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ISO to bind dry power?


My little pony.. my little pony
Strong you are,
resist you must,
the urge to break up the patty.



Active member
Stoner133 said:
I have run into a problem, my Bubblebags have produced some fine power. I have worked it with lots of pressure using a spoon and steel bowl, left it to sit in the Sun to get warm and still nothing will stick together.

The though occurred to me, a small amount of ISO 99% should dissolve enough resin to let me work the hash.

Anybody tried this or have other suggestions....

i find this odd as truly fine resin powder will usually compress and bind in your hands... try just working it over in your hands until it's the consistancy of silly putty. if this doesn't work than you're getting too much plant matter in your mix...


Active member
I have tried pressing and rolling it in my fingers with no success. No matter how much pressure I use, it still refuses to stick.

I have had good results, in the past, with a steel bowl and a spoon. The bottom of the spoon builds up substantial pressures and the edges of the spoon even more. Still nothing with this batch. Dry powder.

Other responsibilities have kept me from finishing this batch, it still sitting in the bowl with a paper towel covering to prevent dust.


My little pony.. my little pony
Um have you considered adding a small bit of water to it, then press it, then let it dry?


Active member
I have been experimenting with small batches.

This is my dry powder from the Bubblebags.

A sample folded into heat resistant oven film.

After pressing with a hot clothes iron, a setting that I know for previous experience does a great job on shirts.

It crumbled, back to square one.


Active member
Next test, Vodka. We know tricromes are partially soluble in ethanol. 80 proof Vodka is 45% alcohol.

A couple of drops, mixed and blended with plenty of pressure.

Hand pressed and set aside to dry.

A little more hand pressing and it looks and smells like hash. :D

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god!! that poor bubble hash powder has been put through way too much...
Just smoke it in powder form, some of the best melty bubble ive made is the powder type.....peace..


just sprinkle some bubble hash on some bud ,and you are all good. People sell bubble hash powder at very high prices.


Active member

I am sure they do, but re-sale is not a motivation in my case. What I want is a modest supply of nice tasty hash from the left over trim.

Each batch gets better with improved technique.

Use the minimum amount of Vodka, just enough to wet the powder. When fully whetted, roll it between fingers, squeezing out excess liquid on to plate.

It takes some time for the Vodka to work, leaving it set a couple of minutes lets it get sticky.

In the final stages of pressing, nearly no liquid remains, just the film of dissolved resin on the plate.

After a through drying, I am looking forward to checking it out. :D
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Active member

Another advantage to Vodka, cleaning up has it's own rewards.

This is what I got from my bowls and spoons, a Green Dragon highball.

Taste is nice, just a hint of flavor from the hash.


You have a open mind anyways. Thats a good thing :wave:
that drink looks good. :yummy:


Active member
christ man, Just smoke it yo! That shit aint that good lookin and if it doesnt press quickly then it is just low quality...period. Nice job with the Vodka trick but lots of work and whether you get it to stick together or not its not getting any better and quite the opposite it is getting mighty worse. The more you play with that shit the more dead skin cells, hair, dust, and particles of a bunch of other shit you dont want to smoke will be in the mix. If it doesnt press pretty easily then just smoke it quick cause it aint that great or learn to make bho :)


it looks like you are putting way too much liquid in there....a fine spray or one drop per gram is plenty and is all you need to help bind it..if you have drops of alcohol getting squeezed out the lump then you adding way too much alc and you are rinsing/dissolving off some trichomes

is that the same OG mentor Stoner133?
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Active member
Chamba said:
is that the same OG mentor Stoner133?
Yes it is. I had registered prior to the end of OG and accepted Gypsys invitation and welcome.

My technique improved with each 1g batch. By the end, I was using a minimum of Vodka and letting it have some working time.