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Jack 47 Coco Blumat Grow


These are growing well, thick stems. Those Dutch Passion should be good seeds. I highly recommend sweet seeds autos as well. Look forward to your diary.

Day 31: Fed 1.4EC 6.0ph. Left them alone today. Will be adding blumats next.

doob :joint:


Day 27: I didnt feed them, just pulled over the 2 bigger plants #2 and #3

[URL=http://s17.postimg.org/kzvhb0iwv/WP_20150812_001.jpg]View Image[/url]

Day 28: Pulled them out and fed 1.4EC A&B 6.0ph. Being a stoner and heavy handed I managed to snap ANOTHER! ffs. So #3 has tape on also now. I gave the other large plant #2 a gentle supercrop as well.

[URL=http://s4.postimg.org/k5ajr4xjx/WP_20150813_001.jpg]View Image[/url]

Good job these Sweet Seed auto's are really resilient. doob :joint:

You can can say that again sweet seeds are awesome currently have dark devil and red poison goin.... Your girls are looking excellent:tiphat:


nice thread doob.. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out for you :)

Thanks. Nice to see you drop in Jamie. Hopefully the other half goes well haha

You can can say that again sweet seeds are awesome currently have dark devil and red poison goin.... Your girls are looking excellent:tiphat:

Thanks. I will have a look, havent grown them but i am sure they will be nice.


Day 32: Fed them 1.5EC A&B and 1ml/4l H&G drip clean 5.8ph. #4 has survived the completely snapped stem i gave it. #3 i was not so lucky, but it is still a nice plant. I have now set up my blumats, filled the reservoirs with same feed as today. Only 5.6ph as i will get ph drift.

This has healed nicely after a 99% snap

Not so lucky :( again a major snap, plant is thriving though

Blumats are now on, cranked back 1.5 arrows from a clinging drip. This hopefully will be that, but they may need adjusting.

doob :joint:


Day 34: Changed my tactic today. I opened all my blumats (48 hours after setting them up) until they started watering, and they were all quite different before they started to drip. So I have set them to a clinging drip to keep the current moisture level i have at the moment. I have reduced the ph in the 1st reservoir from 6.1 to 5.7. I have trimmed a few bottom bits off as well.

Just need to keep an eye on it all now, and sit back and enjoy the show. doob :joint:



For anyone reading this and wondering what a blumat is, i thought I would post this short demo video. (not mine)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWPLr0Selh8 (forum link not working?)

For them to work you need a constant head pressure, so you have 2 reservoirs, one keeps the other topped off. Hand watering is a thing of the past in soil or coco with these.

doob :joint:
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Day 37: Another little disaster, as my ball valve wasn't shutting off so had water everywhere. I also didnt have the blumats set up, the coco was too dry. So today pulled them out and flushed through with 4-5 litres 1.5EC 6.0ph each.

They are starting to smell really sweet. Starting to flower, expect some a small amount of stretch, should be over half way now. doob :joint:


That last picture doesn't show the plants, so thought I would bust the SLR out for some photos, the worst they have looked trust me haha. This is why i flushed them so much. Should of caught it early enough, just need to dial in my system.



Day 41: Been quiet updating but been busy replacing another 2 ball valves, and messing around with these blumats. Tonight I have hand fed them to run off, left for 10 minutes and dialled the blumats to a drip every 10 seconds. Still feeding 1.5 EC A&B 1ml/4ml drip clean at ph5.7-6.1 depending on the reservoir.

Picture of the back 2 while i had them out

Canopy. Not flowering together so much this time round, smaller plants have started a good few days earlier

The leaves are light green because of the HPS. It has been as high as it can go. Between 18 inches and now 14 inches. I have a digital ballast, and it has a boost mode which i am using. So not sure if I should reduce it to normal mode. doob :joint:


Day 44: I now have very different size pants. I have added pk13/14 to the mix at 2/3 strength, total 1.6EC.

Hope it turns into a jungle in there. doob :joint:


Day 46: Finished stretching now finally. They should really bulk out the next week. Amazing how they can go from what they are now to full flower in a few weeks.

Plant #1 (Top Left)

Plant #2 (Bottom Left)

Plant #3 (Top Right)

Plant #4 (Bottom Right)

Smells really good in there to. I have trimmed any leaves obstructing a budding stem. I have got the blumats spot on now as well. doob :joint:


Day 48: The smaller plants at the front are going for it and fattening up nicely. The 2 larger plants, that decided to stretch instead of flower, have some catching up to do.

They need a trimming again. doob :joint:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
looking good mate, I think you might prefer those stretchy ones overall .. if youre anything like me that is, should be a nice headfull :)


Nice thread plants are looking healthy. Keep up the good work will be great to see the outcome

Thanks. I hope the outcome is good haha I would like them looking happier to be honest.

looking good mate, I think you might prefer those stretchy ones overall .. if youre anything like me that is, should be a nice headfull :)

Cheers Jamie, will be interesting to see what each yields and the difference in smoke


Day 50: All other Sweet Seeds Autos I have grown have finished in 10 weeks. So not long for these now. Stopped using pk13/14 today.

These girls have outgrown the optimum height for my tent judging by the leaves. I still think they will yield ok. doob :joint:


Plant #1 (Top Left)

Plant #2 (Bottom Left)

Plant #3 (Top Right)

Plant #4 (Bottom Right)

3 weeks and these should be down. doob :joint: