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Jeanne Assam, hero security guard who stopped the church gunman


Jeanne Assam, church security guard who kept her cool when a heavily armed gunman opened fire ...

CNN Video - Jeanne Assam speaks for the first time
CNN Video - Church Pastor tells how Jeanne saved lives
CBS Video - FULL press conference (12 mins)

Larry Bourbonnais, Vietnam combat vet said it was the bravest thing he’s ever seen. “She just started walking toward the gunman firing the whole way. She was just yelling Surrender walking and shooting the whole time.
Murray (the gunman) was carrying two handguns, an assault rifle and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition, said Sgt. Jeff Johnson of the Colorado Springs Police Department.
With that much ammo he could've easily taken out everyone in the church, so I can't help but wonder if she may've saved hundreds of lives!? Many news reports are saying "at least a hundred".
Can't help but wonder how she must be feeling at the moment, pretty traumatised i'd guess, and probably dismissing the whole "hero" tag - she seems to be giving god full credit, but I'd imagine everyone in that church that day would see her as a hero and an angel
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wow i've never heard of having security guards in a church. especially carrying guns wtf kinda place are they living in?


Apparently Jeanne Amman herself had instigated the security increase after the Denver shootings just a few days earlier. There were actually a dozen or so security guards at the church at the time of the shooting, half of them were armed but it seems only Jeanne opened fire


no offense is intended btw but , it was not the most respected church by any mean , more cult in my opinion .

sorry in advance , peace


I saw an interview of one of their members and when she was asked why this happened she said because satan was sending people to stop them but that god was on their side....i guess something happened at the church a year before where somebody tried to shoot somebody or something...anyway this chick sounded super f*ckin' brainwashed...more so than most religious freaks


I was just watching CNN and she is a volunteer armed security guard who is actually a cop. This also Ted Haggard's church, remember him?


nah, she USED to be a cop, but is still licensed to carry firearms. She mentioned what her current job is on the full press conference video that I linked in the first post of this thread but I can't recall what it was. Her security work at the church is voluntary i think - it's her local church. There are about a dozen or so security ppl at the church including half a dozen that are armed, including Jeanne

Mr. Nevermind

You know, i find one thing about this amusing. Religous freaks are soo full of shit. They base their beleifs off the bible and the 10 commandments, there is one they may have heard of.... Thou shall not kill

The commandment "thou shall not kill" (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17), is better understood to mean "you shall not murder," most modern translations of the Bible rendered it this way. According to the Bible not all killing, the taking of a life, is murder. Murder is the unlawfully taking of human life. The command not to murder applies to human beings, not to killing animals or plant life for food. God gave animals to mankind for his use (Genesis 1:26-30; 9:1-4). But, this does not mean that humans have the right mistreat animals and the environment (Genesis 2:15; Deuteronomy 22:6-7; 25:4; Proverbs 12:10). Under the Old Covenant God allowed the Israelites to kill other humans under very special circumstances such as punishment for certain sins, for example, murder (Exodus 21:12-14, Leviticus 24:17, 21) and adultery (Leviticus 20:10, Deuteronomy 22:22-24). God also allowed the Israelites to engage in warfare and even gave them instructions about waging war (Deuteronomy 20:1-20). God also recognized that humans might accidentally kill each other, and he made provisions for this (Numbers 35:9-34; Deuteronomy 19:1-13).

The primary reason God hates murder is that out of all creation, only human are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:4-6). Even before the codification of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai the murder of other human beings was wrong (Genesis 4:8-12; 4:23-24; 9:4-6; Exodus 1:16-17). While on earth, Jesus spoke out against murder (Matthew 5:21-26; Mark 10:17-19). We also see in the writings of Paul (Romans 1:18, 29-32; 13:8-10; Galatians 5:19-21), James (James 2:8-11; 4:1-3), Peter (1 Peter 4:15-16) and John (Revelation 9:20-21; 21:7-8; 22:14-15) that murder is wrong.

For all that god talk and being there to do gods work i wonder how she feels taking the life of someone her god created in his image. I have no problem with her killing those people, i do have a problem with her and the use of god and saying god directed her. If she was a true follower of god and his teaching she would abide by his commandments .

If you want to tote a gun and all that jazz dont say you are a follower of christ. According to the bible, jesus would have rather died ( and did) for his beliefs, not throw them aside when its convenient. Cant be proud of killing when one of your commandments is not to kill

I expect that hypocrisy from a church founded on fags being bad while their leader is sucking cock before his sermon.


PS: i watched the press conference and that chick is batshit nuts!! it was almost scary to see someone so brainwashed have the ability to carry a gun. Reminds me of waco



UnerSame said:
wow i've never heard of having security guards in a church. especially carrying guns wtf kinda place are they living in?

Just read these forums. When it comes to Christians (or any other religion) and see how many haters there are. To be fair you find the I hate Christians thread on just about every forum. That's the kind of place they are living in.


MrN mate I appreciate and respect your comments and you make a lot of interesting and very valid points. I too found the whole "god did this" thing a bit too much, but I just ignored that aspect of it. I myself am not religious, but I'm just trying to disregard the religious aspect of this whole event and just respect the fact that a woman with a single handgun was able to take down a man with two handguns + assault rifle + 1000+ rounds of ammo, and save potentially a hundred or more lives. Regardless of her religious status she's a hero (correction - heroine!) in my book

Mr. Nevermind

PhenoMenal said:
MrN mate I appreciate and respect your comments and you make a lot of interesting and very valid points. I too found the whole "god did this" thing a bit too much, but I just ignored that aspect of it. I myself am not religious, but I'm just trying to disregard the religious aspect of this whole event and just respect the fact that a woman with a single handgun was able to take down a man with two handguns + assault rifle + 1000+ rounds of ammo, and save potentially a hundred or more lives. Regardless of her religious status she's a hero (correction - heroine!) in my book

First off i would like to thank you for your response. You could have came at me alot worse but you chose to be respectful , even in disagreement , and i appreciate that.

That being said, my whole thing is when people try to throw up their faith to all and say how it made them strong i throw their faith right back at em to show how full of shit they are. You want to be proud that you are a follwer of crist? cool. But if you are then follow his teachings. God dont need no part time soldiers ( meaning part time christian, christian when it suits them) .

Here is another teaching she forget to mention

Live by the sword, die by the sword"
is a metaphorical expression meaning that living one's life in a certain way will, in the end, affect one's destiny. The proverb comes from the Book of Matthew, verse 26:52, which describes the apostle Peter drawing a sword to defend Jesus against Roman soldiers, but is told to sheath the weapon:

Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
—Matthew 26:52

While the expression strictly-interpreted means “those who live by violence will die by violence”, it is also used for a variety of situations which contain an element of poetic justice. For instance the proverb could be used to describe a person who regularly drives under the influence and is ultimately killed in a vehicle accident caused by their intoxication. Other variants on this phrase are also commonly used.

So do you think what she did her lord would approve of? I doubt it based off his teachings.

As far as her being a hero. Sure she is brave, no doubt. But anyone whom has been trained in the use of a firearm has a much better shot than some wacko just spraying. Like the kid in VA tech, fied what 30-40 rounds and hit less than 10 folks? Most people that go on killing sprees are acting off rage and most never even fired a weapon so they are shitty shots. Just like the guys in Iraq. A soldier can stand in front of one of those insurgents that has an AK 47 and live to tell about it. All they do is but the weapon on their hip (lol ) pray and spray. No real aim. So sure she was brave but at the saem time she used her head and knew that the kid was a shitty shot and she could take him out.

Never fear a weapon, judge the person wielding it and then make your decision based off that. Hell , first time i met Sun sim we had a 9mm in our face less than 2 feet from us. We looked at whom was carrying the weapon and based our actions off that. We laughed at the guy and walked up on him to which he put the weapon away. Guns aint shit, and most the time the peope that carry em ain tshit either. There is an exception to the rule though and you need to be aware of that.


Mr. M. Yass

New member
Yes, most definitely a hero. This is just case number 256 for your average, everyday citizen to go armed. Bottom line.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Regardless of what your state has to stay about it, thats the law. The 'militia' is the entire population, of able mind and body, minus a few officials. You must also be familiar with how the term "well-regulated" was used back when this text was authored, it meant "well-functioning, or functioning as intended"

I don't want police in my shopping malls and everywhere in public, however it *is* the responsibility of private property owners to protect their guests, so the church had the right thing going on.

Remember, an armed society is a polite society, and it is better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.

Frick on ALL gun-control measures, they're all infringements. My state does not allow concealed carry, but you know what? I know what document gave them their authority, and I know what it says.

If you're a law abiding person, please get trained, please go armed. Armed to the mall, armed to the grocery store, all of it. It is your duty as a citizen.

Most people aren't trained on firearms, even police and even their elite units tend to be so full of bravado that they don't find themselves training regularly.

I've gotta comment on the comments showing disdain for this 'batshit crazy' woman to be able to carry a gun, and your reminders of waco.

If you've got sour tastes in your mouth from the waco incident, it ought to be the government terrorism perpetrated on the folks that had been peacefully living on mt carmel for damn near 50 years. Keeping and bearing LOTS of arms isn't forbode, the government just doesn't like it because it threatens their monopoly on power.

Were the waco folks a little 'weird', sure, as is their right.

If you think that the branch davidians did ANYTHING wrong, other than not fighting back with all they have, than you are fully brainwashed.
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ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Yea i got another Carlin quote

I'm not worried about guns in school. You know what I'm waiting for, guns in church. That's gonna be a lot of fun, and it will happen, you watch. Some nut will go ****ing ape shit in a church and they will refer to him as a disgruntled worshipper.

Like a glove :lurk:


Sneak attack critical
Old Man Time said:
Id do her! Shes hot! Shes got that 70s porn look to her

You could call it, "In Jeanne's Jeans..."
But you better not get any in her hair, or she'll shoot you, 'cause she just washed that shit.


Active member
I feel that she is a hero.
Thou shalt not kill is a translation of "thou shalt not murder."Self defense is allowed in Christianity. It hurts me that people will take this heroic act and use it to justify their anti-Christian hate. Had she not done anything, he would have entered the building and killed an untold number of innocent people.
I only wish that someone had blasted that mall shooter from last week,
and that kid from Virginia Tech.
The more times these shooters get there faces blown off,chances are these shooting sprees will end.

what ever happened to a time when depressed people just took sleeping pills or slit their wrist?
This generation feels that they must take as many out with them before they go.They think they will become "famous"

try out for a reality show instead.


Fat Albert

Active member
ThirdEye said:
I saw an interview of one of their members and when she was asked why this happened she said because satan was sending people to stop them but that god was on their side....i guess something happened at the church a year before where somebody tried to shoot somebody or something...anyway this chick sounded super f*ckin' brainwashed...more so than most religious freaks

Not for nothing, but if you're even slightly religious and there are people murdering others inside your house of worship, wouldn't you tend to attribute that to evil/Satan? To call her 'brainwashed' is insulting and offensive, IMHO.

Fat A :wave: