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I've Lost my Father


Active member
Lady O, we are so sorry to hear about your loss. Stay safe and know that you are in our prayers! Love your friends Mr and Mrs Gwfh1974.


I'm sorry for your loss Lady Olive, my families thoughts and prayers go out to your family.


Well there isn't much to say that can make u feel better Lady O.
But i too would like to offer my condolences.

May yer father rest in peace


And i hope yer doing ok Lady O. :petting:


Dear LadyOlive.... :petting:I can not express my condolences enough.... and I hurt for your loss... I can see what a close relationship you two have and it will live on in you and the others that your Fathers Life touched... I can't imagine what it will be like to lose a parent but its been on my mind a great deal lately as my Mother is fighting a terminal illness... Very difficult thing, LOlive... I think it changes one forever... change can be painful but it can also be inspiring to carry on... to make your life count more everyday.... i guess it's perspective on it all...
... as a good friend here at IC once said....
"The most precious commodity we have is time...."



Active member
I am not very good at this sort of thing but I think you should try and think of the positives: you had a great relationship with your father, you were able to see him before he died, it sounds like he passed relatively quickly and didn't suffer. Not many people can say all that. It is because of your great realtionship with him that you feel such loss now, and I am truly sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you. When my time comes, I hope my daughter will be as strong as you.

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I hope that you are with family and friends that love you in your time of need. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


i wish i could do something for ya and if i can just tell me!! but best of luck to ya and we were all thing about you and keeping you, your family and your father in our prayers


Death of a loved one is always paiful. Just find ways to keep the memories alive'. My mother told me when my father died that I lost a father but gained an (guardian) angel


Bakin in da Sun
I cant even put my sentiments into words....

theres no way i can imagine the pain your goin through :(

stay strong LO, and long live your father's memory,

good thoughts and vibes for the olive family,



Oh honey, I am so sorry to hear this. I am glad you had a chance to be with him beofre he passed. My prayers are with you.



Thank You

Thank You

Thank you, everyone, from the bottom of my heart for your kind words. This has mean't so much to me. What wonderful people here at IC. What strength you have given me. And the kindness of members I don't even know yet. :smile:

It's been really tough but I'm taking one day at a time. His ashes will be here the first part of next week and I have boughten a beautul pewter Urn with a mini keepsake urn for my brother. I am also buying a necklace that you can put a tiny bit of ashes in and I will have that to wear. Some people may think it's morbid, but I don't. He'll always be near my heart, even thought he's already in it.

I have a picture on my computer desk that I had attached to a notebook that I took out west with me and I kiss him everyday. It helps ease the pain just kissing a picture. I just miss him so much, but I know he's in a better place and not hurting anymore.

Again Thank you everyone...... your're all so kind. I just love this forum. I just wish I had more time to spend on it.



I don't think it's Morbid at all. In Holland you can get a tattoo with the ashes of your loved one. I think that's wonderful and that person's choice. Hope you feel better and take care!


Lady O

I lost my father at a very young age. I actually walked into his house with a friend to discover him dead. It was a horrible time... I feel for you and understand your loss.
Be glad you got some final time with him and that you were on good terms. I was able to "say the things I always wanted to say" before my father went, which made it a lot easier. Sounds like you got to do something similiar... be strong and focus on the good stuff... like enjoying that visit. Had you not gone, you'd be writing about how you didn't see your father at ALL in the last 9 years... instead the final chapter worked out differently (and for the better, obvously)... this is something to cherish and be thankful for - and it shall bring you strength and comfort. Time will heal (to an extent) this loss.... not that it will ever completely go away, but things WILL get better.
All the best,


**Lifes journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out shouting, "Holy Shit...... what a ride"!**

What a great quote :joint:
My kindest regards and sympathy for you Lady Olive, im sure he is still having fun with plenty of hobbies to keep him happy up there :)

My Condolances,
Rodriguez :joint:

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