio :yes:

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