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Is the Water You Use the Best It Can Be? Structured Water. Why? And an Easy DIY


Andinismo Hierbatero
the roman horns changed according to period as well as region, roman history is pretty vast and complex and their technologies changed as time went by and as they were influenced by the places the conquered. same goes for the use of drums for war... only very recently (compared to the history of the drum) were instruments use for battle communication; before, it was very straight forward use: to inspire valor in your soldiers or fear in the enemy.

btw, there's also a simple experiment you can do at home if you have big enough speakers... you can place a bowl of water in a metal bowl over the speaker's woofer, and play music, accordingly the water will vibrate with specific geometric shapes according to the frequencies of the specific songs you play. you need to get the water level right in the bowl so it won't spill over and also so that the geometric shapes can be more easily seen.

be good


Speed of Dark
A few years back I modified water with magnets and also did root and trunk magnets. This was done on both marijuana and poppies.

Calcium deposits on surfaces of pipes and containers changed from needle like to amorphous powder. No other changes were noted.

Growth and yields were monitored for just over a year on four plants with magnets and four plants without.

If any differences were achieved they were under one percent.
Same room with the same lights and timing. These plant clones were physically side by side throughout the testing.

I still have a major collection of rare earth magnets but they are used to hold tools, knives, and refrigerator notes.
Plants and water apparently do not care.

But no harm was done, so no reason not to use them if so inclined.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
A few years back I modified water with magnets and also did root and trunk magnets. This was done on both marijuana and poppies.

Calcium deposits on surfaces of pipes and containers changed from needle like to amorphous powder. No other changes were noted.

Growth and yields were monitored for just over a year on four plants with magnets and four plants without.

If any differences were achieved they were under one percent.
Same room with the same lights and timing. These plant clones were physically side by side throughout the testing.

I still have a major collection of rare earth magnets but they are used to hold tools, knives, and refrigerator notes.
Plants and water apparently do not care.

But no harm was done, so no reason not to use them if so inclined.

Back in the day, I used rare earth magnets to hold my stash under the car I was in...

Get a small metal box and use the magnets to secure that fucker to the frame...

Cops NEVER think about looking under the car...


Active member

all in good fun. just 'cause they disagree doesn't mean they are the stupid one.:)

love the quote....

remember grasshoppers, FREQUENCY CHANGES MATTER.

class dismissed.


New member
I htitnk is unnecessary maybe for health benefits but the amount of water wates by RO systems alone is a sign that it should be used its wasteful as piss. just get a chlorine normal carbon and sediment filiter and aerate the water for 24 hours if concerned. RO is a terrible invention for the environment and water table


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I htitnk is unnecessary maybe for health benefits but the amount of water wates by RO systems alone is a sign that it should be used its wasteful as piss. just get a chlorine normal carbon and sediment filiter and aerate the water for 24 hours if concerned. RO is a terrible invention for the environment and water table

Not at all true. RO CAN waste water, but when one adds a high pressure pump, waste water is minimal. Most people waste more water taking showers


Active member
I htitnk is unnecessary maybe for health benefits but the amount of water wates by RO systems alone is a sign that it should be used its wasteful as piss. just get a chlorine normal carbon and sediment filiter and aerate the water for 24 hours if concerned. RO is a terrible invention for the environment and water table

i do ocassional work with RO treatment systems.

what you say is generally true of small hosue hold systems, but its not the case when you start shelling out serious cash.

super tiny ro systems are like 1-2 dollars per gpd, but they do 0 pre and post treatment, and dont last very long as a result.

when you step up to "commercial modular", shit goes up to like 10-30 dollars per gpd when you count pre and post treatment costs.

the pre treatment systems are generally just there to prevent scaling of the membranes.
filox-r media tanks remove iron and manganeze and a little chlorine.

purolite 100 media tanks remove calcium and replace it with sodium... these are sodium cycle regenerated though so there is some waste backwash that has to be considered here.

then you have an activated carbon media tank to get rid of almost 100% chlorine... again to protect the membranes.

when you do all of that you can run the ro unit up to high flow rates and low waste volumes... as low as 25%, but usually 50% or above.

50% sounds like alot, but keep in mind here were talking strictly about a small commercial modular system that is NOT concerned with water preservation.

large utility scale RO systems use cascading arrangements and can reach much smaller waste volumes if cost is not a concern, and water concervation is essential.

also its worth noting that most water usage in a commercial setting is still going to be shit like toilets, showering and landscape irrigation... so one need not design an RO treatment system to handle 100% of the buildings loads, but rather just the loads that are touching humans... dish washing, soda machines, mop water, coffe machines etc.


Wasting water in private household? :D :D
Have you ever seen what amount of water some of the facilities are wasting? they dont even pay for the water most of the time!
I pay money for my water in my city. if i let the water run 24/7 for a year, i will not be able to waste the amount of water one of our facilities uses in a minute... for bullshit that nobody really needs
same story with electricity! big companies pay 0¢ and we have to buy it for 30cent a kw/h here in europe... and now comes the smartmeter for households >6000kw/year. thats not enviroment friendly, this is the new world order friends.
you can´t safe the world by drinking tap water and turning off the standby switch :D
reverse osmosis is the shit for private household and my plants love it too so does my cat.


Active member
Wasting water in private household? :D :D
Have you ever seen what amount of water some of the facilities are wasting? they dont even pay for the water most of the time!
I pay money for my water in my city. if i let the water run 24/7 for a year, i will not be able to waste the amount of water one of our facilities uses in a minute... for bullshit that nobody really needs
same story with electricity! big companies pay 0¢ and we have to buy it for 30cent a kw/h here in europe... and now comes the smartmeter for households >6000kw/year. thats not enviroment friendly, this is the new world order friends.
you can´t safe the world by drinking tap water and turning off the standby switch :D
reverse osmosis is the shit for private household and my plants love it too so does my cat.

what are you talking about? nobody but the government gets 'free' water. nobody gets free electricity either.

big commercial users pay rates closer to whole sale for several reasons... in the USA 50-75% of your utility rate goes to the distribution system. wholsale rates are like 5 cents per kwh.

big commercial operations consuming 10's of thousands of kwh/month pay less because their grid is small with respect to the residential grid.

they also use huge amounts of power... so the amortized cost of the distribution is far smaller per kwh.

this is just going to get worse and worse the farther down this 100% rewable hole we go... with overbuilt distribution being the norm, and smart grid retrofits being necessary.
costs are high in Europe for a number of reasons though.


If u go into detail, ur government is a privat coorporation too... but this leads offtopic...
Great thread.
Back to topic...
Petflora, are you just letting the water run trouhg your marble device? Or do you swirl it too?
Did you observe a faster and better disolving of nutes in RO water too?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If u go into detail, ur government is a privat coorporation too... but this leads offtopic...
Great thread.
Back to topic...
Petflora, are you just letting the water run trouhg your marble device? Or do you swirl it too?
Did you observe a faster and better disolving of nutes in RO water too?

Good question. First I run the pre nutrient water 3xs through the marble vessel, in the center is a double helix of magnetite marbles, twisted at the half way point 90*s to provide more surface area. Then prior to mixing the nutes I use an electric-hand held blender to vortex that water prior to and during adding each nutrient

This is then added to the rezes, which have opposing magnets just prior to the nutes entering the totes to feed the roots, as well as the return to the rezes.


red a lot about magnetic efects on plants, germans did a lot of experimentation between 1920 and 39 and had good effords! good enough to officially stop the projects after ww2 allies declared a lot as secret.
I have a scientific book from the darknet from 1937 that states 2x 6m trainrails are burried in a space of 2-3meters apart from each other directing N-S or E-W i cant remember to the detail its years ago.
same soil same nutrients and amount of water provided up to 30% more yield.
I see from myself that structured water has big influence.
Now I would like to know how we can create artificial magnetic fields beneficial to plants.
So god will, i can afford a garden some day :)
last words: i tried to eat leaves fron my plants: salad like, sweet, no aftertaste at all
tried some of my NPK friend and they are very harsh and taste bitter. it that has no influence to the taste of endproduct, i dont know.

thanks petflora. what are ur magnets like? what are u using there, i dont understand it.

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