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Itchy NutSack, a man's intuition....



warslog testers coming soon...

warslog testers coming soon...

Just got the go ahead from big C..... due to what I read happened to the stank bros timing wont be disclosed.... crosses being sent in for testing...

Warslog.........Warlock x slog..

Might send in some sweet deep x slog.... if anyone is interested let me know...

Personally think the warslog is gonna be something special.... and I encourage any seed making f2s or f1s or s1s....


I Build Things
ICMag Donor
Having a pretty idea where you Warlock came from and knowing the history of your SLOG f2's, I'd say these beans will be a STEAL of a deal. Just imagine if you create some funky-ass new hybrid of these two.

Good stuff sourpuss, and way to go with contributing to the bay.


Excited to see these run since I dont have the space to do it myself... free elite genes for anyone willing to run and show.... sounds like a great deal.... especially considering this warlock.... everything I research is poi ting to the cut being real. Smell looks.... waiting to try.....

Id be ultra excited if people love this.... a new funky strain would be amazing.... I feel like its a way to get more experienced folks doing work along side me....

Warlock is showin its skunky side and looks like im gonna have to replace or upgrade my carbon filter... its either the warlock or silver skunk.... either way a couple bills for safety is well worth it... keep that in mind testers... got some old skunk genes in there gonna be stank.... silver lock seems like its gonna be some skunky blueberry spice..... sounds ike christmas to me.... im predicting the warslog to be a spicy lemony og kush..... hopefully:)


Anyone know where those little plastic vials come from for seeds? I can get those glass old school one pretty cheap but think the plastic is better.... breakage would suck....


That last one looks ok but not for 3.50... uline has em for 40 cents or so... glass tho...


I Build Things
ICMag Donor
.13 each on first one.
.21 each on second.
.09 each on third.
.40 each on fourth.

All plastic.. :biggrin:


Wow cause it says 3.50 cad.... good ole screw the canadians.... u have no idea the extra money we pay for the same shit up here... even from the same company... 40 c for you... 3.50 for us..... something wrong there:)


The stank is the silver skunk.... giving off a rank cheese odour... but straight blueberry when resins r rubbed... weird... its rank for sure... cheese.....


Guess im a dumbass as usual. You were right they r only 40 c or so since I get 12 for 3.50.... thx bud! Stoners eh!


Root fell off my clone

The nicer looking sour jack clone... only took one from her... got a single root going.... waited till it fishboned a tiny bit.... jabbed it a little to hard into the soil...... fucker fell off... kinda bummed:moon:

Oh well... shit happens... im sure the sour jack fighting buddah babies will be spectacular.... felling like the buddah is a winner. Popped 3 beans got 2... both males. Both really nice big vigourous.... collected pollen from both.... might mix em since I read of people preferring more than one male used... dunno why?

Both being kinda what I look for in a male.. had good odour and nice structure vigor.... plenty balls.... mr. hightest aka burmese seems to be a great strain...


pre 2004 warlock almost dry nug.. slightly premature... sample bud

pre 2004 warlock almost dry nug.. slightly premature... sample bud

Edited.. this bud is late harvested....

About a day away from trying this....:dance013:

Its mostly cloudy... still pushinout hair so I think its early... should be denser too.....


So early warlock is ok.... not sure.... throws a good buzz and still drying but not like it is super potent .... buzz is nice when I get one... still early i think.... or way too late.... or this thing just aint what I thought it was... sucks if so.... hopin the stuff I cut soon is better. This sam0le has that premature smell. Trichs r opaque and some clear cloudy on new growth.... find these opaque girls hard to time.... still pushin out hair.... opaque trichs..... clear cloudy on new growth... girl not givin me the signs....

Only thing I like about this sample is the buzz when I get it.....


Shit just had a exchange with the grower.... of the warlock.. and im takin it way too far... why the smell and taste and buzz r off.... so next round ill take em when they r at 56 days... thats what I was told so thats what im doing...


So the taste of warlock has improved big time cause its actually proper dry.. my sample. Has good taste and smell. The premature smell went away. Clean taste not mouthcoater... white ash... next to no flush.

Taste is fruity ctrus little spice with a background of something... reminds me of other high end strains tjat backgeound flavor.

The buzz is good for a late sample. I can tell from the buzz its late. Deep body some head.

Bag appeal is ok. Not the frostiest stuff. But the lack of leaf is nice. Pure bud. Little trim work.

Throws a better buzz than most late samples ive tried so just waiting for the other plant to dry cause its a week to a week and a half earlier than the sample....

Id say its a true hybrid type buzz. More sativaish buzz than most hybrids. Makin it not the most powerful but nice feel good buzz...



Warslog test.... excited:woohoo:

Sour jacks looking and smellin amazing....

Got my clone of the jack pheno of sour jack to root again... just stuck it back in the cloner... was too impatient its got huge roots now... both phenos backed up in case, feel like this is gonna be my keeper and gonna run it hard if so....

Got some cool packaging for my seeds and nice labels...

Fun to do things that looks good.


floppy seedlings.... what to do?

floppy seedlings.... what to do?

Anyone havin trouble with seedlings floppin and dying? I say dont sweat it... dont freak out... dont get a straw or little stake and try and stand it up.... dont touch it... dont even move..... just chill...

Remove any excessive wind... and dont touch it... there should be a light breeze. Just dancing slightly in the wind... theres the secret... lying on the ground dancing slightly? Great... just wait...

Northern hindus tall and floppy.... will be fine... white ogs perfect..... treated them exactly the same.... so point karma for easy seedlings...


I Build Things
ICMag Donor
Glad you're getting the Warlock figured out. Interested to see what happens on your next run (taking the original brewer's advice).

Good stuff sourpuss! Nice looking packaging, too.



Sorry bud that was a little misleading.... heres my new packaging... not plastic like I wanted but will do for now... total cost like less than 50 cents... anyway just showin what a normal dude can do with a little tiny bit of work... the baggie things gotta go...

Heres the more jack pheno I think of sour jack. Clone that lost the root. Looks like its got a seed there... no idea what wouldve hit it up. Musta been a stray from the finger action.... will be a fun surprise..


I Build Things
ICMag Donor
Definitely a bean!

Sour Jack x something.

You can always snap a picture for KG and let him tell you which pheno you have (just a thought).

Hella nice packaging, rather gravy upgrade!