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Jumpin' on the FREEDOM Train!



Welcome! :wave:

For those who aren't familiar with this type of system, 'Freedom Buckets' are a hydro drip/dwc system that has been showing up on IC more and more, and I decided to finally give them a whirl. I think this system was originally brought to IC by goldmember, and later by Bonzo-- who's system I have modeled mine after. I have basically copied Bonzo's plan's by studying his threads and pictures and taking notes with me to the hardware store.

I didn't know I was building this sytem until about 11am this morning, it's passing 3 am now and I have finished testing, and there are no leaks! :woohoo: On my first test there were a few leaks, but I fixed those up quick. I am a bit nervous, it's been a couple years since I've run a new system, so I was relieved when I turned on the pump it didn't all blow apart or something. Also, this is my first 'totally from scratch' type system too, at least for flowering, I have usually utilized commercial parts (trays, etc) in some way. This time I bought everything at the local hardware store...for the most part.

There are a few slight differences from Bonzo's buckets. The drainage fittings mostly. Instead of using 1" pvc drains, and PVC pipe draining, I am using 1/2" elbows as drains, and using 1/2" black poly to drain back to the res (I took those draining pieces from my multi flow buckets, cheap bastid am I). Bonzo's drains I think are better and more efficient and would reccomend the larger drains to anybody building this system (but after seven trips to the hardware store, I decided to use some parts I had). Also, right when I was about to start building my lift for the buckets (got to keep them above res for gravity drain) I noticed I had a spare futon frame the exact same dimension I needed. It had to be raised another 4", which I did, and it works perfectly. Really lucked out on that one.

Well, enough of my story-- here are some pics.

Started with this stuff

Drilled a bunch of holes for a while

drill and secure (using locking nut) support pieces (added cap pieces to prevent any leaking from those)

Bucket fits nicely, and PLENTY of room for roots in bottom. I placed the drain so it keeps about 1-1.5" of water at the bottom at all times.

Temporary res for testing. Draining tubes (decided to not connect and use individual drain tubes to prevent clogging. redundancy is the theme this round) Futon, extra spacers below that. There's about 10" vertical height to the bottom of the square pot.

This new airmpump (thanks again hilli) is very powerful, and has a 12 outlet adapter. I'm running 2 airstones per bucket, it's really spectacular the amount of air it puts into the buckets. the roots will be SO happy. All you can hear when you plug it in is FIZZZZZZzzz :woohoo:

One noticable part of this sytem is the amount of lines running all over the place. Basically its one tube (1/2") connected to the pump which feeds all the smaller feeding lines (1/4"). I'm running 3 lines per bucket, and I am using stakes to prevent the lines from falling out.

I'm going to cut down the length of that tube so it feeds on top of the bucket. the flow is descent even with my test pump, its only ~150GPH. My new one is pushing 300gph I think? :sasmokin:

thats one shiny growroom! lol :pointlaug

I am definitely not done, now that I have it all up and running-- about a dozen different improvements are coming to mind. So this will be a system that is changing, it will take me a while to tweak it to just how I like it.

In the meantime-- I hoped you enjoyed my story, and my new system. I am going to be throwing some clones in them soon. I am going to attach some vertical bars to the futon, because I am running a screen this time. I have several 4" screens, and I am going to cross them to make a 2" netting screen. This will be an interesting... and possible nerve-wrecking thread. Either way, it will be exciting! :wave:


looks nice, dude... im kind of jealous,... mgiht have to make one for meself eventually.


also.. would it be easier to cut out the entire bottom of the inner buckets, or would that not be good for the plants.... i hope the run goes well!


Hey SS, thanks for stopping in. :smile: Well, I suppose the reason is because the bucket is going to be filled with hydroton rock (or any other medium) and then the roots are allowed to grow freely down into the bottom. I like using rocks because they are heavy and give the roots something solid to grab onto, and the plant has an anchor. If you removed the entire bottom instad of drilling holes, the rocks would fall into the bottom. I hope I understood you right, I've been up for a long time-- the sides of the screen are starting to twirl... or maybe that is just IC's trippy wallpaper... :crazy: Thanks for stopping in-- stick around :lurk:

Dr. D

Active member
Nice sset-up GIS very interesting...gonna be fun to watch :joint:
wot is the advantaghe with this set-up over a dwc set-up???more air to the roots??


Dr. D said:
wot is the advantaghe with this set-up over a dwc set-up???more air to the roots??

Hey D, thanks for stopping by man. How are you? :wave: Hmmm.. good question. IMO, an advantage to this system might be the huge capacity for the root mass, this is much more space than a 5 gallon bucket, or two 5 gallon buckets stacked would offer. You could literally grow a tree with these I think. That's why this system appealed to me so much, the fact I always end up with cramped roots. I don't think this is any better or worse than DWC, I think it's just another type of system. I don't run DWC mainly because it's a pain to keep my water temps low. :joint: hope things are good. :smile:

and I think ... it looks kinda cool . :pimp3:

Dr. D

Active member
Hey GIS im good how are u? well more root space is certainly an advantage...more roots more bud IMO im lookin to expand my dwc buckets for more space...gonna experimenting with a few things wen i get my new place.. :joint:


this might be interesting to see ina greenhouse.. :chin:

BUT i should probably get my first finished run in before i bother with that. :pointlaug


Active member
way to go, shorts! :woohoo:

i'm sure you will have a forest of evergreens in there soon...hehe

great pix, by the way...easy to follow...thanks.


Looks extremely good, Thankyou for showing us. and good luck,

How much did this system cost? - Obviously price is always a factor when building such systems.

Why did you choose to put aluminum on the walls and buckets, as opposed to white walls, white buckets
I always thought that light reflects better off plain white. But then I dont know? good for you though,
maybe "everyone" here do actually put aluminum on there walls, and i just suddenly noticed yours because you pointed out that its a "shiny grow"

I am going to study Bonzo's thread because I am unfamilare with this system.
Anyway good luck again.


Shorts, I always love watching your threads. Love the new setup you got and think it's going to really do very well. Was wondering how much you have in the system, money wise? Also, what are you going to run for lights, wattage? Sorry, for all the questions. Really love the setup and can't wait to see some clones or seedlings in those buckets. Take care and stay out of trouble :)

Bucket Boy

Set it up

Set it up

How much you got into that system shorts? Can't be all that much? let me know when you can, :wave:


good morning IC :lurk:

Dr. D- I'm doing good man, thanks for asking. Yeah, the root thing is really the number one issue I was trying to improve. I've had cramped roots for just too long... stop by any time man. :wave:

secret squirrel- Hey, thanks for coming by again. I would love to see this in a greenhouse, can you imagine how big the plants would get? :sasmokin:

- Hey good buddy, thanks for stopping in! Thank you for the kind words as well, hopefully the evergreen forest is not too far away. :wave:

Ronley- Thanks for stopping in. Well since I got a few questions about price I decided to break it down. I built it for under $250, that's pretty much everything not including the air pump, res and drain fittings (which I already had). Here's how the rest worked out:

Square pots $48
Buckets $26
Pump $50
Lines, etc $20
Airstones, etc $45
Stakes $18
Foil Tape $10
Net trellis $15

Total $232

Already had:
Airpump ($60 value)
Reservoir ($20 value)
Drain fittings, etc ($30 value)

The reason I decided to wrap them in foil tape was to keep out any light, or as much as I can. If you put the white bucket over your head, and put your hand in between your head and a light, you can clearly see the outline of your hand's shadow. One layer or foil tape and you can no longer see any shadows through the bucket. So I figure it seems to work pretty good. Thanks for stopping in ! :wave:

GoldDustWomen- Thanks for coming by!! How the heck are ya?! The prices are above, didn't spend over $250, which is fine by me. :woohoo: I am going to be running 2KW, and I am going to try and really screen train this time around to keep everything perfectly level. Hopefully not too long until I have clones going, 4 out of 6 have rooted already! Thanks for stopping by, come by anytime! :wave:

Bucket Boy- $232 was the exact amount I spent. Thanks for coming by ! :wave:



growerinshorts said:
If you put the white bucket over your head, and put your hand in between your head and a light, you can clearly see the outline of your hand's shadow.

GiS Research & Development Team:


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
LOL @ bucket midget! Nice thread here shorts, and I have always fantisized a hydropowered green house! but then I have to take five deep breaths and count to ten and then take my heart medication! :D


Bakin in da Sun

another execellent setup by the Shorts. ive never could comprehend the freedom concept, but it always intrigued me. best of luck bro,

heres to growin humongous trees :joint:

btw... what are you plannin on fillin those buckets up with? :sasmokin:


Active member
Wooo Hoooo man! :wave: Let Freedom ring! Looks goos Shorts, the futon frame sure did come in handy eh? It is a pretty neat lookin system when its done huh? Did you get your lava yet or are you gonna use lava? :confused: Lookin forward to seein some cuts in there dude!


bonz :wave:


Keppin an open eye on ya> I will be around and lurking in the shadows. I hope your grow goes super!!! Baccas

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