SativaKeith:i use my outdoor for that,it was mostly indica strains-LA confidential,my mix and...vanilla kush i think. i feed them with bio nutrients i made by myself so i,m sure they are eco i just put trim leaves in the milk and cooking for about 30 minutes.we call this canabis milk 'managua'but it dont sounds like bulgarian name then leave it to get a little bit colder. when it is about 38,40 C temp i put little of some yoghurt that have the bacteria(or they are 2,3 i,m not sure). shake and put it in blanket for 3,4 hours. then it is ready O,i was the first who try it and i,m sure it has medical value,i was asleep after 30 minutes and before that i feel really...comfortableit wasnt strong or stoney,i feel just very relaxed. i must try to make it once again to know the proportion and stuff.And i will eat more i,m sory i speak english so horrible