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is new Gov. going to be a problem?


Well-known member
is there anything yet to be determined about VAs rollout of legalization that could be slowed/stopped/delayed by new governor? facts, opinions, etc all welcome...


Well-known member
The man ran as a populist, would expect if anything, he would accelerate the program- at this point there
is no liability to him in letting it go forward. If it works out well, he benefits, if it produces poorly, he can pin
on the previous administration.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I tend to agree with Gry although I don't know much about this guy other then what the media has been saying which is he's enough like Trump to keep Trump supporters but enough not like Trump to alienate too many people. The media has been praising him for being smart in paying attention to the voters and focusing on those issues. Since legalization is still in the very early stages there I don't think it's risen to the point of there being a call for it to be reversed. If he plays it smart and gets it going in a thoughtful way that doesn't upset people then he stands to potentially swing independents and right leaning democrats to his side and the money legalization can bring in is a boon to any economy if spent well. So for now it seems in my opinion he has a lot to gain and little to lose by letting it play out for now. If he takes it away those that's likely enough to make more democrats come out against him in his next election cycle. As it is now he didn't have a substantial victory and the media is blaming the other go for trying to make him seem more like Trump rather then present his own views on solving problems for why the other guy lost.


New member
If his career history is a predictor his word are meaningless. He an extremely savvy opportunist with eyes on the White House unlike most politicians he's really really smart. That doesn't mean he will or wont mess with it. What it means is he will tell you whatever suites his agenda at the time. Not changing things was needed to secure getting elected. Being limited only one term he's free to do what he wants, as demonstrated last week by pledging to pull VA out of the NE environment coalition of states.

It will be interesting to see what he does but it would likely be the legislature that acts and he would go along with them. Nationally voters on both sides support recreational legalization, the softest support is among republican men at 49% it average overall at 67% according to a Pew poll. I would like to think it's safe, but you never know these days.

Getting it federally decriminalized is doable right now. It would take some of the burden of the states that are on the fence. I don't see it happening because this administration doesn't listen to it's voter very often at their own peril and you can see that in their polling numbers. At the same time it's not an issue republicans are likely to champion as it polls fairly soft for them.


Well-known member
it passed pretty easily in VA legislature. GOP controls VA House, Dems the Senate at least until next election cycle. given how popular legalization seems at the moment (even in GOP), i 'm hopeful they will let it go & see what happens. every time VA does something both popular at home & bringing in big bucks from neighboring states, TN legislators starts drooling, thinking about "ALL that money" going across into VAs cash box. didn't take them any time at all to get their own lottery system up & running after VA dove in, lol...😏


Active member
No worries, I don't think Youngkin will roll back cannabis laws in VA. I have someone on the inside that asked him specifically...they were told "absolutely not".
That being said, we all know these bastards (on both sides) lie through their teeth.


Well-known member
No worries, I don't think Youngkin will roll back cannabis laws in VA. I have someone on the inside that asked him specifically...they were told "absolutely not".
That being said, we all know these bastards (on both sides) lie through their teeth.

well, he can't unilaterally roll the law back by himself. if he has any sense, he will let it go & see how it works out instead of trying to drag the state back into the Dark Ages...


Well-known member
well, VAs new administration & GOP majority in one branch of govt has wasted no time in coming up with "improvements" they'd like to see RE cannabis. it is a mixed bag, to say the least. as many might have suspected would happen, they want to redirect much of the revenue from the social justice aspects into the general fund so they can put it to work in the schools, which they have neglected for years. plus, they'd like to do away with giving victims of the "war on drugs" a boost by giving any preference points to those who were jailed, lost jobs, homes, stc. on the OTHER hand (😀) they also propose getting the legal framework up & going THIS year for legal commercial sales, and one bill put forth by a GOP member wants to drop the taxes to help cut into the black market. i notice they did not mention cutting into individuals grows. i'd like to see that expanded myself, from 4 plants per household to 4 plants (or more) per person. since the Ds still have a majority in one house, they cannot do any of it alone. thoughts?


Well-known member
Ummmmm No.
you don't think it is legal (it is) or you don't want to google it? (irrelevant) already legal to possess up to an ounce in public (no smoking while driving though) & grow 4 plants per household, certain medical outlets will start selling rec weed in Sept. while the rec market gets set up.


I live in a red county and a lot of people here want it legal. I know many people who vote red that want it legalized and retail sales to be started ASAP. This guy seems he will say whatever to make everybody happy even if he does it or not but I don't think he will piss off his constituents. They are the ones pushing to get sales moved up to Jan 2023 I heard Sept 2022 but I haven't seen any concrete facts about this.


Active member
well, VAs new administration & GOP majority in one branch of govt has wasted no time in coming up with "improvements" they'd like to see RE cannabis. it is a mixed bag, to say the least. as many might have suspected would happen, they want to redirect much of the revenue from the social justice aspects into the general fund so they can put it to work in the schools, which they have neglected for years. plus, they'd like to do away with giving victims of the "war on drugs" a boost by giving any preference points to those who were jailed, lost jobs, homes, stc. on the OTHER hand (😀) they also propose getting the legal framework up & going THIS year for legal commercial sales, and one bill put forth by a GOP member wants to drop the taxes to help cut into the black market. i notice they did not mention cutting into individuals grows. i'd like to see that expanded myself, from 4 plants per household to 4 plants (or more) per person. since the Ds still have a majority in one house, they cannot do any of it alone. thoughts?

Not a penny of cannabis revenue should go to "social justice". The idea that non-whites need a affirmative action, a hand out or an advantage over others is extremely racist and bigoted. You're not a racist, are you 😄


Well-known member
Not a penny of cannabis revenue should go to "social justice". The idea that non-whites need a affirmative action, a hand out or an advantage over others is extremely racist and bigoted. You're not a racist, are you 😄

i am for those disadvantaged for generations to be given a hand up instead of another back of the hand. are YOU a racist? you seem to deny the fact that white privilege is real, and has been for centuries world-wide & here in the US since before the founding of the nation. THAT is the very face of racism and bigotry. tacking a smiley face onto bullshit is putting lipstick on a pig...it doesn't make it any prettier, and really pisses off the pig.


Well-known member
I live in a red county and a lot of people here want it legal. I know many people who vote red that want it legalized and retail sales to be started ASAP. This guy seems he will say whatever to make everybody happy even if he does it or not but I don't think he will piss off his constituents. They are the ones pushing to get sales moved up to Jan 2023 I heard Sept 2022 but I haven't seen any concrete facts about this.

you can see what GOP members of VA. legislature are saying with a mere Google search... a GOP led committee has apparently killed the proposal for 2022 in favor of waiting & letting the retail sales begin in 2023 instead, fending off proposals by their own party. this was on Feb. 28th, three days ago...


Active member
i am for those disadvantaged for generations to be given a hand up instead of another back of the hand. are YOU a racist? you seem to deny the fact that white privilege is real, and has been for centuries world-wide & here in the US since before the founding of the nation. THAT is the very face of racism and bigotry. tacking a smiley face onto bullshit is putting lipstick on a pig...it doesn't make it any prettier, and really pisses off the pig.

"white privilege" 😄😄. Just laughed so hard I nearly pissed myself.
In a country conquered and founded by white people, whites should have privilege. It's what our ancestors fought and died for.
Self hating, guilt ridden anti-white bigots are generally the ones crying about white privilege...is that you?
Let me ask you, should Japanese have Japanese Privilege in Japan? Should Jews have Jewish Privilege in Israel? Should the Chinese have privilege in China?
America was conquered by and for white Europeans. Until the 1965 Hart/Seller act, America was a homogeneous, mostly white nation settled by White European Protestants.
When they cry "but we're a nation of immigrants", the part they leave out is that until the mid 1960s, America was a nation of WHITE EUROPEAN IMMIGRANTS. This only changed after the Hart/Seller act was passed and they started to flood America with non-whites from the 3rd world. When they say "but what about all men are created equal", they forget that most of our founders didn't recognize blacks as "men", they were recognized as property.
Also, all races and tribes throughout history owned slaves. In America, only 2% of southern families owned slaves. It was white people that fought and died to end slavery. White people started the trend of abolishing slavery around the world and in especially in Western nations.

Read below: The first Naturalization Act put forth by our founders (Naturalization Act Of 1790) limited naturalization to "free white persons of good character"

Save yourself some time and dont bother replying. I already know your "argument"...


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Well-known member
the level of ignorance about our countries history is astounding, but not surprising. not hard to spot the bigots & racists in these posts. 🙄


Active member
the level of ignorance about our countries history is astounding, but not surprising. not hard to spot the bigots & racists in these posts. 🙄

I called it aaahahahaaa. "BIGOT!! RACIST!! REEEEE". Did I call it or what, fellas 😆
That's your argument? Fuckin priceless!!
I present you with absolute verifiable facts. Your response: "the level of ignorance about our countries history is astounding" .
What's astouding is your cognitive dissonance.
if I'm incorrect about America's history, please enlighten me, friend. Cmon hippy, correct the record for us.

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