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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
The root problem is government schools themselves are part of a social engineering agenda. Tampons etc. are symptoms and really just distractions.

So called "public education" is a farce. It begins with the idea that it's okay to force people to pay for something some of them don't want and don't use and then has (had?) the audacity to have kids salute a flag and recite a pledge which includes the words "liberty and justice for all".

Government schools first and foremost purpose is/was to replace any attempt at critical thinking with obedience to authority.

It's been wildly successful creating a class of useful idiots to use in wars, and push any number of social engineering agendas to ensure the right people remain in power and maintain control.

If you want to stop wasting dollars on something stupid, it makes sense to turn off the faucet that allows the stupid to continue to flow. Tweaking how the stupid tastes is not the same as turning the faucet off.

Has nothing to do with gender dysphoria


Well-known member
Government schools first and foremost purpose is/was to replace any attempt at critical thinking
i'm going out on a limb here and guessing that YOU went to a public school too. you sure haven't made any obvious attempts to think lately... our schools here are good, the teachers are great, but their administration folks have (mostly) NEVER taught a class and it shows. they just keep on piling more paperwork to the point that many of the teachers don't have time to teach. (spec ed especially. EVERYTHING has to be documented) they do pretty damn good considering how much BS from above they have to deal with...

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
i'm going out on a limb here and guessing that YOU went to a public school too. you sure haven't made any obvious attempts to think lately... our schools here are good, the teachers are great, but their administration folks have (mostly) NEVER taught a class and it shows. they just keep on piling more paperwork to the point that many of the teachers don't have time to teach. (spec ed especially. EVERYTHING has to be documented) they do pretty damn good considering how much BS from above they have to deal with...

Speaking of not thinking, you are an apologist for forcible taking.

The only good point you brought up is there has been a massive increase in highly paid schools administrators in our lifetime, while coincidentally a precipitous drop in test scores has happened. That puts to rest, the stupid "we need more money" for schools argument.

Perhaps the dumbest tired arguments government school worshippers give is, "schools teach kids not to bully". This of course completely ignores how schools are funded. via compulsion, usually involving an automatic lien on a persons home.

It is completely dishonest and a steaming pile of horse shit for anyone to take your money against your will and then make a claim "we teach kids not to bully".

You got any other indoctrination instilled platitudes you want to spout?

Good teachers should be able to start their own schools without a bunch of red tape and if they do a good job, they will succeed, if they do a lousy job, they will go out of business, as it should be.


Well-known member
i see you still don't understand (or admit) that you have to pay taxes as a price of being a member of a society. if reality is so difficult for you, i can't help you, and neither can anyone else. the rules are not going to change so you'll be happy. don't want to be a member? move. but i'm going to warn you...the place you want to be does not exist on this planet. sorry...
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the satanic temple, i support what they do and i may or may not have been a card carrying member for the last decade

yeah, where do you sign up to join that one?



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Good teachers should be able to start their own schools without a bunch of red tape and if they do a good job, they will succeed, if they do a lousy job, they will go out of business, as it should be.
One problem with this is that by the time they go out of business, the students will have suffered the loss. I agree that the public school system has a lot of problems, many of them from schools which are over populated but poor curricula are to blame for poor education; even worse is home schooling curriculums established by religious groups.

In my opinion curricula should be established by AI (computer) customized to individual learning groups and learning groups should be as small as possible for the teachers available. Different people learn in different ways. Some can learn by listening and observing; some learn by reading; some learn by watching (e.g. video or human activity); some can only learn by doing (etc). When I was teaching grades 4 to 7, I would take aside small groups of kids of both advanced and behind, the material to be learned. By allowing them to naturally pair (or trio) up within their learning styles, they helped each other to learn. Some of the behind kids were better thinkers/creators.

Given the right goals, AI should be able to give teachers a leg up with a standard but customized curriculum. This would hypothetically reduce management staff and relieve teachers of excessive paperwork. I believe there would be better opportunities for learning the solid stuff for skill development and critical thinking. If every parent group in every county has the right to set the educational curriculum some kids will learn and others not so much.

Admittedly, this is pretty radical but something's gotta change.


Well-known member
what i asked about signing up for was "and a moms right to not die".
also, as @VinScentVanGro pointed out, i support supple man titties and a mom's right to not die.
at the end of THIS line above. that was as limp an attempt to "make a point" as i have ever seen, you lying cocksucker!


Well-known member
public schools are purposely underfunded and left in the dust so people will get mad and pull their kids and put them in charter and private schools or homeschool. that's what all this trans, drag, woke, crt, dei shit is about too.

it's the classic right wing playbook. they do it with the USPS too. they do it in other countries as well by deliberately underfunding the health care system so they can point to how inefficient it is and how it should be privatized.
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paul ryan's 2017 butter joe schmoe up with a temp tax break, hike 'em taxes up incrementally for years and keep the billionaires taking their cut for as long as they can get away with, example


Well-known member
public schools are purposely underfunded and left in the dust so people will get mad and pull their kids and put them in charter and private schools or homeschool. that's what all this trans, drag, woke, crt, dei shit is about too.

it's the classic right wing playbook. they do it with the USPS too. they do it in other countries as well by deliberately underfunding the health care system so they can't point to how inefficient it is and how it should be privatized.
what a load of bullshit.... go to chicago, or ny or la.... solid left wing areas, and their schools SUCK...


Well-known member
what a load of bullshit.... go to chicago, or ny or la.... solid left wing areas, and their schools SUCK...
democrats are not the left

adams and hochul have been cutting the budget from schools and libraries im pretty sure the entire time they've been in office by the way.


So you’re saying boys can menstruate ?
if the bathroom situations need to be figured out, that's above my pay level... same with the semantics battle.

are you saying trans people simply don't exist? gender dysphoria isn't a mental disorder anymore, it's a fantasy?

let's flagellate it out of them in conversion "therapy", that's your position, isn't it? or what is your position?

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
i see you still don't understand (or admit) that you have to pay taxes as a price of being a member of a society. if reality is so difficult for you, i can't help you, and neither can anyone else. the rules are not going to change so you'll be happy. don't want to be a member? move. but i'm going to warn you...the place you want to be does not exist on this planet. sorry...

Thank you for conceding my point, government schools can't possibly teach kids not to bully, their own means used to gain funding proves that point.

Also, you didn't disappoint. you gave a tired appeal to authority platitude as a substitute for an argument.
Not surprised there.

Society and government are not the same thing. You should stop implying they are.
Society and government cannot be merged; one is voluntary, the other force. They are literally opposing concepts.

The place you claim I want to be, isn't a "place". Where I want to be and am, is I have a better understanding of "reality" than you do. Not trying to insult you either.

You then trailed off into a rationalization about "rules" as if people claiming to be "authority" are able to magically commit bad actions, that any sane society would condemn.
The nature of any action which would be bad for you or I to do, doesn't shift from bad to good simply because government does the same action.

Your failure to consider that, makes me think your indoctrination was effective and your reality is shaped by what you were told, rather than what is easy to observe.

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