there is a magnetic polar field generator that exist now ,but of course its off limits to the public ,but magnetic field non friction generation is totally obtainable with multipul polar fields that allow for instant stop or reverse ,and give pulpolshion
I've always thought an excercise bike linked to a dynamo to charge a battery (like those little wind-up torches but larger scale) would be a good way to power a lower wattage array of LEDs.
It's not perpetual motion but it'll counter the long term damaging effects of the munchies.
have some faith.
I trust anything faith based ;-)
Especially if it's involved in the wiring my of house
I think the idea is admirable but to quote Scotty "Ye Cannae change the laws of physics".
It's also worth noting that the benefits of the grid is it has various stores of energy to deal with peak usage and teams of people coordinating it to keep the power up enough.
So basically, good luck, but you're not likely to get much in ways of results.
If you have a septic tank you maybe able to harvest methane and other combustible gases, sounds horrible doesn't it?
If you could grow some quick growing trees like eucalyptus (buying wood is currently more exensive than gas) and burn your own wood in a modern logburner-powered heating system this would reduce your heating bill right down.
Fitting solar pannels to heat your water or generate some of your power usage (depending on the kinds of panel used) might be a worthwhile idea.
Hydroelectric dams are hugely ecologically damaging and in the next hundred years we'll see fewer and fewer dams. waterwheels though are a good method of power generation if attached to a turbine, wind likewise, but you'll likely need a great deal of wind and a large turbine to make a noticeable impact.