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ISO Extraction... Hash Oils



why is it you ppl dont know how to make proper iso hash i bet would kick ur hash in the face and a toilet are yu serious if anything wut u produced looks like shit and i bet tasted and smells like shit, dark green liquid plus the fact that u brewed it on the stove with thew weed in it, the trick to "Good hash" is a quickwash and not some method u heard from someone, all im saying is try out the way i do it and youll be quite suprised or should i say stoned. just take my word for it, your making hash, but its just not as good as it should be, your smoking all the sugers and shit from the weed that way anyways im out before someone crams ther hand down my through and ripps my lungs out


Bakin in da Sun
scrogathon said:
why is it you ppl dont know how to make proper iso hash i bet would kick ur hash in the face and a toilet are yu serious if anything wut u produced looks like shit and i bet tasted and smells like shit...the trick to "Good hash" is a quickwash and not some method u heard from someone, all im saying is try out the way i do it and youll be quite suprised or should i say stoned. just take my word for it...

does anyone else see the hypocrisy in this?


scrogathon said:
thats the shittiest hash making tutorial ever come to overgrow for the good shit

That looks like that scene from team america when he puked everywhere....grow up man, if you dont like shit here then go back OG....we dont bother you over there.


Non Conformist
Hey scrogy

Hey scrogy

What the fuck would a 17 year old snot nosed kid like you know about makeing hash ? You need to scurry your little ass back to trollville where you belong. go on now... git


ok everyone ill leave ya all alone im just tyrying to help ur lungs out and B.C why dont u take ur 13 year old ass and go get high off .2, and also how can u say my pic looks like puke, try looking at the original posters pics, they made me wanna puke, thats why i told everyone this, anyways i wont bother you all again, so u can keep smoking black tar, and btw im 19 and i have quite a bit of knowledge towards growing but w/e i just refuse to have people think that is good.


wow...and people say I lack social skillz...man I'm the prince of tact in comparison.scroggy, have ya met iggy yet?


Non Conformist


Didn't miss by much did I... quote " and btw I'm 19 " Well with that behind us ( sorry Zep. ) on with the show... I was wondering about this method, I had a buddy 20 years or so ago that made oil this way, don't really remember much about it other than it would rip your head off. Now after reading this thread I'll have to give it a shot. lol. I got to go back and re-read it again though.... I've smoked far to much today......


I just spotted this and what an awesome thread tutorial mate. Thats excatly how I have also always done mine. And its good stuff


Don't want to seem like the other idiot but you really should not be smoking this stuff.

Iso can react with chlorophyll to produce residues which you don't want to be smoking. Im a biochemist so I know about these things. This is essentially one of the ways of making soapbar hash in the uk, espcially red and gold seal. It is added to more ground plant material with black henna and coffee to produce low quality hash.

The only healthy method of using Iso is the quickwash method, I fear you may be damaging your health smoking this stuff.


New member
The proper method of making iso hash oil, involves quickly washing the plant material with ISO.

1 add herb to a jar with a lid
2 add iso to jar
3 shake for 1min 30 sec.
4 allow iso to filter though whatever filter you got.
5 evaporate and get GOLDEN ISO OIL

when you soak plant material in iso for more than like...2 minutes you start to get water soluble contaminents which makes your oil BLACK AND NASTY and TARRY. Cooking it would be even worse. Heat would increase the water in the iso's ability to solubize contaminents.

There is ALOT of MIS-information on this site for some reason. Mostly in the cooking forum and the hash and oil forum.
If you don't like this method, thats fine.
But it IS the way to get the purest product from ISO.
If you don't want to do it, thats fine, its your body, put what you wish in it.
No disrespect to anyone. :joint:
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Active member
i would try and fill a funnel with trim with a coffie filiter in it and pour the alcohol over the trim not to get any around the coffie filter ...then use the same alcohol u just strained throught the trim and fill the funnel with new trim and strain agian ...soo this way u get only the good THC TRIComes and u dont have to go through the process of straing HOT ALCOHOL eather....then when u have strained the same alcohol through all ur new trim a couple times u just have to put it on the stove and VOILA >! iso oil...

not to say ur method dont work...ive just never seeen my denatured method used on ISO >> :dueling:

like this
why is it you ppl dont know how to make proper iso hash i bet would kick ur hash in the face and a toilet are yu serious if anything wut u produced looks like shit and i bet tasted and smells like shit, dark

It always amazes me how people without the consideration (or perhaps ability) to write a coherent sentence expect to be taken seriously and listened to. Perhaps if this guy got the shit out of his mouth and attitude somebody might respond with some consideration for what he is saying.



New member
Its called TACT. If you whisper, more people will listen, than if you yell. Because they have to pay closer attention to hear you at all. Or something along those lines. ;)
This is a really great way to deal with all your "scraps" - as long as you don't smoke it. I never thought of using vape leftovers but I'm going to start doing this with my bubble hash leftovers (I know there's still trichs on them leaves).
alcohol dissolves toomuch of the water-soluble sugars and chlorophylls...
you might try making kif or bubblehash first then extracting that

good luck!

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