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Just How "Old" Are You?

Just How "Old" Are You?

  • 18-25

    Votes: 61 8.8%
  • 26-35

    Votes: 152 22.0%
  • 35-45

    Votes: 162 23.4%
  • 46-51

    Votes: 78 11.3%
  • 52-60

    Votes: 130 18.8%
  • 61-70

    Votes: 94 13.6%
  • 71+

    Votes: 14 2.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
Pops is ok,,, Long as it ain't preceded by, FUCK You,,,,, POPS!!!,,, Or , eat Shit,,,, You get the idea. You're a Smart(assed) Boy, Tony.



Active member
if its any consolation my back is that of a sixty year old lol

Recently turned 60. My back feels like an 85 year old. :biggrin:

Hurts constantly, no matter what position I get in anymore, sitting lying, whatever. Then the quacks say, "Here take this pill." Then I say, "No thanks", and think they are just idiots, money grubbing fucking idiots. I suppose they are trying to help. But that ain't doing that.

Their pills do nothing but shut me up from complaining because I'm too fucked up to talk so they think it helps, but just make me feel like I'm in a thick fog. Pain is still there. Fuck that. I'll take the pain so at least I can still remember my name.

Don't get old kids....Wait a minute. I thought this was the old stoners crash pad. Where am I? :biggrin:


On the last place that I called home , I was the oldest fuck there.
Not sure why I like that title.
Heh heh heh
I see 12 peeps has said that they were over 70.
With one of them being myself I am calling all the other old bastards out.
So that makes 11 of you.
I am sure a few will be older then myself who turns 72 in Nov.
But I want the title and my plan is to out live all who is older.
My secret in outlasting anyone older is that I masturbate everyday , sometimes twice a day.
I am telling you my arm gets very tired and when I reach a climax, yup sure do .
I think the only ejaculate that comes out is a little smoke.
You know magic smoke!
I think of myself as the ORIGINAL A- Hole so in response I have become a curmudgeon of the first order.
I want to know who is older and what medical problems do you have, heh heh heh because at this age we will all have something wrong.
I often wonder what will go first the body or the mind. And then I hear inner voices calling me ASSHOLE!
Rats enjoying life!!!
Here leave me show you how to do that son.
Foghorn Leghorn.


Well-known member
Makes sense a bunch of Scorps would be successful growers!! lol
I move up to the next bracket (36-45) in a couple months... I didnt fall for the typo in the poll...lol...I'll stay in the lower bracket as long as my earth age allows me :D


Active member
My secret in outlasting anyone older is that I masturbate everyday , sometimes twice a day.
I am telling you my arm gets very tired and when I reach a climax, yup sure do .
I think the only ejaculate that comes out is a little smoke.
see, it's not hard to spot a geezer. :) who else would post like that?

I know an icmonger that started forums when he was 14. he was obtaining elite geneticsf from some of the old time aussie growers at that age. he is very mature and I was shocked to learn his age.

i'm 61 and feel it.



Well I'm another one big guy, 78 the other day... I'll tell you what it feels like.... it feels like going over a waterfall, you first notice a peak, at 76 for me, and you look yourself in the eye and say 'hey, I'm at the top, I've done about all I'm going to do this trip and I strap myself in for the ride down. And every day on that ride down I feel a little older and a little weaker...... a little dumber and a little crazier.

But do I care? Hell no, if I haven't done it by now I'm not going to do it, or it's not worth doing anyway. Who's gonna care? We're all the same, we do what we can with what we've got, we beat ourselves up for a lifetime and still don't know why.....

Where's that roach? I'm up.....

See you in the next life.


Active member
I can't top 78, old fellow, but since I voted I've cleared 70. I don't look too bad and my health is pretty good. I feel like I'm stepping into the next chapter. Cannabis controls my epileptic seizures better than any other medication and I take a mild blood pressure drug but that's it for meds. Oh, at the moment I'm treating a skin rash with a steroid ointment. I'm slower, weaker, and probably a little dumber and the aches and pains add up. Glad I don't have to work an eight hour day anymore.


Well we are lining up the members of the OLDMAN club here @ IC.
I am thinking 78 will take the top spot.
My back went out 2 days ago and I can hardly move.
Oh the sciatica , what pain!
I am sitting back on a heating pad hoping for some relief.
Even when somewhat normal I am slowing down
I am wasting away sort of like Obie one knobby (spell?)You know from star wars.
Here is a certain, death is, life not so much.
Senescence is not just for annual plants.

Heh heh heh like that commercial "it's all about the dash"
the little line between the born date and the death date.
As oldman said their is not much that can pop a cherry in life for me for I have done much of what I wanted to do.
As well of a lot of things that I did not want to do.
I am dreaming of a Japanese lady with their small feet to walk on my bad back.
See even in sever pain I am thinking pussy.
One thing that I never could get enough of.
On my death bed I'll be thinking of honey pie!
Now come to think about it this paradigm goes back to my hypothesis of out living you all.
And they say money makes the world go round.
Wrong it's pussy!
Ratz :tiphat:


pussy is tops.:biggrin:

2 Legal Co

Active member
Just got my first Soc. Sec. check in July this year.... so 62. Finally getting back a little of what I paid in. YES!!!

More Ak and S Diesel than I can consume.
Life is, indeed, good.




Well-known member
I am so old, when I got married, the wife and I were going to go to Egypt to see the pyramids for our honeymoon........... but they wern't finished yet.

So, we went to Atlantis, instead.


I am so old, when I got married, the wife and I were going to go to Egypt to see the pyramids for our honeymoon........... but they wern't finished yet.

So, we went to Atlantis, instead.

Hahahaha that has just earned a buddy request

Jta il be needing a second vote next year

moose eater

Old enough for all sorts of discounts; even at places that I have no interest in shopping or dining at.

Bud Green

I dig dirt

I need to start carrying a small mirror with me to the stores and restaurants.

So I can look in it and then I'll remember that I'm eligible for those discounts...