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Jumpin' on the FREEDOM Train!



Morning everyone, just got back from Wal-mart and walked through the garden section. Wal-mart does have the lava rocks like lowes, or aleast at my location. They are in the garden section next to the soils. I gave them a look and they look the same as the stuff found at lowes, but one thing i noticed was that the top bags were crushed. You might want to check them before you grab a bag and make sure they aren't crushed. Well, there you go, Lowes and Wally World have them. Can't wait till the next update Shorts.
Take care everyone


keeporegongreen- thanks for the kind words :smile: and thanks for stopping by. Honestly, I have no idea what watering schedule I will be using. I will try 24/hrs and see if they look overwatered or not. If they appear overwatered I will start to shorten it. Like you said, I am just going to experiment and see what works. Sorry I can't be more helpful.. but it's my first time running this type of drip setup.

hey bonz & GDW -- I'm hoping things are well with you both! :wave:

Okay, so after testing my first irrigation setup, which was 1/2" black poly with t's, it wouldn't stop leaking along a couple seams, and I just didn't feel comfortable leaving it that way. As much as I didn't want to, I completely redesigned the drip setup to be a little more hardy and permanent. I used PVC and drip emmitters this time. I also got a new res too, I think it will hold at least 30 gallons under the level of the buckets which is plenty. I got rid of the stakes, and drilled some holes in the top of the bucket to hold the tubing. Also, I changed the location of the rez so the draining tubes are much shorter, the longest ones are only 3' now, so everything drains much faster. Overall, I'd say it's about ready to go! :woohoo: 5 clones out of 6 rooted, just 1 more and I'll get this thing fired up.

almost ready to get going! :woohoo:


Active member
Good mornin shorts, what a trip dude i felt the same ay so yesterday i went and bought pvc as well, too many leaks with the poly, it was driving me nuts! What kind of fittings, did you use to attatch the 1/4" lines to the pvc? What a trip, thinkin along the same lines! Lookin great bro. I am also gonna go from 4 to 6 buckets at least for this run , i want to be able to run 4 or 6. Got your clones ready? wooo hooo man cant wait to see her up and runnin. I know ive said this before but i ran mine 24/7 with no signs of overwatering.




Hey Bonz, how are ya? Great minds do think alike, eh? :biglaugh:

Since I already took the pic I'll share it anyways... just in case somebody else needs to know what parts they are.

I can't wait to see your new setup ! I'm really starting to like these things...


Active member
Howdy shorts ,i had an idea to make a screen in a frame and hang it from th cieling. It could be move up as the plants grew. I dont know sounds a bit too much, waddya think?



Oooo my.. you just gave me all sorts of new ideas.. what an interesting idea.

It seems like it would work.. what do you think? Sure would be easier than building one from the ground up it would seem.


Active member
i dont see why it wouldnt work, especially with your space where you have room to walk around the garden. It could be hung very simply with chains or you could figure out a pulley system that would raise it all at once, or maybe you wouldnt need to raise it at all. Are you going to use the 4" x4" mesh? I found some thats 2" x 4" comes off a roll and sold by the foot, very cheap.

fun fun fun



I think you are right, once again... this looks like it will work very well. :woohoo: Can I hire you as my growroom consultant?! Thanks for another KICKASS idea, and for all the ideas you've shared with us. This system wouldn't exist if it weren't for your thread. Thanks a bundle man, I can't stress that enough.

I used 4" trellis netting, I doubled up to try and make the squares more like 2", and it works good. I used PVC pipe to make the frame, it's 6'6" x 4'10", and used chain to hang it from the ceiling like you suggested. Now, I can simply raise and lower it as I want, it's really nice. I left it pretty high in the pictures because I am still working in the area. With the center support, it's very stable-- but I'm going to be crawling around this cycle, its a lot harder to move around. So whaddya think?



Active member
Awesome shorts! looks like it should work. One thing popped into my head while looking at the pics. Since iyts haging it doesn't have any support side to side, so lets say you had one especially fatbudded girl and she wanted to pull to one side theres nothing really to stop the whole screen from going with it. Simple solution (if it becomes a problem at all) would be to run lines like sash cord or somethin from each side of the screen to the wall, that would prevent it from moving around. Something like that anyway would solve that problem. How sturdy does it feel now?

Bro, your more than welcome, im having more fun than ive had in years with this stuff. Your threads are what inspired me to biuld my first ebb & flow bucket system so i wouldnt be doin shit if werent for your threads and the wealth of knowledge contained within them. So together (along with everyone elses invaluable input) i think were gettin it wired. Now get some rocks and cuts in there and lets see what she can do! :woohoo:

Ill post some pics of my rebiuld soon, defenitly goin with 6 buckets.

peace all over the place :friends:

bonz :wave:


Yeah, I know what you mean, I was knocking it around pretty good. I think I am just going to run a line going down from each corner and tie it onto the futon frame, and then just untie and retie as I need height adjustment (if any). I'll tie it tight, and I think that should stabilize it fairly well.. :chin: I'm hoping. I've never done a SCROG, so this will be fun. :smile:

Can't wait to see your new buckets. :wave:


Mmmmm :chin: I say scrap it and start over. You'll get about an ounce off that. :wink:

Blatant :wave:


Doing great my brutha..... Just up here thinking how a busy boy you've been. Setup looks nice and neat as usual. With the root systems that these things put out you can expect some big yields there. Off to another good start...... Hail to the Queen!

Blatant :asskick:


Short's :wave:
Totally Awesome!How the hell'd I miss this 1?Very clean and profesional looking setup,much quality weed I see in your future! :cool:


You guys need to trade in those reflectors and hang those bulbs vertically, and really grow trees. Those buckets are too close together, put them on 5ft centers, and you'll get like 1.5-2# per plant.

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