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Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request for Trial

Three Berries

Active member
Anyone who is using aa search engine and using that as proof should realize what you search for is controlled.

If you want the truth you need to go onto some uncensored sites.

People are the new media, the MSM is a corporate propaganda arm.


Well-known member
Anyone who is using aa search engine and using that as proof should realize what you search for is controlled.

If you want the truth you need to go onto some uncensored sites.

People are the new media, the MSM is a corporate propaganda arm.

hell yes! go ask the inmates about how the asylum should be run, lol...🤣


Well-known member
Or go on a reefer forum and get your advice.....

Do you trust the news?

nobody blindly. when damn near all of them (except Faux) agree, i take it seriously. this is a great place for advice on growing cannabis, avoiding jail, making concentrates, etc. do you trust them?


Well-known member
RE original post - news now saying that the British High Court has apparently sided with Assange RE extradition. they agreed with the US on every point of law, but denied extradition over fears he would commit suicide in prison. US is appealing, per usual. several countries have extradition treaties with US but will not extradite those that could face death penalty or could show where prison in US more dangerous to them than elsewhere. i don't blame them either. I'm pretty sure the state of Texas and a few others have put prisoners to death that were later found to not have been guilty.

Three Berries

Active member
I obviously do not follow the same “sources” as you do, but could you please provide some sort of evidence that Hillary committed crimes against children.
I’m not a Hillary fan, but figured she would not have been able to run for POTUS if this were actually true. SURELY, trump and the republican misinformation machine would have pummeled the airwaves and internet with this if there were any sort of evidence….aside from pizzagate.

2013 NBC News Report re Hillary Clinton State Department Interfering in multiple investigations into its personnel, including an ambassador accused of sex with minor children.
Jen Psaki was the state department press person at the time & now Joe Biden has selected her as White House Press Secretary.



Active member
Thank you.
Allegations about some ambassador from 2013. Internally investigated by the state department and also investigated by republicans in congress, and nothing ever came of either the investigations?
While it’s reprehensible, that is a far cry from “Hillary is committing crimes against children”.
Again, i am not a Hillary fan, but if the republicans had information regarding Hillary committing crimes against anyone, particularly children, we’d all be hearing about it non stop for twenty years, Benghazi style.

Three Berries

Active member
Thank you.
Allegations about some ambassador from 2013. Internally investigated by the state department and also investigated by republicans in congress, and nothing ever came of either the investigations?
While it’s reprehensible, that is a far cry from “Hillary is committing crimes against children”.
Again, i am not a Hillary fan, but if the republicans had information regarding Hillary committing crimes against anyone, particularly children, we’d all be hearing about it non stop for twenty years, Benghazi style.

Well hold on as it will come out. it's a matter of public record. Why can't you find info on it? Why doesn't the media report on it?

Three Berries

Active member


Active member

Funny how that’s a partisan train.
LOSER45 didn’t offer Assange a pardon and I don’t hear anyone on the right calling for his release.
Just sayin.

Three Berries

Active member
No doubt, but your cartoon shows one side. lol

The cartoon was just a point of interest I spotted.

What is going on with Assange in the media is not what is really happening. It is another case of the media framing the narrative but something else is working in the background.


Active member
I see it somewhat differently.
Assange took a sharp stick and poked a big ass grizzly bear right in the eye.
Then he ran and tried to hide from the bear and sought refuge in a hidey hole
The bear didn’t forget about getting poked in the eye and patiently waited for the eye poker to leave his hidey hole.
The eye poker overstayed his welcome in the hidey hole and was forced to leave.
The bear was waiting for the eye poker and when the eye poker came out of his hidey hole the bear finally caught the eye poker.
Now that the bear caught the eye poker, the bear is going to F-up the eye poker.

Morale of the story: Don’t poke a bear in the eye with a sharp stick.


Well-known member
Well hold on as it will come out. it's a matter of public record. Why can't you find info on it? Why doesn't the media report on it?

probably because it does not exist. or, maybe they hid everything in the basement of the pizza place that didn't have a basement. yeah, i'll bet THAT is where the "evidence" is hidden...🤣