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Not so pertty....Mg????

Not so pertty....Mg????

I beleive this is movin over to my clones.....lost one already.HELP!!!


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Could be a Mg lockout from too much calcium in your well water or possibly your soil's pH is too low. You could try changing your source water and raise the pH of your feeding solution a bit. Have you taken a run-off pH or other sample of your soil to test it for pH?


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Have not checked my run-off Browsky.As i said i was completely unprepared when i got this cut,no medium,no containers,no food...nothing but a built room and a barrowed T5.Was able to get a small amount of pbp veg that has been applied every other water...watered every 3 days.Still recovering from x-mas bro.Broke as a joke,but by the 9th at the latest i will be making much needed purchases.Do have a cheapie ph meter that pretty much hasn't moved...bout 6.5.But opinion is it's only good enough to show a drastic change in ph.Would say a $30 model be sufficient?Ph pen that is.


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I have been spraying her once a day with 1/2 teaspoon to qt of water.Color has had no improvement but her shoots have perked up a wee bit in growth


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A lot of times it's hard to diagnose these problems because there is so much overlap in the way symptoms of deficiencies manifest themselves. It depends on so many things. There can be more than one deficiency and then things get tough. That's one reason why a lot of folks look but don't respond. Some just lurk and never post.
What gets confusing in your pics is that while you have a Mg def that is causing your interveinal chlorosis, you also have lightening at the new growth. Since Mg defs show at low pH and most top growth things are high pH problems, it makes a person doubt and wonder. However, Sulfur defs will show at low pH and effect the top growth. Actually it can make the whole plant a little lighter green.
I'm guessing that you have a nute buildup in your medium that dropped the pH low enough to lock out these things.
The other possibility is that you simply need to feed more.
The marginal chlorosis mixed in there says K def and the purple petioles could say P def. maybe more!


Active member
A lot of times it's hard to diagnose these problems because there is so much overlap in the way symptoms of deficiencies manifest themselves. It depends on so many things. There can be more than one deficiency and then things get tough. That's one reason why a lot of folks look but don't respond. Some just lurk and never post.
What gets confusing in your pics is that while you have a Mg def that is causing your interveinal chlorosis, you also have lightening at the new growth. Since Mg defs show at low pH and most top growth things are high pH problems, it makes a person doubt and wonder. However, Sulfur defs will show at low pH and effect the top growth. Actually it can make the whole plant a little lighter green.
I'm guessing that you have a nute buildup in your medium that dropped the pH low enough to lock out these things.
The other possibility is that you simply need to feed more.
The marginal chlorosis mixed in there says K def and the purple petioles could say P def. maybe more!

Thank you for chiming in Hazy...:wave:

As a new grower i am understanding what you mean by the "overlap" of things.Countless hours on the web is showing me that.Enough to make someone snatch their hair out if ya ask me.But no biggie,i'll work through it.I am not excluding iron also from what i have read.One of the things you mentioned has been on my mind also.....underfeeding.All i have at the moment is the PBP 3-1.5-4.Would doubling the dose possibly be better if this is all the food she is getting?That is if underfeeding is the issue.And as of today her new shoots are not so "bright lime green".But there is quite a bit of the purpleing in the main veins down the center of the leaves.And my older fan leaves are slightly fading....slightly.It's weird to me that with this problem her roots are goin good,but i don't know shit from shinola.I am going to try and get a few more pics up later and any advice is much appreciated......by me and her.Thanks bro



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i haven't used PBP, but you should be able to use more and not burn? It's organic? How does your dosing compare with label directions?

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