. . lovely set up so fare . .
The nutrient tanks are not connected with the RO-rez for auto top-off. Mainly because of the distance between the tanks and the rez, but also because I feel that to much automation takes away the fun of growing.
What I would, however, like to automate is pH adjustment. But that's for next run perhaps.
Everything looks great IT, very nice setup cheers on that! Bummer about the tent not holding the weight, I would've just ditched it and paint the walls white and use the whole room but the eyelets and wire is ingenious :thumbsup:
I hooked up a line between my RO unit and my nutrient res for the very reason of the distance...carrying all that water is a major PITA between the two rooms. having the nutrient res topped off prevents the ph from dropping as the girls drink water increasing the concentration of salts. Much easier to only have to add nutes and ph up than nutes ph up and water. I can respect the automation taking the fun away, but after a couple years how fun is carrying 80lbs of water 30ft every other day lol just my opinion but again everything looks pro you are definitely jumping in with both feet keep it up!
LOL that looks ridiculous, but I like your style...for someone who claims to be trying to grow... you certainly have got a great looking set up.
I find teh big ass sheet of panda with the 4 seedlings sticking through very funny...what are you planning on doing with them?
before long, before this round is over, you're gonna love the ladies more, I hope.
could be ph,but it looks like a cal/mag issue to me.
seems like they are still a little young for that though....but to my eyes id think its that route.hard to say when im not the one thats been carin for them and know what all they have gotten and gone thru so far.
calcium deficiencies - I think you are on the right track. I was just looking at the infirmary sticky and it looks like the closest thing to your pic. If it were me, add cal-mag or empty and refill the resi, starting over and I notice that PHing the water b4 adding nutes helps for me. I ph to about 5.3 and add nutes, it will creep to 5.6 with nutes added and continue to creep up till the next afternoon (I change my resi at 8pm) then I check it the next night b4 the lights go out and adjust back to about 5.4-5.5. It will creep maybe .1-.2 up from there the following day and stay steady from there out. Hope this helps. My first gro I was dealing with some of this and it looks just like what u are seeing now.