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JUNKYARD 2 the stuggle continues

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BonsaiGrower said:
^^^^^ ya I was gonna say the same thing...wuh! and add...your bud is off the hook dog...but is any pound worth 8G?....OMFG :yoinks: 3k is a stretch for top shelf kind. Wuh! :yoinks: 8K....

Awsome update on things and such ...taker easy. Thnaks for the Porn
Yep 70 an 1/8th so figure that out..............QP's like 2 g's... :wave:


6 gs here.
but you got to know who to know.
thats why i smoke my own
peace all


Now I bet that is 1 smelly a$$ bud after putting your stinky a$$ foot next to it?????

:confused: So Puss boy wins last night???? I guess he deserved it he ran a good hard race??? At least it kept him from crying :gaga: :gaga: :gaga:

:confused: That's OK I'll take a top 5 every week from here on out and win the cup again this year. :woohoo:

:chin: Now Lime I have a question for you bro? Why do you big time growers give small closet growers like me the time of day? :confused: J/K

:yoinks: Just so you know half way threw looking at your pics I had to wipe my screen down with alcohol because it got stuck and I couldn't scroll up or down anymore :woohoo:

Nice buds , you are very talented :yummy:



garlic, who you kiddin tree master? i only got 3 plants in an aquarium on fish ferts. ty very much bro, i aint talented, just hard workin w balls for brains.

nandro, it just keeps gettin better, the coco is rollin nicely,,2 moms in veg, they seem on autopilot,,,,,,answer my pm on the nites for coco?

any basketbal fans n the house? lebron just cracked his ankle,,,,,sucks to be a cav fan...


garlic city said:
:yoinks: Just so you know half way threw looking at your pics I had to wipe my screen down with alcohol because it got stuck and I couldn't scroll up or down anymore :woohoo:

ROFLMAO! That's funny!

Top 5's for JJ suit me fine, too...


You must spread some rep around before giving it to Ambre again. I hate that.

Go Jimmie go!!!!!



what i wouldnt give to share a few lbs of boiled peanuts a case of bottle cokes and a qp af afghani w you guys and gals this afternoon.

so high...

Carlic. my casa is yalls casa.
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what i wouldnt give to share a few lbs of boiled peanuts a case of bottle cokes and a qp af afghani w you guys and gals this afternoon.

feelings are quite mutual brother, although maybe mix up the herb selection a little. its a beautiful afternoon for some nice euphoric sativas! :joint:


what i wouldnt give to share a few lbs of boiled peanuts a case of bottle cokes and a qp af afghani w you guys and gals this afternoon.

so high...

Carlic. my casa is yalls casa.

:fsu: Lime I told you not to post my sixth grade school picture!!!!ROTFLMAO I think he does need to burn a fat one?????

I love Saturday night races, but it sure does make for a boring sunday.



h@l,,,i got tons of sativa right here,,havent had my gramma(the presoveiet afghani we grow up on) in s long=( score me one of those shirts? i know its a long shot,,,,but the squeeky wheel gets the grease.

and garlic, the nba playoffs and my fine friends right here are sufficinf for me=)

bubble time,,,,,then naP time,......back in about 15=)
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garlic city gro said:
:chin: Now Lime I have a question for you bro? Why do you big time growers give small closet growers like me the time of day? :confused: J/K

same reason the cute girl hangs with her fat and ugly friends...just makes us look better...lol...j/k....dont front like you arent on our level...well maybe my level...theres only one limey runt...Lime..mailman left something for you yesterday..got REZ?


kitty..fo real? that works out great, caue im ready to reciprocate, borg free=)

oh snap, thank yall both so much, my buthile just puckered up, yikes!
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