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"Joint" Question


Glad to hear things are back on track again.
Both of my knee's are shot and will need surgery. I just need to find the courage to get the ball rolling. Thanks for the insight and inspiration.


Hello festerous, thanks to you and everyone for the continued support. Just holed up and doing well in a spare bedroom, trying to entertain myself between sessions of ice pack and Knee Flex machine therapy. Recovery has taken a turn for the better today and I have no doubt this is gonna workout great. The infection was a real bump in the road and has put me a bit behind but past that now.



Really glad to hear things are looking up for you. I saw one of the Knee Flex machines when I went to my hip/knee replacement class. Did they test you before you went under the knife for Mersa? They did me before each hip was done. Wishing you a speedy recovery and keep on with the PT. Yea I know it hurts but it's a must do.


Really glad to hear things are looking up for you. I saw one of the Knee Flex machines when I went to my hip/knee replacement class. Did they test you before you went under the knife for Mersa? They did me before each hip was done. Wishing you a speedy recovery and keep on with the PT. Yea I know it hurts but it's a must do.

yeah Drift, the knee flex unit is a beast, yet you know it's going to play a big part in the early recovery once you get thru a few sessions. I have this one for 21 days and will use it 6-8 hours a day. I think it's a must have for rehab with knee replacement. you can set machine for both extension and flex plus cycle rate.

Seems like I do remember a nasal swab test for mersa and was given a nasal ointment I applied 2 times a day, 5 days prior. Man I've had so many blood draws my arm is black and blue but that seems minor right now compared to the knee.

My therapist is back tomorrow to resume rehab, not looking forward to that but I know it has to restart. Trying to keep pain level at 5-7 with tylenol and Ibuphrofen. Percocets are the real magic here though and I dont think I would even consider this without

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Percocets are the real magic here though and I dont think I would even consider this without


sorry, I should have said 'ice therapy and percocets (or whatever pain meds work) are the magic.


Active member
Goodnews Kief

Hopefully you thwarted an early on infection...

Uuum one thing.. you said that you were nasal swabbed for mrsa
and were given an ointment after that ( bactroban) to put in your
nose. Did you ask or anybody tell you the results of that mrsa swab???? Just wondering because most likely if you took the ointment it meant your nasal swab was positive for mrsa... Now Now... dont get excited. If you ask any health care provider they will tell you that most of us are PROBABLY positive,,, we just refuse to get tested because of a multitude of reasons.

FYI this means you COULD be a carrier of mrsa or have been exposed to someone at some point or another...

The only thing you need to do is if you happen to go through another surgery in the future or if you encounter (god forbid) an
episode in your life that could decrease your immune system ( cancer chemo therapy etc) You should probably do the same
nose swab/ointment routine but at least let your health care providers know that at one time you tested positive for mrsa in your nose ( if that is truly the case--------YOU NEED to find out for sure)

other than the above scenario.. sounds like you are good to go for now.. if the cellulitis re occurs get to your dr. asap.... and get back on iv antibiotics.... finish up any oral antibiotic prescription you have been given

good karma your way bro



hello folks, was hoping to get some help with adjusting my online inactive shutoff while posting messages. If my message is more than a few paragraphs and after submitt button, I am offline and then log back in, I have lost the message. Im sure it's easy to fix and everyone else knows to answer.

If anyone can help, just answer back at your conv.



Active member
I have a total replacment in my right knee and a semi in my left. The ops really helped me, but I´m looking at replacements pretty soon and I heard they suck bigtime.


Hey Keif,
Hope all is well and am sending best vibes out to you. I had MRSA in my nose 14 years ago and it damned near killed me. Within a few hours my face had swollen and I looked like the elephant man. Bactroban and iv antibiotics got me through and a large dose of scotch helped ease the pain (though I don't recommend the whisky unless desperate, I was.) I hope you get better real fast……………...


I have a total replacment in my right knee and a semi in my left. The ops really helped me, but I´m looking at replacements pretty soon and I heard they suck bigtime.

Hello Piel, my surgery was for a partial interior replacement for the left knee. My Dr. said afterwards that I will be looking at the complete knee repl. in the next few years. Some may say "why not now and just get it over with? But the truth is that maybe better hardware may be available later and better procedures.

Please expand a bit what you're talking about "replacements" that suck. The meds are really messing with my comprehension this morning and want to be sure I understand what your saying.



Hey Keif,
Hope all is well and am sending best vibes out to you. I had MRSA in my nose 14 years ago and it damned near killed me. Within a few hours my face had swollen and I looked like the elephant man. Bactroban and iv antibiotics got me through and a large dose of scotch helped ease the pain (though I don't recommend the whisky unless desperate, I was.) I hope you get better real fast……………...

Hi Sutra,

Yes, the MRSA thing is really nasty and is a major concern these days, more than ever. I did not test positive for MRSA and the bactroban use before surgery in the nose is preventative measure at my hospital.

I have a bottle of 12yr old Glenlevit that I will be writing myself a prescription for a couple shots once the pharmacy meds are finished.

thanks, KS


Watch out for the percocet's,they will sneak up on you and before you know it they'll be talking to you.

You got that right Mr. Fastcast. These are for making the rehab exercises tolerable and will be hitting the trashcan ASAP.



Just a few pics of essential items for recovery after knee repl.:

knee flex

cooling unit

veiw of front range

Keif immediately saw value in cooler for storing beverages. Mrs. Keif RN didn't think much of the idea.


That looks like the unit I saw at the Hip/knee replacement class. Almost looks like a torture device from the Inquisition, less the electric hookup. :yoinks:
Keep up the PT, in the long run it's your friend.
Hoping your knee is doing as good as my hips.


Active member
Kief, it sure would be nice, "to get a new knee" and get it over. Like you surmised, there will be better ones, in the future. Replacement parts wear out. A total knee, lasts about 10 years..on the average. For whatever reasons, they wear out or the glue wears out. Either way, it requires a new one.

Most likely there will be remote controlled replacement parts, in the future! lol, send your knees by remote to the fridge! That would be a cute trick.

I put beverages in my ice machine, when I was in the rehab center! It made life easier.:whee:


Nice views Keif! I used to live in Evergreen (78 through 82) and roofed houses all over the Front Range and into the mountains. Miss it there, but I have much love for oceans…….


Why use an ice machine, go sit in that beautiful front yard! lol, nice views!

Hey JPT, not a bad idea except the damn wind blowing so hard today I might end up in the road. lol

thanks, KS

PS.. 2 weeks tomorrow since surgery and begin P. T. at a rehab center near home. No more in home therapy. Real pain starts tomorrow. Staples came out last wednesday and feels a lot better with swelling diminished.



Active member
What´s happening to me is that the glue in my total replacement is being broken down by my body, the only thing holding it in place is the glue and spike in my tibia. One doc wanted to replace this a few years ago but my new doc says that "ripping" the glue out will damage bone that will take a long time to heal. I see the replacement coming in a few years. My semi is also interior and has shown no signs of wear or tear in five years so I hope the total replacement can be put of for a few years. I also have osteoarthritis which complicates the issue...

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