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bummed on the prospect i have no future justincase threads to lurk

but im glad to see you in motion without distress

hope you and your girls the best in your future endevors


And with the passing of summer rises the fall. Just as such with the fall of Justin rises Bill. And so now a whole new leg of the journey ensues. I don't know if anyone remembers me saying a few weeks ago that Justin was fast running out of gallery space and I had to come up with a viable plan of action on what to do about that as I did not wish to delete pictures from my gallery, as I had put in the wrench time and wasn't going to just trash it. Well I came up with just making a new handle and this is it. Now I know I told a select few that I was going to remain incognito and do my thing somewhere else. After further consideration however, I decided to just continue on as I'm sure at least a few people would realize by my shots of who I am. Just so there is no confusion as far as Justin goes he's toast, done, finished but I don't know what the e-mail is to the account so I cannot delete it, I'm working on it though. Well, without further adous' the saga continues. And thank you everyone for your kind words upon Justin's departure.

Of course these pictures are really in no particular order(stoners). But if you have been following along with the thread I'm sure you can figure out which is which. There really is only three choices, AK47, SpeedQueen(phenoC) and the MysteryStrain which I have narrowed it down to two different names. If you just can't stand not knowing for sure of each particular photo's strain feel free to quote it up or just ask in whatever way makes sense to you. I'm a fairly intelligent individual and hopefully I can figure it out. Picture time, 400watt styling.



Active member


beautiful macros...as usual!

sorry if you have covered this, but what kind of camera/lens do you use??

do you use a tripod??

damn... :kewlpics: :kewlpics: :kewlpics:


I use the Nikon D40 with the stock 18-55mm lens and a x10macro external lens. I do have a tripod but I do not use it in my mj photography. I use mostly this shooting position when shooting.

And before anyone asks, no that is not me. here's a link to the location of this picture which also gives other shooting tips. Link

Well here's my tripod. It's kinda cheap but it's light and it works well, it even has two levels, folds out to over 6ft tall and has a quick release for camera removal. I just have no real use for it in my mj photography as I'm always bouncing around the subject.



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup brotha Bill as usual great pics you just made me grab the cam and im off to shoot like 100 pics of wich i will prolly keep like 5-10 ,oh well thats how it goes.


Registered Medical Patient
Hey Bill...I guess the secret is out!!!Great macros brotha...I wish I could get that close w/ my cam, but....anyhow, good to see u back in the saddle, so to speak, and Ill be hungry for more pics...Peace

- Z


pure dynamite
Wellcome back! only a fast look at the pictures and it was obvious... :joint:

Can't wait for more pictures! Good luck! :wave:


Well,Mr.Bill, I geuss the cats out huh?
I would hate to lose all my pics that I have here as well. It is the only record I have of my deeds. Is there a way to put an IC gallery to disc? hmmm...


Hey Tonatiuh you shouldn't feel too bad I click off on average about 50-60 shots at a time to use about 5 shots. I take 3-5 shots of each shot I'm trying to catch and narrow them down later to the ones that turn out to my liking, and hey 30% keepers ain't that bad man, not bad at all. Yah Zeus wasn't much of a secret now was it. You just need to make yourself a diy macro lens bro. explosiv_gbb thanks for the welcoming back and ureapwhatusowpass me some of that popcorn and that j bro. I'm not really interested in keeping a hard copy of my shots CD. They only stay on the pc just long enough to get posted then they are gone. It's too bad though that the pics get re-sized so small on here as you just lose something when they are resized. They are much more glorious full size but ya. Indeed EnZee the show must go on. Just not right now because I don't have any photo's to put up right now. Hehe And don't forget to check out my Deep Congo grow that is no longer attached to this thread as I've decided to finish out the SQ, AK an MS on this thread, post up full reviews of each and that should finish this long assed thread out. I'll see what I can do about putting pics up later. Later folks.



It did it's job well, goodbye summer bugs. The compromised root systems didn't help matters. I have been quite displeased with this soil mix, going back to the basics starting with the DC's. Maybe a bubble bucket test in the near future to try out a all water grown plant. The bubble bucket is easiest for me as I have all the things just laying around to make it.

I really like this shot. (I think is AK?)

The rest are some ok shots, nothing spectacular. (MS)

This is gonna be a nice bud when all is said an done. (SQ)


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Had the camera set up on the tripod for another shot when I had to water a couple and give haircuts to a couple(part of me not being so lazy) and I clicked off this tripod pic in low lighting. I think was a 4sec exposure at 200iso.

I like this shot even though part of the lighting was captured in the shot. I was aiming for a solid background but this turnedout pretty ok.

This SQ girly needs one of her arms pulled in a bit.

Her noding is looking nice though. I swear when she gets rotated you can actually see her bend for the light.

She's just starting to bud out at 19 days

Same girl from above looking nice.

Finally this girl dried out enough to get to watering and fix her little light green action she's got going on. She should look much better in a few days.

And we'll finish out this post with a few macro's. Is the AK with about 20 days to go. About to get a flush. She's gonna make it but her yields been compromised. It's been sooo long since I've had to deal with so many issues at once. What a pain. Thankfully it's almost over. Soon as this run is over it'll be back to normal. Woohoo


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
As always

Great camera work Bill, you kind of have the same strategy that I do involving pics, I take loads of pics, and pic the best ones. When I have a few plants in flower, it is not hard for me to take 100 pics for 5 good ones, I feel you can never really see if they are any good till you get them on your PC.

Nice update man, nice macros


Ya lots of pics are good when you trying to choose some good ones. I do have shots in mind most of the time going in, I just take several of each to ensure a shot that is worthy. But sometimes I like just just hold the shutter button down and move the camera around the plant(My camera takes 2 1/2 pictures a second). The whole spontanious shot is sometimes the best shot.

thanks buzz for the kind words. And thank you for coming to check it out.

Thanks Dave at least I got it half right.

I think today we will do something that I don't usually do. Let's see what's really going on in my 400w box.

Zzziiiiiiiiiip....What do we have here?

The overview. I got the whole show in here somehow.

At profile. Pretty even with the exception of the only single headed SQ who towers over the others. I couldn't quite fit the whole shebang in this shot.

That's it for today I hope you enjoyed.​
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Can't remember if I told you or not, but I put my two speedqueens into flower the other night. I also, for the first time ever had pre pistils showing on both of them whilst still in the veg room on 18/6 :) Am well made up :)

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