I came across this from Dx Hydro website that makes subpanels w/breakers outlets and timers for grow rooms:
I think the model name he's mentioning is Ecoplus from Sunlight Supply. I was actually going to get this model when I saw Dx Hydro had some options and more choices. I'm not affilitated w/Dx Hydro. I guess he says the ground is connected to the neutral from the pic. It's even less safe than leaving ground unconnected. I also thought it weird that Ecoplus said to plug the timer (that's the 2nd smaller black plug) into an existing outlet in your house. Even with sound wiring that sounds fishy. I figured the unit should power that.
I think the model name he's mentioning is Ecoplus from Sunlight Supply. I was actually going to get this model when I saw Dx Hydro had some options and more choices. I'm not affilitated w/Dx Hydro. I guess he says the ground is connected to the neutral from the pic. It's even less safe than leaving ground unconnected. I also thought it weird that Ecoplus said to plug the timer (that's the 2nd smaller black plug) into an existing outlet in your house. Even with sound wiring that sounds fishy. I figured the unit should power that.