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Introduction, Life Advice, Debt, Degreeless but Hopeful


New member
Hey all,

I signed up on ICMag the senior year of high school because I was suffering from intense lower back pain due to a pinched never from a weightlifting incident.

I picked up my prop 215 recommendation back in august 2010 and have been a patient ever since.

I've recently hit a rough patch and had to drop out of school in order to help pay rent/support my mom as my dad stopped sending checks when he found out she was to re-marry...

As you can probably guess, I have cut back intensely and get to smoke maybe a 20$ sack every couple of weeks but I'm grateful for that.

At 19, its about time I started my life and would like some advice, both about dealing with life and growing medicine...

So far...

I've been putting out an application/resume a few times a day to different positions with no luck

I've educated myself on the growth cycles, basic nutriton, and understand the process in a "I read a bunch of articles" kind of way, no hands on experience...

1. It is my understanding that if I want to grow in any quantity/quality that I can donate for reimbursement it requires a relatively large initial investment, how true is this?

2. Money is tight, would it even be a worthwhile area of income to take up growing?

3. Any other life advice would be great, I really appreciate any advice old timers have because this life is about learning, gotta respect those who put in more time than me...



the answers to your first two questions are yes and the only advice this old timer can give you is at your age theres plenty of time to learn from your mistakes and you will make them i know i did oh and by the way welcome to ic

Yeah. Definitely that. Dont be afraid to fuck up, learn and move on. Cant help with the growing side though mate, Im very new and just for me :)

I would suggest any business venture, when done right, will have a fairly high initial expense. But I also know from experience that you rarely 'need' all the shit when you begin. You can save a ton by 'making do' instead.

Get to know good honest people that you can rely on. Im talking other buisnesses, from lawyers to accountants, conveyencers, anything you can think of. Friends that can help you understand the government system are always a big help, even just in showing you how to fill out forms.

You can build relationships with these people and not have to pay them loads of money. Just having the knowledge ready to go is good.

I think this all applies no matter your target audience or venture.

Good luck


Active member
slowly slowly

slowly slowly

Grow enough for your medication to start with i would say .A


New member
some good stuff here

yeah, I'm about to cheer myself up by putting some time/effort into my first plant, hopefully itll teach me something

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