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is destroyer worth that much??

lost in a sea

hehe those are ECSD x Destroyer S1´s
Some potent thai genes hidden in there :D

i bet !!!

i wish i could imagine the effect that that concoction would yield, but i cant...

i definitely want to try doing a similar cross to that one day......selecting through a room full of those must be serious fun!

mr. p mosh

New member
I grew a 5 pack of fems in 2008 and took some notes.

All popped, 2 were whisper thin and were culled before flowing-the remaining 3 were beautiful girls. Plants were uniform-obviously the work of skilled breeding but with subtle distinctions in growth habit (one viney-great potential for scrog grower with patience and cheap electricity) and flower formation. Perfectly formed sativa buds, all were lemony and needed very little manicuring.

Last summer in Cali I grew clones of my keeper in 12 liter organic pots. Flower forced beginning around summer equinox finished 3 months later.

Beautiful Buds. But old school. Actually earlier mentioned club tested these very flowers for thc percentage and it came back at 10%. Not sure I trust this number (how can it account for the effect of curing?) but it is roughly 1/2 of what super potent trendy cali strains like chemdawg test in at.

I will grow again. And I live where Haze originated.

I wonder if I should dig deeper in this pool. Perhaps my keeper leans to the limon verde side?
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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
i just got the new ace releases like that viet black x meao thai !!
lost in a sea, remember, the meao thai IS the dad in Destroyer!
So if'n the funds aren't there right now, you'll get some idea of what you're dealing with.

mr. p mosh, thx for your input. :yes: I picked up a 5pk of the fem Destroyer's last yr as a special for around $50.
I also have many of the ACE meao thai releases as well, and will be growing them out next winter along w/ those Destroyer beans. ;)

Have the Golden Tiger running now, beautiful, uniform plants.

CannaDestroyer's report @ the ACE forum is worth going back a few pages too, and remember, for what it's worth, Destroyer was named a top-ten plant in High Times not too long ago.

here's a cola from my lost destroyer mother, this came from the regular seed offering from about 3-4 years ago.

i am planning to update my grow report with some pics of my recently selected mother from the fem'd version. i am pretty dissappointed with how the seed run came out (my fault, see grow report), but i have a few cuts of my new mother flowering and looking much better than the last run. when i get a minute i will snap some shots of her. like raco said this is truely an expensive, and seriously underrated strain. i feel compelled to share my experience, simply because i have been happy with the product and service, and also i base most seed purchases on what others write and show.


Active member
great raco!! as always amazing!

i don't have pure destroyer pics now, i lost a hd with almost all my grow pics, but here is a Destroyer x Panama cross...100% sativa



How long do folks take for Destroyer indoors? 12weeks? Less? I grew it out and was amazed...I think it could have gone longer, however. I'd like to try it again. Maybe do a Destroyer and Orient Express grow.

lost in a sea

my OE went missing in the post sadly.....i still need to stock up...

Hey gkn! thanks for sharing man!

did you smoke that ??? whats the high like?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Whether it's worth it is too subjective.

I'm smoking some right now. While I like it infinitely more than the couchlock stuff on the street, it wasn't what I hoped for. While there's no couchlock, there's no soaring couch repellant either. Not as transparent a high as I'd hoped for. It doesn't block concentration but, doesn't demand creativity either.

mayan - destroyer is generally done in 12 weeks. however being it is a pure satvia, taking it to 15-16 weeks can easily be done without reducing quality. not all phenos will go this long, without bannas.

Freezerboy - true, one mans trash is anothers' treasure. i don't really find destroyer to be creative in the art sense of the word, but it is very helpfull when enginering projects. i am able to focus, and organize things much better. i enjoy the energizing aspect also. i think a bit more selection would net you a pheno closer to what you seek. maybe she's just not exactly what you were looking for though.

lost in a sea

interesting FB looks like the grow was a success! pretty impressive man !!

im hoping maybe the results would be different in a different environment....like outdoors or under a 1000....

and ive been thinking that if it can have so many trichs per square mm......then cross it with anything, and you'l have some plants in the progeny that will have 92 trichs per mm2 and those trichs will be full of mainly the cannabinoid profile of the plant you took the destroyer to....so long as you pick the right one......

imo selection if the most fun part of breeding, you could argue its the only part as well...... i dont care what im picking through so long as i can gene hunt and pin things down as being related to other things.......i grew up in a dog breeding family (proper pedigree dogs!! no farming)...and all the years of talk, throughout my childhood, about slight differences in generations taken to different things and the reasons why things could or couldnt be bred from..... made me some sort of genetic obsessive, or something......im compelled to tinker with the fabric of life...

lost in a sea

i have caribe stored away...

anyone know what kind of fun that will be ??

the nearest ive come to a jamaican strain was lamsbread in sharksbreath by DNA....and thats a bit questionable really...i dont know how much i trust DNA....and ive had a few NL's but not an NL haze yet..


Active member
hate the name destroyer, too star wars

hate the name destroyer, too star wars

but love the pic