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ipad or android?


Active member
Do you need Norton or Mcaffee or Stopzilla for a Microsoft Operating System Tablet? How is the storage?

that new Turface looks tight, might get that instead of a macBook pro, I just hate how slow my PC is sometime, compared to how fast the IPad is working.



Active member
I'd stay with a laptop over anything, even notebooks, Apple shit, or any tablet. I think MS will always have holes too. Since they (MS) started with shit, they just made a bigger pile of shit now. And that's not just MY opinion, many peeps and "experts" think that. Get Linux Ubuntu OS right away and load that onto your new laptop right away, like the first day, if you do go the laptop route.

I've read good things about the Samsung Nexus if you are determined to go android. But I do only know that Samsung software sucks. It is confusing, glitchy, and will send everything back to their home base, specifically I'm talking here whatever pictures I have loaded into their photo editing software that came with my new spiffy wifi enabled Samsung camera. Automatic picture send to my computer? Fuck You! POS. I'm not impressed.

I have 2 laptops ( BTW, do not get a Hewlett Packard, they load a bunch of their proprietary software on it that really just fucks up the computer), I have an older desktop I never use anymore, and a stupid iPad toy. That iPad has failed twice trying to update it's OS, after hours spent downloading the junk. So screw that. Even powered down, my iPad still downloads and connects to my wifi. I had to turn the POS on just to turn off it's wifi adapter on the fucking iPad. I HATE APPLE! That is the ONLY Apple product I have too. Even before I bought that POS toy, Apple interrogated my bank account. FUCK THEM!

But the best advice anyone can ever give? Do whatever makes you happiest. But I have been doing this shit since the '80s when I bought and took apart a Commodore 8088 and had to work daily with that MS bullshit trying to forecast weather in the Air Force. The military wouldn't buy their shit for years. They finally gave in. Makes you wonder. I do have some knowledge, but of course, that all is just from my point of view and personal perspective.


Active member
wait til monday and see what google unveils. rumors say the 16gb nexus 7 will drop to 199$, and 32gb version in it's place.

ipad on the left, nexus 7 on the right. nexus is perfect size for toting around imo. and it's a nexus device so it always has the latest software.
i love my ipad. played plants n zombies for days on it when i first bought it.
apple all the way.
ipad 4 came out the other day, that's apples downfall imvho, always coming out with a new n improved version months after release of current version.


Do you need Norton or Mcaffee or Stopzilla for a Microsoft Operating System Tablet? How is the storage?

that new Turface looks tight, might get that instead of a macBook pro, I just hate how slow my PC is sometime, compared to how fast the IPad is working.


I'm not sure. I believe they are coming out with 2 versions. One will be more of a browsing/entertainment version and the other will be more pro like a PC. Both have the built in keyboard cover and stand, which is a great idea and very nice. Both will have an SD slot. It'll be a lot more practical for business, taking notes, etc. The windows 8 software looks VERY fast also. We'll just have to wait and see how the reviews are. It was released today or tomorrow I believe.

I believe the Nexus is already out, or at least the wifi version I thought. I'd go with the Nexus if you want an android tablet for a good price and if you like google features.


I wasn't a big fan of windows XP but I've had Windows 7 for 3 years and it's run great. I've never had any issues with it.


wait til monday and see what google unveils. rumors say the 16gb nexus 7 will drop to 199$, and 32gb version in it's place.
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ipad on the left, nexus 7 on the right. nexus is perfect size for toting around imo. and it's a nexus device so it always has the latest software.

the nexus 7 seems to have the most bang for your buck starting @ $199 usd. if i were to buy a tablet, it would be this one. i only wish it had a expandable memory storage, hdmi, and a better camera. but at that price.. i'm not complaining.


Nice! What version of Android are you using, then? ASUS isn't updating the Android OS for my Transformer Eee Pad yet. Since October, they keep pushing it out, pushing it out, pushing it out. I'm ready to call them and say, "Shit! or get off the pot, already!"


Android...enough said. But if Apple brings manufacturing jobs back to the USA like they say in the news....will re-think that...gotta support Americans

Peter Parker

It really depends on what you're looking for. Simplicity; iPhone. Options; Android. I'm a super techy, I can fix nearly anything, but I prefer iPhone. Like I said. Preference.


I'd say iPad. They are faster than androids I would think. I have an iPhone i don't know if its any different but its faster than everyones android.