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jamaican "lambsbread"



Is this Lambsbread the same one used in the Double Jam hybrid?
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Jamaican Lambsbread 3rd generation



$$ ALONE $$

many thx blank ;)

ODW, I'll follow your thread ;)
good luck

best vibes

Did you LST or top to get that many spears from one JLB plant?
Thats how I want mine to look.
I plan on growing the seed plants straight up x-mas tree style, then taking clones.
Ill then grow the clones 12/12 from the start, after rooting.
What do you suggest I do to the clones so they look/grow like that pic of your JLB with 12 tops?


hello ODW,

The plant on the picture is a mother plant which have about 1 year of growth in a pot 1L
To hold the stretch she remained in her 1L pot for the first 6 weeks of 12/12 and then repotted, final size is about 1.50m

Starting from cuttings, the plants will more looks photos at the beginning of thread
Cuts in flo in pots of 3.4 L without growth for a final size of 1,8m

best vibes


Well-known member
The grouchy truth.

The grouchy truth.

There's also the story about people feeding ganja to sheep and goats in Africa.. resulting in the ultimate cure... But that story should maybe be taken with a grain of shit.
Go Thule!

Greetings and Salutations,

I have a funny story about feeding ganja to sheep. We have a neighbor with horses and a sheep. The sheep used to come over to the fence and visit us whenever we stepped outside.

One day, I had a plant I had to cull, and fed it to the sheep. It ate it up eagerly. After that, that sheep never visited us again, never ever! No... it didn't die, it just ate too much and didn't like it. Apparently, I should have kept that plant and made seeds from it.

Seriously, I always hear wild theories of why ganja has resin. I think it may be very simple, as the sheep story illustrates. However, we humans have learned it can be pleasurable at controlled doses, so over time, humans have refined the chemicals in the plant through 10,000 years of selective breeding.

"Modern" breeding techniques are killing our cannabis treasures that have been passed down to us by our fore-parents and shaman. When we find a "spiritual" strain, why do we have to cross it with something else, usually inferior? If it is treasured or "spiritual", perhaps it should not be sold. By which I would interpret as it should be given away freely. Not crossed with something else and sold.

I am almost 55 years old, and I have to tell you, I was smoking extremely powerful, cerebral, trippy strains multiple times each and every year in the late 60s, 70s, and early 80s. I am not finding these anymore. They are disappearing before my very eyes, in one generation of "modern" breeding. I happened to have found one 9 years ago, and tragically lost it. This confirmed to me that this is not a case of nostalgia from my youth.

Charlie Garcia gets a pass, because at least he releases limited editions of the pure strains that he is later crossing, and I like experimenting and crossing strains also. :biggrin: Yes, this is a diatribe against myself, also. Besides, after I plow through the seeds I have currently stockpiled, I'll probably wind up buying from him. I'll want to try the Double Jam. I can only hope it gets backcrossed to the original 60s ganja by then. I have a few others on my list to try. The only problems for him is if I actually find something worthy of preserving. I'll probably crawl back into my hole and disappear from this website. "Yeah" comes the roar through my DSL line!

I'm kinda going off here since I have not had a lot of sleep, I have been hitting it hard trying to find some killer plant for the last 9 years, and I am feeling sooo frustrated. Everyone says every strain is great. Seeing seedlings of this 60s Jamaican set me off, since it looks so much like what I used to try and grow when I was young and had so little experience and knowledge. Jamaican used to be THE SHIT! It was before I experienced Thai Stick, but it probably was just as good. It was always referred to as ganja. We never got big buds. It was extremely fluffy and airy small buds. You could not give this away these days. Ha!

I should probably not post this as it is not likely to make friends, to say the least. But, what the heck, I'm on a roll.

Forgive me for I have sinned,



Thanks BkF&RC.
I didnt veg them,just straight 12/12 after a week when they sprout.So far they recived only molasses and a little P guano once.


Well-known member

I re-read this thread today, in a much improved mood. I thought I'd try another posting here with a story from my childhood.

Mustafunk did some research about the origins of Jamaican Ganja. He proposed a possible similarity of Jamaican with South Indian, Zamal, and African. If that is the case, it may explain an experience my friends had.

Two friends of mine went to Jamaica in the mid 70s, and brought back some seeds and some hash made with rum. They planted the seeds in a temperate climate, and it flowered in time before the frost. It was extreme sativa looking. It was killer weed. They shared it with me several times and did so by rolling the thinnest joints I ever smoked. They were extreme pinners that got us blasted.

I could never explain how they could have gotten done at such a northern latitude, until Mustafunk mentioned he thought Jamaican may be related to Zamal. Zamal is known for its autoflowering when root space is restricted. I remember seeing the patch. It had about 20 plants all in a tiny 3 foot x 3 foot area of tilled soil in the middle of the woods with hard soil. I think they may have started flowering much earlier due to the small spot they were in. Another thing that I remember is that they all turned out female.

Happy Growing, and thank you all for your efforts in preserving and dispersing these genetics all about. You are good hearted people for doing so.



..pure 100% sativa JLB will knock your socks off, then drag you behind a car for 2 miles,
throw you down the stairs, hook you up to the electric chair for an hour with your feet in water, then scare you half to death because it just isnt gonna end, and then keeps getting more intense every hour because there is NO cieling! Then it spins you like a top until you loose bodily functions. Its scary!

Doesn't sound like a spiritual experience I'd strive to achieve. <lol> Someone noted Jamacian Blue Mountain as calm and meditative, that's closer to the effect I prefer.


I belive this line is used by rastafarian order " twelve tribes of israel" for prayers and their spiritual ceremonys as the man Bushman who brought this line is the part of this group.
I also belive its not the high that makes this line spiritual for rastafarian community.just my 2 cents


Well endowed member
As far as spiritual or paranoia or psychedelic, it's all where your head is at. The Lambs Bread I've smoked in the past is very moving one way or another.