Are you in control of the Federal Reserve bank? No. They print money and lend it to you at interest. Rather than being in control you are reduced to pay said debt that is created when they print and lend you fiat currency at interest. Of course criticism against this perpetual debt machine has ”to be a sign of a weak mind”.
Federal Reserve bank BS?
As far as I know, all developed countries have a Central bank. They aim to control their respective economy to keep it humming along. Sometimes they are more successful at than at other times. I imagine it’s a lot like herding cats.
I have never met anyone who was “forced” to borrow money from their central bank. If an individual needs more money than they currently have, they are free to borrow from other sources like family or friends instead of borrowing from a bank. They’re also free to visit the guy at the end of the block who might be associated with an organized private lending service. That being said, money, fiat or otherwise, has a cost attached to it. Due to a variety of reasons, inflation or deflation will always be occurring and those two forces have costs attached to them that change over time. Risk of not being repaid also has a cost. There is a very real reason why NOBODY loans money for free…except, perhaps, family or extremely close friends.
If you believe that people should be able to borrow money without these associated risks and costs, then i have a really big favor to ask….