Hey hash head. Initially I thought as you about adding water to material before starting, but as I have come to understand with practical experience, h20 is very difficult to purge from material under vacuum at lower temps. By adding water, you are only making the process take longer.
I use a separatory funnel chilled to ~2C for several hours to separate terpenes from hydrosol. Terpenes ("alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, and esters" - GreyWolf) and other organics are not all crystal clear when they interact I would imagine. I want a full spectrum extract that takes the best of elite flowers and concentrates it even further. If that is a cloudy extract, so be it. I could care less if others make a clear extract (often using inferior trim) that is devoid of soul and character.
I use a separatory funnel chilled to ~2C for several hours to separate terpenes from hydrosol. Terpenes ("alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, and esters" - GreyWolf) and other organics are not all crystal clear when they interact I would imagine. I want a full spectrum extract that takes the best of elite flowers and concentrates it even further. If that is a cloudy extract, so be it. I could care less if others make a clear extract (often using inferior trim) that is devoid of soul and character.