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InHouse trichome makers - IC420Cup 2025 entries

Szkoła Zioła

Grow 4 Rosin
Premium user
Welcome to my first IC Mag diary :watchplant:

This both will be my IC Mag 420Cup 2025 entries (I hope).

Featuring from InHouse Genetics stables:

2x Sugar Cane - [Platinum x Slurricane] Origins: Purple Punch, Do-Si-Dos and Platinum Cookies. Indica-dominant hybrid.
2x Jelly Breath S1 - [Jelly Breath x Jelly Breath] Her grandparents are the Mendo Breath and Do-Si-Dos strains. Genetically, a hybrid around 50/50.

Strains are characterized by above-average trichome production and not very dense inflorescences - they are supposedly ideal for extraction. We will find out, because of course I will be processing them into bubble hash and live rosin. Both cultivars declare 65-75 days and have a common ancestor, so I hope they will end up together without unnecessary delay.

They are already 6 weeks old, just transplanted them from 1 gal to 5 gal and will be flipping to 12/12 in a few days.
They are a litlle droopy on the photos - I did not water before transplant so they wanna drink :)
In a day they will be like new and booming.
Light for now is Lumatek Attis 300W, set to around 550-580 µmol/s/m² at canopy level
They were topped 2 times so far.

Follow on GD: https://growdiaries.com/diaries/252517-sugar-cane-jelly-breath-s1-grow-journal-by-szkolaziola

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Well-known member
Welcome to my first IC Mag diary :watchplant:

This both will be my IC Mag 420Cup 2025 entries (I hope).

Featuring from InHouse Genetics stables:

2x Sugar Cane - [Platinum x Slurricane] Origins: Purple Punch, Do-Si-Dos and Platinum Cookies. Indica-dominant hybrid.
2x Jelly Breath S1 - [Jelly Breath x Jelly Breath] Her grandparents are the Mendo Breath and Do-Si-Dos strains. Genetically, a hybrid around 50/50.

Strains are characterized by above-average trichome production and not very dense inflorescences - they are supposedly ideal for extraction. We will find out, because of course I will be processing them into bubble hash and live rosin. Both cultivars declare 65-75 days and have a common ancestor, so I hope they will end up together without unnecessary delay.

They are already 6 weeks old, just transplanted them from 1 gal to 5 gal and will be flipping to 12/12 in a few days.
They are a litlle droopy on the photos - I did not water before transplant so they wanna drink :)
In a day they will be like new and booming.
Light for now is Lumatek Attis 300W, set to around 550-580 µmol/s/m² at canopy level
They were topped 2 times so far.

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Thank you for posting, friend. I'm going to ride with you. Those look like they're going to be kick-ass already.

Szkoła Zioła

Grow 4 Rosin
Premium user
Thriving in flowering tent 120x120cm [4x4 ft]
12/12 since yesterday

PPFD set around 600 µmol/s/m² - I want them to stretch somewhat in next few days so I can easily ScrOG them. Nets are already waiting on the side.

You can clearly see difference between cultivars.
Jelly Breath (left) are short and bushy
and Sugar Canes are tall and lanky.
Both strong and doing great 💪🌱

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Szkoła Zioła

Grow 4 Rosin
Premium user
Another week have passed.
Look at them go 💪 Such vigor and explosive growth. Flowering stretch at full throttle.

I did not have time but the training is due. They all need the ScrOG and the Sugar Canes on the right need some supercropping / Kushman chiropractic - they are TOO tall. Will be done tomorrow I hope if I have time.

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Szkoła Zioła

Grow 4 Rosin
Premium user
21 days since flip day

InHouses are doing great. Very vigorous and stretching nicely - branches grown by 10-35cm in 1 week.
Should be at the end of the stretch phase right around now.
Bottom halves were properly pruned of undesirable larf and weak branches.
They get good airflow there :)
Day climate: 24°C / RH 50-55%
Night climate: 19°C / RH 55-60% (I'd like RH little lower here but thay would considerably rise the temperature)

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Szkoła Zioła

Grow 4 Rosin
Premium user
30 days since flip day

Almost half of the expected flowering time have passed. They look and are doing fabulous - despite of me making some mistakes. They are a little overfed now and the soil pH dropped to 5.
I did corrective watering with high pH and Athena Cleanse (mild hypochlorous acid) - should help remediate the lockout I got them into. One started loosing bottom leaves so I need to act fast. Hope it helps. Probably next watering will be higher than normal pH also to stabilize it at higher levels.

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The Sugar Cane name seems to be SUPER ACCURATE. I did never saw the breeder or gorewers report this trait for this strain - but it is literally a sugar cane. The stems are covered with trichomes.
And yeah - thats normal, I know. But not like that. Top 1/3 length of each stem is stisky like a bud. Covered in full grown capitate-stalked trichomes with huge heads. 🤯🤯🤯 This is crazy. Both of my Sugar Cane have those. I have never even hear of such trait and boom - two plants at once.

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Szkoła Zioła

Grow 4 Rosin
Premium user
40 days since flip day

Looking good.
Jelly Breath's are doing very good - zero issues and frosty AF.
Sugar Cane's are also super-frosty but they have eating disorder 😅 Sometimes they look hungry, sometimes overfed slightly. pH drops loow low for my liking. Some bottom leaves yellowed and fell down. I try to balance it and so far keep them healthy-ish.
They drink a lot - almost 2L a day now each - but judging by their age that should reverse soon.

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