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Is there a best place to get White Widow?

get.............. BLACK WIDOW its is the best IBL WhiteWidow.......

Yano rick as much time as you spend on this board,one would hope you start to understand the most basic fundamentals...but you have not!

Please don't toss around terms you don't understand to sound smart..
it ends up doing the opposite..

BW and WW are both true form F1's A brazilian Sativa mother crossed with a Indian indica father is a F1 or aka hybrid...

IBL =inbred line.......skunk,,,,afghani Diesel by rez etc...

now you know!:yeahthats


Active member
white widow

white widow

heres some pics of greenhouseseeds.nl white widow some cured budd shots too. :joint:

strong smoke, gives me the giggles after 20 minutes from a couple of straight pipes.
its what iam toking at the momment. :joint: peace


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Whoa! Thanks for the pics MickTheBrag. Nice to be able to see what the GHSC's widow looks like. Very nice man.


Mick-that's what I'm talkin about! Looks like ghs.nl breeds some of that white widow we *grew* to love in the 90's. Nice job.


plant pimp
As with other Shantibaba releases, the Black Widow can be very stretchy, and get 8 feet tall easy, and appears to be sativa dominant. I had some reach over 10 feet, so be aware, unless something has changed recently???

Height can be controlled in many different ways. You can top,f.i.m. You can also control the height of the plant by putting it in smaller pots. I have grown white widow and kept them at the 3-4 foot mark with no pruning. I finished them in 3.1 gallon pots. Yield was nice and quality was great


New member
if you can find it, get the black widow, mr.nice seeds

everyone else is a copy

if it does not matter to you then go for what is most conveniant, for sure you will get something good. It just wont be the original


plant pimp
if you can find it, get the black widow, mr.nice seeds

everyone else is a copy

if it does not matter to you then go for what is most conveniant, for sure you will get something good. It just wont be the original

Hit the nail right on the head.....cannot get any more true of an answer


Moooooot. If ya don't have pre-'9x Greenhouse, or the Aloha (defunct co. I believe)...Go Black. They are telling it like it is. As far as WW being an IBL? What has happened to the term IBL?


plant pimp
Here are 3 pics of Black Widow,NO these are not mine. I wish.....but I have grown out GHS WW and it is not nearly as frosted as the Black. Save,wait and purchase Mr Nice BW...why cheat yourself when you can treat yourself


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Here are 3 pics of Black Widow,NO these are not mine. I wish.....but I have grown out GHS WW and it is not nearly as frosted as the Black. Save,wait and purchase Mr Nice BW...why cheat yourself when you can treat yourself

true man...and them black widow pics are how widow should be!:yoinks:


OK that's it! Looked at some other Black Widows online and from here on out I will consider Mr Nice having THE original and true WW we got to know in the 90's, with a good push by greenhouseseeds and Dutch Passion. Nirvana's white widow is not white widow...they can call it that, but it ain't it. Now gots to get me some BW beans!!


Anyone have any input on Black Label Seeds White Widow?

This legend appears in all coffee shops. It’s the first “White” strain and it grows very tall. This is a high quality plant and a big prize winner!

Plant Height: Medium; Indica/Sativa Mix
Buzz Type: Best High yet; All-Around Buzz
T.H.C. Level: Strong; 15-20
Weeks Flowering : 8-10
Yield (Dried grams per square meter in a Sea of Green): 325-425
Harvest Month: September - October

I have some of these seeds from a few years ago that are flowering right now. The plants grow a tall, continuous cola with few skinny leaves sticking out. Side-shoots were trimmed. At almost 8 weeks a few calyxes are turning purple. Anyone else try them?


Great pics of the Black Widow. Now that's some extreme crystal coverage. Thanks hempluvr.

Since the pics were kind of small though, and I wanted to see more, I did a search, and came up with this. Lol.

No but seriously, I did find two good pics, one of Shantibaba's Black Widow, and the other of GHSC's White Widow. You can definitely see the different influences in each one.

Mr. Nice's (Shantibaba's) Black Widow

GHSC's White Widow.
ghsc widow.jpg


Active member


why cant we all just get a BONG:wallbash:

as far as i know shanti and arjan are still on talking terms so WTF. i dont care where i get my seeds man as long i get good genetics.
if anyone of us was in arjans shoes you'd be doing the same thing. :joint:

peace mick


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Got the ceres seeds white widow fem running just now and its alot more vigourous than my FMS white widow,look stunning at the mo.

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