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He every one.I beleive i am needing to throw in some epsom salt for a sick L.A. confidetial.My question is does it matter if i do this and feed at the same time or should i feed...wait...add my salt or vise versa.And foliar feeding with epsom salt.....how often cani do this.Once,twice....three time a day or what?Thanks in advance for any help.



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What medium & system you using dude? irrigation scheduals etc! I think on the foliar a little at a time, once a day to start with(foliar under low light levels with good ventilation-ie, at lights on and fans turned up!).


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At the moment i have her under a t5 in some soil i got from some one else.Hand watered every 3 days,every other water had pure blend pro veg,low npk.I was not ready to start my garden when i received this clone.But i have been keepin her goin till i can purchase the things i need.Been in great health up till 8-9 days ago.



Active member
I would add a little E/S on my water irrigation cycle(ph-6.3-6.8,- check charts for best absorbsion at the set soil PH for Mg), not with the feed. Pestle & mortar, grind to fine dust, add to hot water(a little) then add to my water solution(check PH). I think you'd be better off with a foliar anyway(ph7.0-7.4), both at the same time, ok yeah, i would probably do that too! be a low dose though 1/4 - 1/2 tsp per gal. Hope you fix your problems dude', i know how frustrating it can be!
peace & G'Luck...............Scroger'

Edit- if you put the Mg/E'S in seperate, you cant fuck about with the composition of the PBP in solution then, so i'd go for the water Irrigation cycle, less worries. saying that you probably could do it together, but seperate your just taking away any worries of precipitation/lock etc.

Can you put some pics up please!??! you would of got more help if you put pics up buddy!


Active member
Thank you Scrog.....much appreciated

I'm workin on the pics.Card reader isn't here but tryin to get it today.But after countless hours reading i'm 99.99% sure i'm dealing with a mg def.

I got purple stems and petioles
All new shoots up top are turning a light lime green
Plant is slowly losing color from top down
Growth has slooooooowed down,bout 2 weeks now
Middle aged fan leaves are turing lighter green from outside edge inwards

Another ?

As i stated i was not ready to get my garden going when i received this cut,so i had nadda ta work with.By next week i'll be able to get the things i need.As i don't know shit about the soil she is in i want to transplant into good soil.Will transplanting into good soil be ok or should i wait till she is in better health first?

Thanks FD


Active member
Your welcome mate!
i cant believe you never got more help tbh, i aint really a soil grower, but it is where i started like everyone else!
yeah sounds like Mg to me by the way you have described it, could possibly be a little N def too, you'll soon have them under control im sure. G'Luck Pm me if you have further probs & i'll try my best to help buddy ok!
Peace & Respect.............Scroger'


Active member
Edit- if you put the Mg/E'S in seperate, you cant fuck about with the composition of the PBP in solution then, so i'd go for the water Irrigation cycle, less worries. saying that you probably could do it together, but seperate your just taking away any worries of precipitation/lock etc.

Thats what i was lookin for........but would rather wait till i get some pics up for you guys.



Active member
Your welcome mate!
i cant believe you never got more help tbh, i aint really a soil grower, but it is where i started like everyone else!
yeah sounds like Mg to me by the way you have described it, could possibly be a little N def too, you'll soon have them under control im sure. G'Luck Pm me if you have further probs & i'll try my best to help buddy ok!
Peace & Respect.............Scroger'[/QUOTE

Thanks bro.Sure more would respond if i had pics and gave a better description of whats goin on.Do you know if under feeding and mg def kinda go hand in hand?From my understanding my girl is kinda a heavy feeder so tryin to see if underfeeding may have led me to this situation.


Mg and possible N deficient, sounds about right.
How many mL/gallon are you using of the PBP?
Where's your source water from?


Active member
Your probably gonna need to suppliment the Mg then yeah, there's probably very little if any in your well water. if your starting EC of your well water is real low, ie - under 100 ppm's then i'd be supplementing with Cal-Mag or a similar product. could be half the problem, 15ml per gal sounds about perfect, what are they 3-4 wks old? I'm sure a product like that will help you out, but you could do with finding out the starting ppm's of your source water! you dont know what your getting with well water! could be 100ppm's of all calcium carbonate or something similar & fuck all Mg in it!


Active member
Yet to actually check my water........next week though,have the tools i'll need.Got a momma and 8 cuts.Mom is about 5 weeks old.Took the top out of her on the 21st.Been openin her up so i can get her to fill back in.Responding well with all the new shoots but ain't the perttiest girl on the block right now.She is 10 inches tall and 17 1-2 across the top.Want to veg her out till i feel she is big enough to throw under a 600....all by herself.I would assume(i hate to do that) that since mom isn't feelin so well i need to keep my eye on my clones for these same issues?So far they look well.


P.s.I can get some CAL-MAG today.Would this be better than ES?
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Active member
Yes imo! just depends on your well waters composition dude, if its all Ca that makes up the majority of ppms, then the ES may be the best. Canna do a micro range now(Canna Mono) and you can get Mg seperately. its gonna take a little figuring out imo!
G'Luck! You could always go RO water, then add the cal-mag, thats a fool proof way imo!


Active member
Try to find out the composition of your well/source water, i think you can pay for a lab report as a last resort, that would give you all the answers you need. I suspect the majority of the starting ppm's will be calcium carbonate or the like & very little if any Mg. For you either a lab report or an RO filter is the best way to go, i suspect the lab report will cost alot less. Or do it the hard way through trail and error & using control experiments untill you nail it!


Active member
Thanks for all the info Scrog.I got good news 10 min ago.....MY computer is fixed!!!!I actually know how to use that one(i hate mac) so i can post pics later,thats where my card reader is also.Not gonna do anything till i can show you guys some pics.

What about a transplant?????Wait till she's ok or would it possibly help?


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These were the same day top was removed...day or so before she started really lookin bad.


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