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judgment day (frost ariveth)

stoner 13th

hey guys- thought id drop by- Temps here are dippin down to around 38 F / 3C the last few nights, and im expecting first frost in a week or so- same thing happens here every year- gets cold at the begining of oct, i get worried about frost and harvest- but this year im gonna wait it out and get to that nice week of warm october that comes after the quick cold-

great info and pix btw- this thread is a good resource


Right now i'm sitting at this for my poor girls, sunlight is fading away!
and I must agree with you stoner .. btw way it looks in the forcast its getting warmer around here to !!! i hope the weathermans right!!!

HIGH 8°C 9°C 14°C 16°C 20°C 16°C
LOW 3°C 5°C 3°C 5°C 5°C 8°C

10:46pm DST
Wed 10/4/2006
Calendar Sunrise: 7:42am
Sunset: 7:07pm


Thursday: October 12th 50/29
Friday: October 13th 44/32
i really need more than jsut this time for my plant to finish! what do you guys think?


well i woke up to .. a white covered canvas today .. totally out of the blue ...
and well shity deal ..

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Smoke weed and prosper
damn!!! :badday:
those are the wrong kind of crystals to have on the plants.
hope it's not too late.


well it stopped snowing, and the news keeps saying that its supposed to get back to 20+C around here .. so i'm crossing my fingers !!!


New member
Shit today i just went to uncover my plants and they were frozen solid. Tonight it supposed to be just as cold. I will check my girls later today a see if the leaves are drooping as, they probably cant take two nights of this weather. If it looks bad i will pull everything today. I need alot more time but immature bud is better than no bud.
Looks like my year is over.


woke up to snow covered buds also....they need a few weeks, but looks like the weather is gonna stay shitty for the next 4 days or so...

think I might see how long they can take of this cold.


New member
Well i went and checked my plants that were covered but frozen solid, and suprisingly look good. The leaves are not droopping and the pistols are not dying. I was pretty sure this would die, because this morning i went out to remove the bags covering the plants and the plants were frozen solid. Though the second patch that was not covered, the leaves are dying and drooping so i guess the covering does help. I have to get through 2 more nights of freezing temps. Tonight it 28F and tommorow night is 32F but after that it home free. Wish me luck guys i ll need it. Good luck to all those trying to get through this cold snap.
Hope things work out for you sungod , i stupidly forgot one of the plants that was in a low frost pocket and in a pot and a few days back it was frozen solid but is looking good right now. Keep a close eye on the plants for the next little while as i found some frost damage does not become apparent for several days and i imagine that it might take even longer to show in cool to cold weather. So far i have had a good 6 frosts with three of them having temps down to about -2 and colder in low areas and a good number of my plants still look great, Scnazzelberry, Belladonna , most of the f1 purple #1 seedlings and a few others that my addled brain can't recall at the moment seem the toughest and i really do believe that -5 or -6 deg c (mid 20's f approx) seems to be the cutoff point. All i can say is i am glad the heavy wet snow is to my south and west as that stuff would snap my remaining girls in no time and bring on the indian summer.


yeah i'm going through a possible frost tonite as well. its supposed to be bad for a couple of nights. i might end up bringing them inside the next couple of nights, a luxury of growing in pots.
good luck to everyone with their ladies getting through the cold. i told my plants to think warm thoughts, moved them into some trees and covered the pots with old dried up tree branches and such to help keep some of the warmth in.
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New member
well i got through day 2 of mid 20'sF temperatures. I went out today and my plants again were frozen solid. I went back see them after the ice had melted to take a damage report and one of my plants has no damage the other has some leaves with damage to the leaf tissue. Overall they look better than i thought. I have one more night to get through. Forcast low is 29-31F better than the last two nights but still have to cover it. Good luck everybody!

stoner 13th

took my plants a few days ago- the cold scared me off again- but i was in good time, the first frost happend to be the night i cut em.

hate to see the snow covered buds up there- hope they held strong
Hope things are going well for all you folk. Got three days of mid teen temps coming (C of course) and will leave the remainder out for that but will be picking the rest by friday. even though the plants are pretty frost tolerant the temps are just to low for good growth and next year i will put more effort into earlier strains for the most part (exept Belladonna) i will stick to plants that can finish by oct 1st. It's nice to know i can go longer but the weather at this time of year just isn't all that condusive to great cannabis culture.
though this little schnazzelberry still looks great too



well last night and today has been nothing but snow.. snow ... snow .. so i think 1 of girls that is outside in the ground will be getting the chop.... sad day!!

^^ 2 weeks ago... now she's covered in snow no doubt!!! :badday:


well looks like the rain storms bent over all my tops , so I think tonight Ill be taking those. They looked good for being in snow for 2 days and below freezing at night for 3 nights in a row.


yep fall has come and its not good! today i went out and checked on my HS( in a 5 gal bucket, and the top of the soil was completly frozen, nothing i could do but bring her in and give her some warm indoor heating... looks like i will harvest whatever i can and reveg her and hope she makes it... good luck to all i hope your journey has been more rewarding!