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Just Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part 3


Well-known member
Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

Canni....that shit doesn't even look like weed.

It's beautiful. :tiphat: What does one of them yield?

LSY...don't rev me up about the cat. If the mob was half as smart as the cat...I'd need...maybe four...to cover the yard. But then I wouldn't have near as much compost.

Grey...that's a morsel...And I'd love a taste. Your stuff has a much more functional high than mine.

Went home, didn't forget anything. Did my chores, didn't yell at my wife, I was stoned, but not blind. Didn't smoke any more so it definitly worked. Hard to explain.

No better, no worse...but way different than what I'm used to. Thanks for introducing me to that. I like it.

Hawaiian!...Even if I could pull indicas out of my yard...and I have about a 50% sucess rate...the humidity just eats me. I would still go for the Sativas. Just the way the law is written, and enforced, the way I see it is you need to pull as much as you can per hole.

It's the classic trade off, Indica quality vs Sativa quanity. Run the numbers. Quanity wins every time. That's not to say I won't try a couple.

When Horseman gets off his ass and tells me where the hell he wants Rodney to go...there's one.

And believe me...This time of year I rack my brain over this question...Daily.

But who cares? This year I've made some new crosses. Maui still has cane fields....lots of them. Dry land, lower humidity. Indica crosses will do good. So we will try them there.


what a hell of a view that pic is OH, i dont care if its overcast or not. does make the island look small. greyskull whatcha got there?
Ain’t gonna do it!

Ain’t gonna do it!

When Horseman gets off his ass and tells me where the hell he wants Rodney to go...there's one.

I never even considered placing Rodney…..(confio en ti) I trust your judgment explicitly.

But who cares? This year I've made some new crosses. Maui still has cane fields....lots of them. Dry land, lower humidity. Indica crosses will do good. So we will try them there.

Glad that you said that (saved me from asking) what would an OH thread be without the “cane field chronicles”.

Being primarily an indoor guy (w/ such a short outdoor season here) I’ve never done a re-veg. But my spring indoor hydro grow wasn’t going the way that I wanted it to. And due to time constraints I switched boats and started them in soil (less) indoors.
Now you’ve got me thinking about learning re-veg w/ at least one of these.

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With the outdoor season so short, and these finishing so near that time….will I have time to re-veg one of these….So the actual question is; How long would I expect a re-veg to take? If I’m gonna miss a short season waiting on a re-veg I’ll just start a young girl at the right time.

Weeze sent me a few Rod X Lavender blueberry crosses….if fem, I’ll definitely put one of those outside. I’m always interested in Rod and her crosses. She’s a happy girl outside….but we’re learning how to make her happier under indoor lighting. It appears that supplemental UVb may be the kicker.

Haole….by the way…***hole was meant as newhole.



High country cat herder
Canni....that shit doesn't even look like weed.

It's beautiful. :tiphat: What does one of them yield?

Being that I'm indoors with some serious space constraints, I try to limit my girls to around 3-6 oz per stalk....

That one in particular, should be around the 4 oz mark when dry and cured :dance013:



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Well-known member
Oh Boy...

Oh Boy...

Canni....ok....that shit kinda looks like weed. On the table it looks familiar. It's still beautiful.

Horseman...I thought that would get you out from under your rock. I'll put her in a good spot.

Would I do a Re grow where you live...I pondered this for a day and, no I wouldn't even try. You would pull it off, but lose yield.
If it was special, and you wanted to save that, sure.

But I think you would get less yield off of a regrow, than a plant started now, veged indoors until last frost, then put outside to bud.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Rodney is a Indica dom. That is problems to regrow. I know LSY did it, but the lives in a costal area. Rusty would be the man to ask. Is he still there?

But what do I know? I've never grew one where you live. A long growing season, your mistakes tend to "self correct". A short one....one shot baby.

So that's my 2 cents...and that's about what it's worth.

And the canefield chronicals will start when it stops raining. I'm looking forward to that like a root canal.



With the outdoor season so short, and these finishing so near that time….will I have time to re-veg one of these….So the actual question is; How long would I expect a re-veg to take? If I’m gonna miss a short season waiting on a re-veg I’ll just start a young girl at the right time.

I put mine in 12/12 the 1st of the month and will stat to re veg close to the 2nd week of May if everything goes as planned. I think its really easy and the yield is incredible. It took my plants around a month or so, but i used buds for them to really be in that re veg state. But once they are in the ground, they grow fast.

Here is a couple pic's of my re veg's before i was ripped, damn kids took all my tops:shucks:but the way the re vegged plant grows, they didn't have time to take it all.

The 1st pic shows the main stalk, which i cut down as much as possible before 2 re pots. And the first re pot, ya trim roots, 2nd you re pot in bigger pot, but not cut roots on 2nd re pot. Then put them in the shade outside to acclimate them to the sun.

I think 24/0 light cycle is best after trimmed to get them ready to switch back to veg:wave:

Hope ya get this, but if not il be here a lot so ask anything as this was brief...............and OH gets monsters in that nice environment, yet goes about it different because of it. Non the less his goal is the re veg monsters. Sure wish i could do that here, but i got that thing we call snoww, sucks to, lol.



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OH i grew mine out to finish inside, took my buds. Then left a few on the outer part of the plants, only because i had no leaves to work with. Then the above stuff. And im right under the great lakes so id believe anyone could re veg, but they would need to start inside and plant after the first harvest. This will give the plant time to get back to the re vegging stage and then plant 2nd week of May or so, but not much later. I think my NL wasn't in full re veg and suffered before getting sick.

Anything for an experiment!

Anything for an experiment!

When I posted that it kind of looked like C dot C would never come back again……OH leaving seemed to signal the end. It appears to have been given new life…..how long that lasts remains to be seen. I will re-read Rusty’s re-veg….didn’t pay that much attention the time previous, but now it has my attention.

Bout what I thought…..probably not enough time to pull it off….good advice. That said, I’ve ignored good advice and won…and lost as well.
But being a consummate experimenter I’m having a hard time resisting the urge. With an allowable 6 plants….considering yield….and my light consumption…….guess I’ll let how things look in mid May tell me which way to go.

And the canefield chronicals will start when it stops raining. I'm looking forward to that like a root canal.

But the last year was sooo entertaining…..you know who you are….we know who you are…..my money says you look forward to it! Fess up!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Rodney is a Indica dom.

That’s still a mystery to me….how dominant? I never had that broad a leaf until that lizard like fellow grew them under different light. It’s an amazing study how a plant can be so different under varying light conditions. But then you grew them under sun light…what’s your opinion?


You’re the one responsible for getting me to ignore what is very likely good advice. Bless you LSY…..I never seem to be able to leave well enough alone. And a good experiment should never go ignored.


Did you ever try a re-veg with your altitude limitations? I expect that your window might even be a week or two shorter than mine.

Newhole…..sorry to drag your thread into my little thought process…..but then a full season grow leaves time for side streets.

Thanks for the indulgence,


High country cat herder

Did you ever try a re-veg with your altitude limitations? I expect that your window might even be a week or two shorter than mine.

I've only re-veged a single plant so far,.... and that was finished indoors, then reveged under 18-6 and is being re-trained now for SCROG again indoors.

I've got the stump of the ISS that was just harvested Re-veging for grins. But again, that plant is going to live its rebirth indoors. :smokeit:


Well-known member
The Voice of the Collective Has Spoken....

The Voice of the Collective Has Spoken....

And they don't know shit....

Oh well...that sucks...I hate when that happens.

All c dot c needed is someone to clean it up, And I didn't leave....I got banned for a year
....shit happens....water under the bridge...:laughing: insert appropriate cliche here.

I think Rodney is an Indica. We will know after a season in the cane.

Canefield = Root Canal. This year my I'd bet it saves my ass. The house looks to be wet....It's going to be Sativa city up here.

Somebody bleeds...always. Usualy me. And I don't bounce as well as Newhole.

Experimenting....I like this idea.

Ever heard of the refugee plant?

A seed hits the ground, makes the dirt...and grows. A couple of weeks later, a group is sitting around, somebody looks down and says " Wow! There's a plant there!"

I'm using that theory in the gulch. What I'm really doing is showing off. Four seeds, no pots, straight into the hole. Fuck transplanting.

Remember, a few posts back when I said some rain would help? We got it....in spades. This should work.

I still have a few Kush test plants around the house, all are showing signs of elongating. We are not at 12/12 yet. But that party is ending....spring is going to be early this year.

Pic 1...a sativa elongating. I can either regrow it or scrap it. Scrap it
Pic 2 & 3 Kush girls. I should get something off of these.


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Hawaiian Inebriatti
An accidental re-grow dat's good fo' an elbow.

An accidental re-grow dat's good fo' an elbow.

"We are not at 12/12 yet. But that party is ending....spring is going to be early this year."

Got that right!:tiphat:

Howzit O.?
Here's some good news.:)

The Thaigr was startin to get foxy, so chop chop.
Left 2 or 3 tiny budlets at da lowest node, yanked her outta her container, and dropped her onna old coco pile to weather.

Ambled by a week later and what, to my wondering eyes should appear?
What ho! A Volunteer!

She's a one-hit Sativa from seed that you would recognize :thank you:, so. . . .
Stuffed her busted root ball inna pot and laid her back down on her side in the same place
(The coco pile gets less sun than the cage.)

Den kep' a lidless eye on 'er;
Guard zard.jpg

Nudder week and;
early spring.jpg

Accidental re-grows mus' happen alla time 'round here.:jump:
Jus' when ya think, " it no get mo' betta dan dis", yah?:dance013:

Got some pics for you too.
'bout to go sendem, betta grease up yer happy hand.:wave:

I don’t have an opinion.

I don’t have an opinion.

I think Rodney is an Indica. We will know after a season in the cane.

She certainly shows you a rather broad leaf (in the right light) when she’s young. She never showed me that broad a leaf under fluro (when young) and I put a clone (more mature) out to the sun….so I never saw it.

That said, she’s pretty rangy as she matures. Trying to keep her a tight bush isn’t in the cards either……”compact” definitely doesn’t describe her well.

Obviously another hybrid. She give you a little head fake indica…..and then grow out looking sativa.

I don’t have an opinion, nor do I have a preference…..as far as dominance….hell if I know. I bow to your experience and expertise…..with luck one of us will remember to cast a vote at the end of the season.

After reading what I just wrote……I vote sativa based on the way she finishes.

Ever heard of the refugee plant?

AKA…..volunteer. I expect quite a few after bumping Rodney up and down the stairs in a hand truck for over a month…..it ended up being worth it!

Zardly….great pics! I ended up going to town for more “body” lotion.

This is going to be an epic thread….seventh page…..and we have holes. It doesn’t get any better than this! (a rare grinnie) :biggrin:

Here till the end,


High country cat herder
Your all sick in the head!

I'm waiting my shot with Rodney,....:artist:

But at least IMHO

Indica dom,...... My blueberry

Sativa dom,...... My Island Sweet Skunk

Indica,.... (AK 47 (Indica dom pheno))


Sativa,.... (Durban Poision)


High country cat herder

I'll start a thread here before long! ;) So don't worry I won't fuck with your thread much more!


G'damn I wish I had that kind of growing season,.... :blowbubbles:


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Envy of the attainable!? Nonsense! Attain, I say, attain away!

Envy of the attainable!? Nonsense! Attain, I say, attain away!


I'll start a thread here before long! ;) So don't worry I won't fuck with your thread much more!


G'damn I wish I had that kind of growing season,.... :blowbubbles:

No gotta wish, C. W..

It's like da O. P. says.
"Flights leave daily.":)
We still got plenty room.

Aloha, brah




Well-known member
Dem Sativa's be Hard to Kill

Dem Sativa's be Hard to Kill


Well...you have one of your seven...Looks like the plant that would not die. If a plant's going to volunteer....It's worth keeping on general principal alone.

You should see my partner's plot. The rain set off every seed dropped. He's using a spoon to dig them up.

Canni... Thanks for that in depth picture spread to explain to an idiot like me the difference between Indica and Sativa...I bet you enjoyed that.

You sprinkle powdered sugar on them how long before you take the pics?

And we are all sick in the head....Gee? what tipped you off?

And since I an nothing but a cog in the giant HRM Inc. gears, It would be remiss to just offer Rodney up. I may get sued. If you promise to put up pretty pics of his work....and be willing to give credit where due....see HRM Inc...I hear he is an ok guy for an asshole. He may permit it. My people will talk to his people.

And....wait for it....Flights leave daily.

HRM Inc....You say it's a Sativa....I'll treat it like one. I stunted the first generation, so I have no good idea what these look like when done right. Maybe Weez has a pic....he can send me....

If that's not a trade secret. Even better a full plant shot.

Today partner forked over a couple of starts from strains long gone. Our record keeping back then...not the greatest. They are at least 15 years old. They are sexed, so tomorrow I will shove them in, along with Rodney.

Rodney? .... Sativa.... That's all you had to say.


High country cat herder
Sorry,.... wee bit cupshot when I found the camera! :eek:: I've got my name on the list with HMR inc. ;) Just lookin forward to some bud porn!:dance013:

Might have drank away the $$$ for the ticket :friends::hide:


Hawaiian Inebriatti
His Majesty's 'Roids. Inc.

His Majesty's 'Roids. Inc.

"I have no good idea what these look like when done right. Maybe Weez has a pic....he can send me....

If that's not a trade secret. Even better a full plant shot."

Rodney hey?
1st gen? Or 2nd?

OK, all boat of 'em.

First Young Rodney. © 2010 ;

Rodney day25.jpg

Pistils start snow white, then a touch of lavender core color which then fades to off-white after a couple weeks.
Scent is spicy sweet.

The side effects are almost immediate.
One hit, and here comes a loco-motive!
It pushes against your face an' says HOWDY?
I'm very fond of Rodney.

Starts out as a chubby chile.
Early leaf is all wide n sassy, with close internodes.
All indica indicators, yah?

Den she gruesome;
NF day34-1.jpg

Buds look Indica kine;
NF Day 46.jpg

Her general demeanor is Sativish;

For comparison, the foreground is one of O.H. Industries ®, Mo' Sativa Maui seed. I call her Thai Gr. ©

All information supplied by a lizard is unofficial and is subject to revue by HMR Inc. & Empty pockets LLC ®
(A Totally stoned entity of Hummers Inc).

So now ya know, eh LSY?

Da Weeze



Well-known member
Dang I wanna blaze on the island with you mofos... let me work on my tan first, that way I can pass for a non-haole, if that makes any difference lol...

plate lunch and sushi at the 7-11? hell yeah!

humidity and cockaroaches? oy vey!

are there any 7-11s or fast food (mcd's, burker king) on Oahu? I visited the big island once, first impression... honolulu was shittier than i thought itd be lol...