THIS IS NOT A SALES pitch...............I of course will run both Gynura and MJ.... in the units.......
SSSSSSHHHHHH......... don't tell...... Y0 mama.
I just purchased one of these.... for My Diabetic Needs......they are put together buy a group called Green Harmony outta Seattle WA.... that is trying to get Clinical Studies done on a plant called
We are extremely excited to introduce you to Paetumpung, an ancient Thai herb known to reduce blood sugar and reverse diabetes. (pronounced “ peck-kum-pung”) (scientific name: Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merrill)
Plant Information
Common Name: Paetumpung, Mollucan Spinach, Sambung Nyawa 'extending life' (Malays), Daun Dewa, Akar Sebiak, Kelemai Merah, Bai Bing Ca (Chinese). Scientific Name: Gynura procumbens
• Perennial • Growing 10 – 25 cm tall.
• Young stems are green, turning light purple with green spots.
• New shoots and branches appear frequently at base and leaf nodes.
• Fleshy branches can be trimmed and pinched regularly to grow as a low bush, or staked on trellis.
Culinary Uses:
• Leaf vegetable - Incredible taste
• Young leaves/ shoots can be eaten fresh by itself/ included in rice dishes/ mixed in with salads (like lettuce or spinach).
• Cook with butter /add to a casserole /soup/ stir-fried (fry garlic in a little oil and then saute the leaves and young shoots in oyster sauce)/ sauteed lightly like one would spinach.
• Tea.
Parts Used:
• Leaves, shoots.
• Keep in the fridge.
Medicinal Uses.
It is said that:
• Lowers blood sugar (diabetes), cholesterol (lipid, serum, triglyceride levels).
• Topical inflammation, rheumatism, viral ailments, diarrhea, dysentery, febrifuges, hypertension, urinary tract infection, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic.
• Anti-cancer: Inhibition effect on growth of cancer cells.
• Contains Asparaginase, kind of enzyme to inhibit protein syntheses by hydrolyzing asparagines (amino acid which is very essentially, needed by cancer/tumor cells) into aspartic acid and ammonia, so the cancer cells/tumor cells will stop growing and die.
• Poultice: relieves rheumatic and general body-pains.
We are seeking relationships with sponsors including research centers and pharmaceutical companies that would like to conduct the first Human Clinical Studies using Gynura procumbens to establish the clinical effectiveness and efficacy.. We can deliver quantities large enough to supply up to 200 patients for clinical investigational studies. Gynura procumbens clearly could become the newest medicine to treat many serious health conditions. While this could take years to develop, you can have live plants tomorrow with a donation.
The oxyCLONE was developed after several years of cloning Gynura procumbens along with some ideas to improve the cloning process at an affordable price compared to existing products and technology. Using the oxyCLONE will allow you to always have a good supply ready to eat or serve. Yes quite the conversation piece when you bring your first GP Salad to a party. WOW - just watch people eating it.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
This website will be updated daily with more
information so please check back regularly.
Contact us at: Diabetes Living
Proven Technology Tested With Many Varieties of Cuttings - Rest assured the oxyCLONE gets the job done!
If you are looking for speed please purchase an EZ-CLONE.
If you are looking for massive roots and superior performance, please read on.
Introducing the oxyCLONE family of cloning machines.
The oxyCLONE 20 is the smallest most successful cloning System at an affordable price.
The oxyCLONE 80 Turbo is going to amaze any serious cloner enthusiasts.
Once you master the oxyCLONE you will wonder what you have been doing with all the pumps,
spray jets, heat issues, and leaks.
oxyCLONE uses the RDWC/Oxygenation theory to produce incredible results.
(Re-circulating Deep Water Culture with heavy oxygenation)
There are no huge pumps to heat up your water.
Our special power head circulates and oxygenates the cuttings with life and energy.
They are relaxing in the cool solution - not being beat up by high pressure powerful spray jets.
TWENTY Full Size 2" Sites with same spacing as the Big Boys 30 site.
oxyCLONE will start rooting in several days to a week depending on the species. It is slower than aeroponics during the first 3-5 days. Again to remind you we are not about speed, we are about ROOTS.
Once the roots pop out they will rapidly expand into our reservoir and far exceed your imagination.
This is when the aeroponics would begin to beat up your root growth and the oxyCLONE kicks on the oxygen and ROOTS will start to fill your reservoir. Don't worry - you can leave your plants in there a long time, just add some nutrients.
There is what is called a Sweet Spot with the oxyCLONE. That is when you have mastered all of your techniques and are getting continuous 100% results with your cloning.
Very easy to lift the cover and have a look.
No sprays in your face and not 1 by 1 - check them all in a few seconds..
There is no hurry to take your clones out.
Allowing them extra time to grow and develop will contribute to larger healthier plants.
Its all about the ROOTS folks.
Those who know their hydroponics will have fun with the this technology and use similar configurations in larger format.
NO LEAKS, and no jets to clog or break.
The oxyCLONE 20 is 11" X 13" and holds 1.75 gallons of water.
The reservoir is made in the United States.
The power head is extreme TOP quality and made in Taiwan.
LOW Power of 3 watts = lower temperature of your water.
The oxyCLONE comes fully assembled - Just add water, your cuttings, and plug it in.
Completely pays for itself in the first use.
There are many advantages to Deep Water Cloning and you can eliminate many of the problems
associated with other methods.
Included are (1) set of 20 Premium Re-Usable incredible high quality neoprene inserts.
1 - 85 gph oxygen power head with tubing and optional silencer.
(you will get more oxygen without the silencer)
Performs better than systems costing 3 - 5 times the price.
This is a screaming deal and includes free Priority shipping
Save your money on gels and cloning solutions.
You just don't need them with the oxyCLONE.
We have many customers who only use city water - allowing time for the chlorine to evaporate.
Well water is best if you have it available.
These are proven units and they work with amazing results.
We have been running these systems for more than 2 years with with fantastic results in torturous conditions.
There is virtually no increase in water temperature because of our low powered oxygenator.
The secret to the oxyCLONE'S success is the combination of the movement and the super oxygenation.
Keeping your water as cool and oxygenated as possible is critical to success as when the water gets
warm problems develop.
The oxyCLONE is the only cloning system that will work when the power goes out. Think about how long a clone will live in any aeroponic cloner when the power goes off?? Answer = Maybe they would go 45 minutes??? The oxyCLONE - 4 days - no problem..
The oxyCLONE will not disappoint you.
We also want to bring to your attention our experience has found that most cuttings when cut, and placed immediately into the oxyCLONE stand STAIGHT up and no droopers. Seriously folks. We still believe a spray bottle is good to use the first couple of days and forget the domes - they are not necessary. Also EASY on the lights and excess leaves. The cutting needs to focus on making roots for survival, not growing upwards, and not feeding big leafs. It is only a theory of which there are thousands.
SSSSSSHHHHHH......... don't tell...... Y0 mama.
I just purchased one of these.... for My Diabetic Needs......they are put together buy a group called Green Harmony outta Seattle WA.... that is trying to get Clinical Studies done on a plant called
We are extremely excited to introduce you to Paetumpung, an ancient Thai herb known to reduce blood sugar and reverse diabetes. (pronounced “ peck-kum-pung”) (scientific name: Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merrill)
Plant Information
Common Name: Paetumpung, Mollucan Spinach, Sambung Nyawa 'extending life' (Malays), Daun Dewa, Akar Sebiak, Kelemai Merah, Bai Bing Ca (Chinese). Scientific Name: Gynura procumbens
• Perennial • Growing 10 – 25 cm tall.
• Young stems are green, turning light purple with green spots.
• New shoots and branches appear frequently at base and leaf nodes.
• Fleshy branches can be trimmed and pinched regularly to grow as a low bush, or staked on trellis.
Culinary Uses:
• Leaf vegetable - Incredible taste
• Young leaves/ shoots can be eaten fresh by itself/ included in rice dishes/ mixed in with salads (like lettuce or spinach).
• Cook with butter /add to a casserole /soup/ stir-fried (fry garlic in a little oil and then saute the leaves and young shoots in oyster sauce)/ sauteed lightly like one would spinach.
• Tea.
Parts Used:
• Leaves, shoots.
• Keep in the fridge.
Medicinal Uses.
It is said that:
• Lowers blood sugar (diabetes), cholesterol (lipid, serum, triglyceride levels).
• Topical inflammation, rheumatism, viral ailments, diarrhea, dysentery, febrifuges, hypertension, urinary tract infection, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic.
• Anti-cancer: Inhibition effect on growth of cancer cells.
• Contains Asparaginase, kind of enzyme to inhibit protein syntheses by hydrolyzing asparagines (amino acid which is very essentially, needed by cancer/tumor cells) into aspartic acid and ammonia, so the cancer cells/tumor cells will stop growing and die.
• Poultice: relieves rheumatic and general body-pains.
We are seeking relationships with sponsors including research centers and pharmaceutical companies that would like to conduct the first Human Clinical Studies using Gynura procumbens to establish the clinical effectiveness and efficacy.. We can deliver quantities large enough to supply up to 200 patients for clinical investigational studies. Gynura procumbens clearly could become the newest medicine to treat many serious health conditions. While this could take years to develop, you can have live plants tomorrow with a donation.
The oxyCLONE was developed after several years of cloning Gynura procumbens along with some ideas to improve the cloning process at an affordable price compared to existing products and technology. Using the oxyCLONE will allow you to always have a good supply ready to eat or serve. Yes quite the conversation piece when you bring your first GP Salad to a party. WOW - just watch people eating it.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
This website will be updated daily with more
information so please check back regularly.
Contact us at: Diabetes Living
Proven Technology Tested With Many Varieties of Cuttings - Rest assured the oxyCLONE gets the job done!
If you are looking for speed please purchase an EZ-CLONE.
If you are looking for massive roots and superior performance, please read on.
Introducing the oxyCLONE family of cloning machines.
The oxyCLONE 20 is the smallest most successful cloning System at an affordable price.
The oxyCLONE 80 Turbo is going to amaze any serious cloner enthusiasts.
Once you master the oxyCLONE you will wonder what you have been doing with all the pumps,
spray jets, heat issues, and leaks.
oxyCLONE uses the RDWC/Oxygenation theory to produce incredible results.
(Re-circulating Deep Water Culture with heavy oxygenation)
There are no huge pumps to heat up your water.
Our special power head circulates and oxygenates the cuttings with life and energy.
They are relaxing in the cool solution - not being beat up by high pressure powerful spray jets.
TWENTY Full Size 2" Sites with same spacing as the Big Boys 30 site.
oxyCLONE will start rooting in several days to a week depending on the species. It is slower than aeroponics during the first 3-5 days. Again to remind you we are not about speed, we are about ROOTS.
Once the roots pop out they will rapidly expand into our reservoir and far exceed your imagination.
This is when the aeroponics would begin to beat up your root growth and the oxyCLONE kicks on the oxygen and ROOTS will start to fill your reservoir. Don't worry - you can leave your plants in there a long time, just add some nutrients.
There is what is called a Sweet Spot with the oxyCLONE. That is when you have mastered all of your techniques and are getting continuous 100% results with your cloning.
Very easy to lift the cover and have a look.
No sprays in your face and not 1 by 1 - check them all in a few seconds..
There is no hurry to take your clones out.
Allowing them extra time to grow and develop will contribute to larger healthier plants.
Its all about the ROOTS folks.
Those who know their hydroponics will have fun with the this technology and use similar configurations in larger format.
NO LEAKS, and no jets to clog or break.
The oxyCLONE 20 is 11" X 13" and holds 1.75 gallons of water.
The reservoir is made in the United States.
The power head is extreme TOP quality and made in Taiwan.
LOW Power of 3 watts = lower temperature of your water.
The oxyCLONE comes fully assembled - Just add water, your cuttings, and plug it in.
Completely pays for itself in the first use.
There are many advantages to Deep Water Cloning and you can eliminate many of the problems
associated with other methods.
Included are (1) set of 20 Premium Re-Usable incredible high quality neoprene inserts.
1 - 85 gph oxygen power head with tubing and optional silencer.
(you will get more oxygen without the silencer)
Performs better than systems costing 3 - 5 times the price.
This is a screaming deal and includes free Priority shipping
Save your money on gels and cloning solutions.
You just don't need them with the oxyCLONE.
We have many customers who only use city water - allowing time for the chlorine to evaporate.
Well water is best if you have it available.
These are proven units and they work with amazing results.
We have been running these systems for more than 2 years with with fantastic results in torturous conditions.
There is virtually no increase in water temperature because of our low powered oxygenator.
The secret to the oxyCLONE'S success is the combination of the movement and the super oxygenation.
Keeping your water as cool and oxygenated as possible is critical to success as when the water gets
warm problems develop.
The oxyCLONE is the only cloning system that will work when the power goes out. Think about how long a clone will live in any aeroponic cloner when the power goes off?? Answer = Maybe they would go 45 minutes??? The oxyCLONE - 4 days - no problem..
The oxyCLONE will not disappoint you.
We also want to bring to your attention our experience has found that most cuttings when cut, and placed immediately into the oxyCLONE stand STAIGHT up and no droopers. Seriously folks. We still believe a spray bottle is good to use the first couple of days and forget the domes - they are not necessary. Also EASY on the lights and excess leaves. The cutting needs to focus on making roots for survival, not growing upwards, and not feeding big leafs. It is only a theory of which there are thousands.