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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
There’s a difference between being in charge and calling everyone idiots.
Good manners cost nothing


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Do you have a constructive comment? Trump was a shit show. I have nothing constructive to say regarding that asshole. Regarding Biden, he acted like a grown man and stood tall during all of Trumps endless interruptions and childish acts. He was more of a President during that debate than a single moment of Trumps presidency. Trump wont condemn white supremacists, they gave him a chance man.....this is so clear.


Well-known member
What is wrong with that???
I am a trained leader.
How about you???
Somebody has to be in command.

Oh Jeez... the gold guy speaks. Tell us, hows that working out for you?

OK Mr Trained Leader? got a question for you. You and your significant other have to go take care of a sick relative. Would you trust Trump to take care of your house and sit your 16 year old daughter and take her to school for a week? Think about it and get back to me.

For those of us that live here on Earth, this is what happened at the debate. It was a shitshow. Mostly because tRump wouldn't keep quiet when Biden was starting to talk. Biden to his credit told tRump to shut up. tRump to his discredit didn't. tRump told about 750 lies over the 90 minutes, coincidentally that's how much tRump paid in taxes two years back. Chris Wallace has tire tracks across his back. He needed a kill the mike button for tRump and maybe an electric shock each time tRump was suppose to let Biden speak uninterrupted.

Trump refused to condemn white supremacists. He didn't tell him to stand down, he told them to stand back and wait. Get that? White people who think they are superior to the mongrel hordes. tRump wants your vote! Trump told them loud and clear to get ready.

Then tRump failed to promise to abide by the results of the Election, unlike Joe, who readily agreed to support the winner, whoever that may be.

Now, some thoughts.

Biden has one problem. His crime bill. tRump zinged him for that, and for a minute he was on his game, then promptly lost it by attacking Biden's dead son Hunter. Other than that all of tRump's attacks failed. When Biden was allowed to speak uninterrupted he was devastatingly effective.

Trump has many problems. He's running 10 points behind nationally and is currently losing all of the mid-west he took from Hillary by 5-8. That alone will make Biden the next President. Add to that Arizona, Florida, Georgia and Ohio are slipping away. tRump needed a knockout win. He didn't do it. That fact alone makes this debate a clear Biden win The endangered Republican Senators will now need to do more than run away each time the press asks them if they support the Proud Boys like their leader tRump. Soon the cracks will appear between tRump and his Republican enablers.

Sadly, I think there will be two more debates. I fear they will be no better than the last one. tRump will lose, and lose in a landslide. He won't care. He has other plans to stay in power. Democrats will hold the House and retake the Senate. Then it gets crazy. President Biden will have one hell of a mess to clean up.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.

Spoken like a true great. Thats the verbiage of a true leader. If opinions were like assholes we wouldnt be capable of civilization. Opinions matter quite a lot, I admire great opinions and admit I am one better one from changing my own. Show me a better opinion to have and why.


Well-known member
Opinions are great, until people start pushing their opinions as facts, then calling others idiots for not thinking the same.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Looks like politics has cost ICMag another member. Sad IMO.

Can mods indiscriminately ban someone, or is there a vote process?

I didn't hear the candidates arguing over who would take pot off the fed schedule I first, and set plant-based medicine free.

My money would be on only one debate, if I bet on such things.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Looks like politics has cost ICMag another member. Sad IMO.

Can mods indiscriminately ban someone, or is there a vote process?

I didn't hear the candidates arguing over who would take pot off the fed schedule I first, and set plant-based medicine free.

My money would be on only one debate, if I bet on such things.

Who didn't play well with others this time ???
Hahahaha I think the speakers corner has nearly as many views as Luke and Laura's wedding


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
These type threads are not good IMO. The hate doesn't stop in these threads. Those that hate me for not being a Trump supporter will still hate me in every thread. Ive already seen it.


ICMag Donor
There is a difference between being a guest and being in public where you might actually have a right to be there. You don't go into someone's house and act disrespectfully to your hosts. Period.


Active member
I agree about Trump, but saying Biden seemed presidential only shows how far we've fallen as a society. A lost, rambling old man still looks presidential compared to Trump. Its fucking nuts how just not saying all that stuff out loud makes Biden more likable when they're practically the same person in two different humility configurations.

Do you have a constructive comment? Trump was a shit show. I have nothing constructive to say regarding that asshole. Regarding Biden, he acted like a grown man and stood tall during all of Trumps endless interruptions and childish acts. He was more of a President during that debate than a single moment of Trumps presidency. Trump wont condemn white supremacists, they gave him a chance man.....this is so clear.


Well-known member
I noticed Biden would laugh angrily everytime Trump said something that was true. It's his nervous mark and was easy to spot right away.


Active member
These type threads are not good IMO. The hate doesn't stop in these threads. Those that hate me for not being a Trump supporter will still hate me in every thread. Ive already seen it.

What's not to love when you have a voter base that has Stockholm Syndrome for one or the other party? Its just the conservatives' turn to be totally fucking blind, deaf, and dumb, but its hardly a unique outcome. I remember Bill Clinton people being extremely unwilling to hear about what a creep he was. I remember trying to get people to listen to Epstein(BACK IN THE 90s!!!), and yet people did not want to hear it. Folks get stupidly convinced that one or the other of these teams actually works for them when in fact neither does. Rather than accept the horrific implications of that fact, people just fixate on demigogues and buzzwords. I suppose in that sense, Trump and Biden are both what we deserve as a nation, even if both are not what we need.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Its pretty clear Biden is not trying to start a Civil/race war. What else need be said who to vote for. Do we really have to shed blood for these fuckers to feel good . My god have people lost there minds.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Some are saying biden looked like he had been taking Adderall.

It goes both ways here Hammerhead... Having come clean as a conservative, I have also seen the hate flowing my way. I shoulda kept my mouth shut.

American politics didn't used to be this bad, but as a nation we were much more resilient, and still had basic core values we shared. Plus people were more easily able to support themselves and their families when the money was more valuable. Less overall stress IMO.
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