My blower sounds like a jet engine, even when I put a speed controller on it (don't do this on most blowers, it burns them out, but I needed to reduce power consumption). Get an inline fan if you're worried about noise.
Yeah a speed control on an inline fan might make it tolerable, or an inline booster fan (a good one, not the ones from home depot that sound like the aforementioned launch vehicle - I have two different ones that both rattle like hell).We need to be careful with words like "inline." It generally refers to centrifugal fans such as Vortex and Elicent. Centrifugal fans sound like a Saturn V at lift-off with the amp set to 11.
If you can put the "inline" behind locked doors where no one ever goes, they can be tamed. If people are allowed in the room, they'll hear and they'll ask. Not a good thing in a stealth operation.
Even the quietest fan makes noise. If you can't pin the noise on a patsy like my freezer, start thinking about masking it with another noise: aquarium, computers, white noise generators. Hide the noise and people will ask what you're hiding. Show them the noise and the noise disappears.