is that inside a shipping container?
Loveley journal. Plenty to learn from in here. Any tips on producing roots like that.
Atb vh
Sorry for the late response but thank you for your reply.Thanks for checking the thread out.
I clone in Rockwool and wait until the bottom of the cube is covered in roots before planting into 1/2 gallon grow bags.
Once the clone has a strong root system they are ready for transplant. I'll open up the bag of Canna Coco and dump it into a 50 gallon Rubbermaid and fluff it all up. I then fill the 1/2 gallon grow bag up and plant directly into the coco coir. Once all the plants are transplanted I hit them with full strength veg nutes. About 1.8 ec. Don't compact the coco when transplanting or pic the bag up to "settle" the coir down. The first several watering's will compact the coco coir to the right density and will give the coir the proper air porosity for the roots.
From the 1/2 gallon bags I go into 3.5 gallon pots. The pots I use have nubs on the bottom and hold the container up about 1/4 off my trays. I also drilled more holes in the bottom for better drainage. Once I see roots out of the bottom of the containers I'll start light multi feedings.
I think to many people go wrong by compacting their coir down and lose out on the great air porosity coco coir offers.
Years ago I used to by the bricks and hydrate them. Now with a bigger grow that just takes to much time. If you do use the brick coir most likely you will bring the coco coir to full saturation when hydrating it. When this happens let the coco coir sit until it is the same fluffiness as bag coir.
Transplanting into fully saturated coir you will lose out on the air porosity coir has to offer and starve the roots of oxygen. When
this happens there really is no way to get your root system going good.
Hi Absolem, did you abandon your peat/perlite + coco mix? Was going to give that a shot over straight coco but if I'm reading correctly, you're on straight coco yourself now...