From the article: Can change epigenetic patterns and thereby effect changes in gene activation and cell phenotype.
I have one reading speed.
Maybe you wanted to paint someone as slightly retarded by saying
"Infinitesmal is spelling it out out nice and slowly"
I knew what "out" meant. "Out out" seems much more double-negativish and I have a hard time understanding this.
Spelling it out, means spoon-feeding pretty much.
Because if someone disagrees with you, you're slow and just not getting it.
Maybe condenscending, you are.
Wow, and look at the person explaining what babbling is, in dictionary form. Babbling doesn't make sense, right?
So we are debating on who is right, and of course if you find the other wrong, not making sense, it's "babbling."
Of course anything you don't understand is babbling - it doesn't make sense to you.
So you speak of epigenetics, ALL of you, but you don't know fully the implications, simply because it hasn't been studied enough, but rather you have a conclusion of dismissal.
Again, look at my quote from the paper. Read the paper.
Read about b sheets, primary, loose random coil denatured, secondary (b), tertriary and quaternary structures and metalloid proteins, dimers, entaniomers and oligimers.
I DO understand genetic code doesn't change from these things, though.
That's probably the communication problem we all were having. hahaha.
Of course if a oligomer or dimer attaches, it may fold differently and therefore produce more or less of one protein or the result.
From the article: Can change epigenetic patterns and thereby effect changes in gene activation and cell phenotype.
I have one reading speed.
Maybe you wanted to paint someone as slightly retarded by saying
"Infinitesmal is spelling it out out nice and slowly"
I knew what "out" meant. "Out out" seems much more double-negativish and I have a hard time understanding this.
Spelling it out, means spoon-feeding pretty much.
Because if someone disagrees with you, you're slow and just not getting it.
Maybe condenscending, you are.
Wow, and look at the person explaining what babbling is, in dictionary form. Babbling doesn't make sense, right?
So we are debating on who is right, and of course if you find the other wrong, not making sense, it's "babbling."
Of course anything you don't understand is babbling - it doesn't make sense to you.
So you speak of epigenetics, ALL of you, but you don't know fully the implications, simply because it hasn't been studied enough, but rather you have a conclusion of dismissal.
Again, look at my quote from the paper. Read the paper.
Read about b sheets, primary, loose random coil denatured, secondary (b), tertriary and quaternary structures and metalloid proteins, dimers, entaniomers and oligimers.
I DO understand genetic code doesn't change from these things, though.
That's probably the communication problem we all were having. hahaha.
Of course if a oligomer or dimer attaches, it may fold differently and therefore produce more or less of one protein or the result.