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jamaican "lambsbread"


Well-known member
hola chischas,

good luck with this beautiful sativa bro

more seeds

best vibes
i would arm rasel for some of those beans


Anne enn Normal
She's now a couple of months in reveg. Several prunings later I'm starting to see the type of bushing up I like to see. Not too dense, not too thin either. I keep her indoors under a 150W 5600k LED. No chemicals, other than water. I'm about to put her out on my balcony to catch some late spring sunshine. We got the high 20s (celsius) today 🌞


Well-known member
@Wolverine97 I wouldn't be so categorical except with less qualitative i think of very long flowering ones like xtrem Green, and need to also experiment our mango or banana Gold declinaisons of incense! ^^

@Wwbsox Great work bro, have a good outdoor season and see you soon!! :biggrin:
I don't see how what I said is categorical at all. I encouraged him to keep cuts, as my experience with Jamaican sativas having woody/incense smell/taste has been good. Those, in my experience (not talking about your seeds here, but JA in general), have given me the most "clear, electric" type of high. That does not mean they are all like that. I think there is room here for everyone to offer their input, at least those who have a decent bit of experience with Jamaican genetics. I didn't say anything definitive, just that I think it's worth taking clones.

One pheno in particular that I found was a "never finishing" type, collected around 2004 give or take. Monster jungle type plant, tons of branching, extremely narrow leaves, loose flowers, woody/incense nose and taste. It was the most clear headed, pure electric positive energy cannabis I have ever smoked. There was almost no "high" to it, but it increased focus and energy levels like no other weed I have smoked. Ever. And I haven't found one like it again.

So keep clones! You never know, until you know. And once they're gone, you may not find it again.


from the future
Cool it's alright @Wolverine97, i think the endless Green represents like 50% of my line now, another 20% Red with more peppers and 30% are Gold fruity. (I will try to make my next bx generation backup more fruity).

Jahgreenlabel's work was also mostly Green no problem, it represents the majority of original JLB so not really hard to find i think, anyway cloning is great of course, Vibes @Normannen !
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Active member
I'd be taking cuts of the incense smelling pheno if I were you. The very best, uber clear high Jamaican sativas I've had, were in the woody-incense range.
Haven't smoked it yet, but this was definitely my favorite growing. It also smells closer to the JLB I remember smoking in the early 1980s. I know that is 40 some years ago, but... that's the way I remember it. The males were the same way, very "leggy" but also very vigorous.

I took a single cutting from each plant during flowering and only this particular female didn't make it. But I am revegging it and hopefully soon, will have more cuttings than I know what to do with.


Active member
Been quite a while since I posted any updates. Life got in the way.

Originally, I thought all six of F7s that I planted were females. They all looked to be growing pistils in early flowering. Then I dropped them to 10/14 light cycle and 2 males took off. Not like hermies, I mean thousands of nuts and no pistils at all.

I was able to pollinate the 4 females at about 12 weeks of flowering and have since harvested some nice seeded bud. I took the first female 5 weeks after pollination, but half of the seeds were green/immature. So, I let the other three go an extra week. Seeds were falling out while trimming the buds on those plants. Nice color and size. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures during this time, but I did take pictures of the males that I re-vegged.

No smoke report yet, but definitely fruity smelling buds with one exception. The most sativa like plant (huge stretch, light airy buds) has more of an earthy, incense smell. I just started revegging the females and will do another seed run with the same males and females, just outdoors this time.

Thanks to @Roms , @albertgriffiths , @BC LONE WOLF and @Normannen for all the information/education that I have received from y’all. I will try not to disappear for so long this time.

Here are the 2 males that I revegged.
View attachment 19003638
View attachment 19003636
Looks alot more genuine than the bonk shit i got suckered into.


Active member
If you are referring to the seeds you asked about in post #1495, I did buy from them first. Total waste of time and money. Might have been some kind of Jamaican Skunk, but Lamb's Bread they are not.
Yea im about 3 weeks along and they look absolutely nothing like lambsbread ive seen in pictures


Well-known member
Mine is harvested, but not cured yet.
Green, lanky, earthy/carroty phenos (two females, that both fitted that category)
Early smoke test is: clear, creative, mildly trippy and forgetful, nice feel-good effect.
Too early to comment on taste. Not much yet.
It is strong enough for me, but you could easily find stronger / heavier / trippier stuff if that's what you're looking for.
I actually love it this way: very functional, clear headed, no comedown, no couchlock...
A good outdoor companion, cheerfully hiking with friends, or with the dog! Good for music too, listening or playing.
I'm loving it!

Nuff thanks to the provider of the seeds, indeed! :rasta:

I cobbed it all: I don't have much experience with the technique, but it seemed appropriate for such airy, fluffy bud. It dried super quick, I was surprised. So now I'll wait and meet her again in a few months when I'll re-open the bag.

I got 7g dry out of 2 x 1.5L pots, soil, organic.
Plus a dozen of seeds of a cross I made with ACE's Thai Chi, which should be fun.


Active member
Mine is harvested, but not cured yet.
Green, lanky, earthy/carroty phenos (two females, that both fitted that category)
Early smoke test is: clear, creative, mildly trippy and forgetful, nice feel-good effect.
Too early to comment on taste. Not much yet.
It is strong enough for me, but you could easily find stronger / heavier / trippier stuff if that's what you're looking for.
I actually love it this way: very functional, clear headed, no comedown, no couchlock...
A good outdoor companion, cheerfully hiking with friends, or with the dog! Good for music too, listening or playing.
I'm loving it!

Nuff thanks to the provider of the seeds, indeed! :rasta:

I cobbed it all: I don't have much experience with the technique, but it seemed appropriate for such airy, fluffy bud. It dried super quick, I was surprised. So now I'll wait and meet her again in a few months when I'll re-open the bag.

I got 7g dry out of 2 x 1.5L pots, soil, organic.
Plus a dozen of seeds of a cross I made with ACE's Thai Chi, which should be fun.
I'm glad you got 2 of those phenos. I am planning on keeping my 1 going.

I am also good with weed that isn't super potent. I grew hybrids for years and some of the heavy hitters were just way too strong. I couldn't get anything done after smoking (and there is always something that needs done). Also, my wife is fine with me smoking as long as I can still function afterwards. Your description is spot on for what I am trying for, functional, clear headed and no couch lock.

I caught the end of the Celtics game last night. After trying some JLB (dried, but not cured). It made watching the end of the game and overtime crazy exciting. I was jumping out of my seat trying to high-five people (I was by myself). Did keep me from going to sleep for a while afterwards, but that is to be expected for a pure sativa.

I have read almost the entire main thread on cobbing. THAT sounds amazing!! Let me know how it goes as I plan on trying it after the summer crop.



Well-known member
Here is what my JLB cob looks like:

I cobbed it pretty dry, so there might not be much fermentation going on, or very slowly.
Aromas are developping nicely. Still on the earthy-carroty side.

I think a simple vaccum sealing would be appropriate as well for this strain, to avoid it drying too quick and make storage easier.


Active member
Been a while since I posted any updates. Again, life gets in the way. I revegged 2 males and 2 females from the last seed run. Getting ready to start force flowering them this weekend. They will be outside for 10 hours a day during the strongest sun months where I live. The males are in the back. They started revegging 5 weeks before the females. Nice narrow leaf little bushes.

I have a question for those that propagate seeds... My last run, the males were dropping pollen long before the female buds were fully formed. Should I start the females first and let the buds get started before flowering the males? Any suggestions from your experience would be appreciated.

Peace View attachment JLB2.jpeg View attachment JLB.jpeg
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from the future
Hi Wwbsox, lovely work! Idem Albert thanks for sharing! :rasta:

Should I start the females first and let the buds get started before flowering the males?

Pure sat males produce pollen for a longer time so it depends how many seeds do you wish!

In natural conditions with some pre-flowers pollinated the female then produce significantly less pistils so you will have less seeds produced. By cons with a shift flowering you can easy double your numbers compared to normal harvest.

That said is there a seeds quality change between "natural" and "gap" process good question?
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from the future
Here's Overgrow report by @hashpants.

Mid June

Last week

Vibes Collective's seeds made and freely shared by Upstate, probably F6 from OvergrowDaWord's F5 from Upok's F4 (fruity mango purple mom selection). From my share...

Step by step the Lambsbread is back on scene, irie!
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