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Registered Medical Patient
WOW!!!!.....nice macros..nice plants...nice fish...nice flowers...nice photos bro!!!!!Killer stuff in here, I gotta be stoppin in more often...see ya Justin...good stuff bro..K+++++ to ya

- Z


Zeus-Thanks Z, your welcome here anytime and don't be afraid to share your garden in here anytime.
DonChron-Ahh yes the Blue Moon Viper my viper by blue moon rocks cross(Some serious goodness locked in them beans). Well I had started testing them along with the godberry crosses I made, but I had to scrap em as relationship issues compromised the situation. They only made it about two weeks. I'll be doing them again in the near future. I'll be sure to share though. Currently I'm debating on which strains to run next as the first round of mothers is wrapping up.
So the first tester clone has wrapped up and it was the mystery strain. Also after further debate this is declared the winner of round one and this is why. First off the bud is dank, way dank, the high is long and strong. The popcorn buds are quite large and very tight and dense. The fan leaves are small and tight to the plant giving excellent light penetration. This is even more prevalent in the clones. The clones off of it are very tightly noded and identical to each other and I mean identical(the ak is pretty good about this but the SQ is kinda here and there with it's clones). Once they hit the dirt out the cloner they take off like a bat out of hell(another spot the SQ mother fell shor,t as her progeny's stutter out the cloner needing at the least an additional veg time). It is a quick flowerer coming in at 55days. And finally it takes nutrients very well and has no special needs. Pictures?

Couple of MS clones

Here's the SQ self topper clone(been a little hot in the veggie box as of late, see the raised tips trying to sweat it out)

Here's the harvest shot of the MS double top 1.5L pop bottle test clone with next to no veg time.

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fuckin noice yo,ms looks tight bro.
now for the next phase of the process.
keep it pimpin yo.peace-Y-


huumm.. tasty buds :D

enjoy that smoke man!!

nice oxalate man!, don't like your pirañas, they seams like they could bite your finger in any moment :p

the blue one always bites my fingers wen i clean the aquarium... but they are still to small to do any harm...





rad dude..my fault I mixed venomhead with viper..cant wait to see the BMV in action..life first ,growing second,rule of greenthumb..u have been subscribed ,peace out brudas
hi JustinCase

love the red belly i had a few reds a few years back they died and i got a few caribe live caught but they had a bad case of whitespot i could not beat they died but still have some pics will post them if your instreaded


Y-It is sir, very tight, and indeed time for the next phase.
homusubi-The funny thing is that I actually pet my piranha, of course only after having a full meal when he's all docile. Those are some excellent Cynotilapia afra's you have their. I too once had a African Cichlid tank and the blue one like yours was so aggressive that I had to dump him into the piranha tank( I couldn't completely toss him to the wolves so I added a large shell with a hole busted in the top for a hidy hole) and much to my surprise he managed to survive for almost a year and a half before getting sick and dying.
DonChron-It's cool on the name mixup, no harm no foul I say. I too think that it will be a fine show once they hit the dirt.
zafira-sri-Of course I'm interested. Pop em on in here. Pop whatever you feel like. It's a community effort after all. So please share your Plants, pets, trees, flowers, sunsets/sunrises, beaches, waves, some weird picture that you just thought was cool for some reason or whatever you like. I love people sharing in my thread. Don't be shy.
D Rock-Thanks D. Much appreciated.

Today I made some of my new mix, and thought I'd share, so weird going to get bags of soil, it's been so long. Also the AK double top 1.5L pop bottle test clone with next to no veg time came down today. Let's go

The bag of coco blend. I've always liked Black Gold so go with what you know right.

About fifteen gallons of it give or take in the 19g tote.

Add some perlite, I ran out a little short, oh well.

Some dolomite to keep that pH where it should be.

A little somethin special

Mix it all up and bam, it still looks a little short on the perlite, but still nice and light and fluffy.

And the ak clone. Out the box 5 maybe 8 days early, that's just the way it had to be, still though about 20% amber so we'll call it good.

Don't mind the hair, it's just a bonus.

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damn yo that ak looks boss ballin maing.really frosty.
im just wakin up and bakin a lil somethin...i'll be back after the blood starts circulatin my brotha.peace-Y-

Raistlin Majere

hey bro message recieved :friends:
i am just about to go get imunized for chicken pox, never had it and my oldest boy goes to school next year :no:

i'll pop in later after i get a chance to read back a page or two
till then brother :ying: :rasta:


Never had the pox huh, that crazy. Isn't it something like 6% of the populous doesn't get chicken pox.
Ok Dave I been dinking with the aperture mode and here's what I come up with so far. This is a middle of a sunny day photo

And some other photos destined for the flower thread and thought I'd share here before I move my attention from the MS and Ak to the SQ's and OG.

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mornin Just ! im baked as hell yo.how does weed get better everyday? LOL .
hehehe peace bro.

oh yeah nice pics as usual yo.the aperature ...thats what makes the background dark when you shoot into the sun or other light? -Y-


Ummm... Soil! Now you're talkin my language... but i have to know, what the somethin special. I've seen Bio-Enzyme before but never in a mix with something else. As you know i mixed my own soil not to long ago and it's been composting for a while. Just got some powdered dolomite lime (1 cup per cu. ft.?) Please correct if wrong.

Love the mix man, and the flowers are beautiful. I just got my sweet pepper bush ( or Clethera Alnifolia) in a pot and i'm hopeing she's not dead from the drastic heat over the summer. If so i'll just have to go buy another one and pay more attention and smoke a little less once i get her. It's got beautiful flowers, in some what "cola" form. and an even more pungent smell.

Well, it's always go to see you up to somethin... amazing as always!



Mornin Y I'd have to say by magic. Basically aperature settings is your f-stop. And the f/stop regulates how much light is allowed through the lens by varying the area of the hole the light comes through. Now that's the short answer. I won't put the long answer up but I will however Post a link to explain in great detail about it. And here it is.
A tedious explanation of the f/stop

D Rock

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to JustinCase again.

Awesome phots JC, Your skills dont go unnoticed bro. Rep for ya when I Can.


Hey retawgnob. It's a special mix of goodies I found on the net and seemed interesting so I snagged some up for a decent deal. It's been a while since I purchased this, and I'll hunt down the site when I get the chance, if I can remember. I've always grown in dirt, up until now I have been using recycled soil, the last batch for about two years now, but my needs have taken me to the store to make some more. As far as the dolomite goes, I think its users choice more than anything. I don't use that much, I think on this mix I used about a 1/4 cup for 1.5cu ft or fifteen to 18gallons, but I like to take it light on the stuff because the water I use is already pretty pH'd to where I need it, but like I said its basicly users choice. The heats been rather overwhelming in places this season, best of luck on that front for ya. Thanks for dropping by.

Thanks D


Forgot to throw up a couple of shots of some clone transfer action. Clone root porn.

Doesn't this guy just look like he's marked for death. GUILTY!

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