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Is She High?


Yeah, who cares if pot's a gateway drug? If it's as bad as everything else, bring on the dope.:hotbounce

I would argue t pot IS NOT a gateway drug. Ask any pothead what was the first drug they tried. I would just about bet it was cigs, alcohol, or some pill. It is just a convenient scapegoat.


I could have sworn that there was a paper discussing cigarettes as the real gateway drug. I remember how I felt the first time I was offered a cigarette, and how very different it was for me vs the first time I was offered a joint, emotionally speaking. I felt a great deal of fea and trepidation with the cigarette, but once I crossed that boundary grass was no problem.


Weed was something I never even tried until I was 17 or 18.When I did try it I thought I'd been duped because it did wonders for my poor mental health and helped me push through college and all the rest.Thus it made me question the stance on all the other drugs but other than acid I wasn't much of good drugseeker...Fast foward 20yrs and racing some kids on my dirtbike I endo'd and broke bones I can't remember...I picked up a pretty good pill habit after that, it hurts!:) I love gettin' high and I'm on and off the percs but I'm disabled, for real and I'm too wary to have surgery on my neck and shoulders, so weeds the trick, I fire up a joint, forget what's hurtin' and make the garden bang out lbs...:tiphat: These people in govt don't care about anybody, not you, not me, none of us, left or right no matter.


our government and anything they do is a gateway drug! you need something to stop the headaches!!!!

tell someone that something is not good when they are a teenager and they are more than likely going to try it. remember when they first put the explicit lyrics warning stickers on music? and things went platinum

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^our government is the gateway totalitarianism, and our blind national pride that america is number one is gateway to being a nazi like society.


We are Farmers
Weed was something I never even tried until I was 17 or 18.When I did try it I thought I'd been duped because it did wonders for my poor mental health and helped me push through college and all the rest.Thus it made me question the stance on all the other drugs but other than acid I wasn't much of good drugseeker...Fast foward 20yrs and racing some kids on my dirtbike I endo'd and broke bones I can't remember...I picked up a pretty good pill habit after that, it hurts!:) I love gettin' high and I'm on and off the percs but I'm disabled, for real and I'm too wary to have surgery on my neck and shoulders, so weeds the trick, I fire up a joint, forget what's hurtin' and make the garden bang out lbs...:tiphat: These people in govt don't care about anybody, not you, not me, none of us, left or right no matter.

Not sure of exactly what type of surgery you would have to go through but having a plate put in my neck has helped me a ton and I am very glad I did it even though I was scared shitless I would end up paralyzed.


High Grade Specialist
i think you guys need to cut her some slack, what shes doing is a well used politican tactic.

if you get a question you dont like you simply answer a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT question. it was just not very elegantly executed on her part. but these guys do it all the time if you havent noticed. its like talking to a wall basically, at some point the one asking the question will just stop bothering.


It's a well-used tactic by politicians. She did not use the tactic of obfuscation well at all, she came off looking like a moron. Or as though she'd been trained in tech support.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Someone said politicians should all be connected to lie detectors when speaking in public. I would go one step further and wire them up to a "Tucker telephone"...every time they lie, or speak a whole lot without actually saying anything, they get zapped.
Shock collars for all elected and appointed officials.
Every time they tell the truth or manage to do some straight-talking-they get a biscuit and loving scratch behind the ear.


Someone said politicians should all be connected to lie detectors when speaking in public. I would go one step further and wire them up to a "Tucker telephone"...every time they lie, or speak a whole lot without actually saying anything, they get zapped.
Shock collars for all elected and appointed officials.
Every time they tell the truth or manage to do some straight-talking-they get a biscuit and loving scratch behind the ear.


the hallowed halls in washington would look like they had a break dancing contest going on 24/7


Active member
Fuck this cun t and every other motherfucker like them they are just saying what the highest bidder tells em to say.:biggrin:



See the world through a puff of smoke
I'm wondering what she would do when Ron Paul was asking his questions like he did with Bennie.:blowbubbles:

Keep on growing :)
are you really suprised? you expect them to admit all the wrong they have done. aint ever happening till we get all these assholes out of power. the evil weed made me say this

The people they've harmed over, what 4/5 decades. I can remember 20, 30 year & longer jail sentences handed down in
Texas during the late 60's for posession of small weight.

Her acting job in front of Congress reminds me of the testimony by tobacco company execs testifying infront of congress.
Everybody knows she's lying & it's just business as usual.It's going to take more than changing one set of assholes for another to get anything done.

Marijuana is illegal because pharmaceutical corps:moon: have a vested interest in eliminating competition to their overpriced, marginally effective, often dangerous drugs. Once they've created their first one or two billion dollar cannabis-based medicine we will see pot being made legal, quickly.

Just business as usual for corperate America.


^^^^^ "Her acting job in front of Congress reminds me of" .................... reefer madness ????
everyone must remember that in 11 years 9 months n two weeks 4 days n 8 hours the western world wont be mostly white atleast via its kids, tack on 38 more years and the adults will be tan, brown n black as well. does anybody really care that white people and white people posions aka tabacco , alcohol and sugar dont really cut it anymore, i mean let the albino's fade out and with them there laws n monolpolies, truly folks all the charade's that one see's are leaving with the bloodline thats leaving as we speak. u got ****s comparing herion which u used to be able to get at sears with cannabis, id like to see this be spoken in this fashion in two more decades, thing is it wont be. we just gotta wait it out, sha white is going away and with it the laws. coco leaf tea and cannabis yah, alcohol n tobacco no thx, sorry philip morris n budwiswer, your days r numbered.


I know everything I wAs taught in school about our Government was "the cream of the crop" are elected to represent our best interests.Bullshit..now anyone with $$ an a agenda gets elected.If they were looking out for our best interests,cannabis would be legal.I am so sick of our goverment being LIARS that this makes me physically ill,just watching it.This woman needs a wake up call and had there been any minutes left,she was about to get one.How come I didnt see this on CNN,Fox,MSNBC? Because they are all tools and fools and liars galore.Al Frankens book fits our Governement to a T.And our choices are Mittens or Obama...we are screwed...sad but true.Reminds me of the pledge of Alligence.."and justice for all" what a frigging joke.Lie about pot so kids find out its a lie and think"the must be lying about meth too" and goes out and gets an addiction for thier trouble.Lying Liars and the Lies they tell.Un acceptable and embarrassing.Fed fucking up-BigD
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May your race always be in your favor
Typical politicians answer. Just repeat the same talking point regardless of the question.


Active member
Oh but Oxycotin Is a legal substance..So I guess her answer to that would be .."It is legal so it is good".